• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 19, 2020

    RuneScape The Road to Archaeology pt.2 - Dig Sites & Lore (Stormguard Citadel, Everlight, Warforge)

    RuneScape The Road to Archaeology pt.2 - Dig Sites & Lore (Stormguard Citadel, Everlight, Warforge)

    The Road to Archaeology pt.2 - Dig Sites & Lore (Stormguard Citadel, Everlight, Warforge)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I lasted just over two years

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Introducing the RS Wiki's RuneScape News Feed!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    With the Wiki becoming so essentially integrated into the game, there really should be a mention of the "/Wiki [enter search text]" feature added into the game itself. It shouldn't just be by word of mouth that this in-game search feature is known about.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    I firmly believe MMG was one of biggest contributors to the decline of Runescape

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Prehistoric Impling

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    So i am hunting on Anachronia, and i had this idea (im not very creative so bear with me please) what if there was an Imp exclusive to anachronia, that would give all the common loots from existing imps, but had a rare chance to drop something dinosaur related, would say you need 86 hunter to catch it with a net, and 93 hunter/agility to catch it barehanded

    submitted by /u/MrBactineRS
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    Archaeology Pre-Release Live Event

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:46 AM PDT


    With Wednesday's update there have been various NPC interactions taking place at the Varrock Dig site. Each interaction lasts just over 30 seconds and repeats about 1 minute later. Once a new interaction starts the previous stops. There currently is no pattern as to when the next one will occur, but I'll keep everything updated when they do.


    Bold indicates currently active. | Times listed below are in-game time.

    Teaser Start Time Interaction
    Teaser #1 Wed - 14:00 Twitch Clip (muted)
    Teaser #2 Wed - 20:00 GIF
    Teaser #3 Wed - 22:00 Imgur Album
    Teaser #4 Thurs - 10:00 GIF
    Teaser #5 Thurs - 17:00 GIF
    Teaser #6 Unknown -

    For some reason, World 2 is stuck on Teaser #2 at the moment. All other worlds are normal.


    Researcher #1 | Researcher #2 | Researcher #3 | Guildmaster Tony | Associate Reiniger

    Teaser #1

    Location: Tent north of the monolith

    Researcher #1: To think, we'll finally get this place up and running! Researcher #1: Imagine all the things we'll discover. Researcher #1: The lost treasures, the forgotten secrets. Researcher #2: The clay pots. Researcher #1: What? Researcher #2: Archaeology is about ninety percent clay pots. Researcher #1: Well, still, ancient clay pots. A glimpse into the past. Researcher #2: A past of pottery. Researcher #1: You're really ruining my buzz Steve. 

    Teaser #2

    Location: Upstairs HQ Building

    Guildmaster Tony: Look at this place. We really should get it cleaned up. Associate Reiniger: Why the sudden concern? It's been like this for ages. Guildmaster Tony: I'm finally hearing movement from the museum. Guildmaster Tony: We've nearly got the full backing and funding. Guildmaster Tony: In a matter of days you and I will be standing in the new Archaeology Guild! Associate Reiniger: Can't we use some of that money to get someone tidying this place for us? Associate Reiniger: Or, and I'm just saying, we do have interns. Guildmaster Tony: Hmm, yes, you do have a good point there. 

    Teaser #3

    Location: Upstairs HQ Building

    Guildmaster Tony: Hmm. This isn't nearly enough. Guildmaster Tony: Not nearly enough. Guildmaster Tony: What is the museum thinking? Guildmaster Tony: That we can unearth an entire city, with what? Guildmaster Tony: Three interns and some rusty trowels? Guildmaster Tony: No, this won't do this just won't do. Guildmaster Tony: Hrmmm... 

    Teaser #4

    Location: Mysterious monolith

    Guildmaster Tony: What are you? Guildmaster Tony: You don't look Zarosian. Nor Saradomin era. Guildmaster Tony: But you're clearly something special. Guildmaster Tony: Something powerful! Guildmaster Tony: So what are you? Guildmaster Tony: The shrine of a forgotten god? Guildmaster Tony: A fragment of an ancient wonder? Guildmaster Tony: Hrmmm. 

    Teaser #5

    Location: Mysterious monolith

    Researcher #1: Perhaps it's an ancient example of a summoning obelisk? Researcher #3: Don't be stupid. It's clearly some sort of prayer altar. Guildmaster Tony: I've ruled out both of those. Guildmaster Tony: No, No, whatever this is. It serves a quite different purpose. Guildmaster Tony: I just wish I knew what. 
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    [Ninja Request] Inactivity Popup 30s before logout

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Hi Ninja team. It would be awesome if we could get a popup letting us know about an imminent logout that shows up centered on the screen about 30-45s before logout. You could also add a setting that prevents this popup for players who don't want it.

    submitted by /u/Jello_Eater
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    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I heard we're doing character 3D prints now. Here's mine.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Server issues - feedback

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Hey guys. We're trying to get some more information on the server issues some players are currently experiencing.

    We put a warmfix out today which may help, so please restart your clients, clear your caches, and let us know if you're still experiencing problems.

    Please let us know...

    • whether you're on mobile or PC
    • which geographic region you're in (West Coast USA, for example)
    • a short description of the issue
    • how long you've been experiencing issues
    • specs of your PC or Mobile
    • if you're using a VPN

    We'll pass this thread onto the team tomorrow and may reach out to some of you via DM if we need some more information.

    Thank you (for both your info and patience).

    (Please don't post before doing the steps above - thank you)

    submitted by /u/JagexJD
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    Soo does this mean we will never get Dee's Nuts?! It's been over one year since they were added to the item database!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Broken elite clue after update

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Compass elite clue near the 'mysterious monolith'

    it looks like they just put it right on top of the dig spot.

    swapped the clue but someone should take a look at moving it a few squares north.


    submitted by /u/redtheredthered
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    Turns out being forced into a 2-week quarantine isn't that bad

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    Bandosian Site Manager: Zanik.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Can someone please lead me through any replies on any follow-up discussions on why Zanik was kept as the Bandosian site manager? Just happened to watch this on stream and after seeing so many of us feel annoyed again I was surprised to see her still in that same planned position. Wondering if any J-Mod replies were ever made on this subject or why she was kept. Thank you!

    Glory to Bandos. Death to Zanik.

    submitted by /u/The_Bandosian
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    "Working" from home

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Lost returning player

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I've played runescape on and off for 15 years. I haven't played in so long and so I tried to get back into it, I have no idea what I'm doing. So many skills are so different. I'm looking for ideas on what I can do. At the moment I am F2P because I want to see if I can get back into it before buying members.

    My favourite skills are prayer, range, melee, magic, smithing, crafting. My favourite members skill is herblore.

    I'm looking for ideas on what to do to get back into the game. If I could train my combat, prayer or make a little bit of money that would be great. I don't mind how slow it is. I have a newborn that sleeps 20 hours a day lol.


    EDIT Stats - Att 91, Str 96, Def 94, HP 94, Magic 81, Prayer 84, Range 76, Craft 81, Fish 85, Smith 85, Mine 85

    submitted by /u/Flowerofiron
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    insane lag

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    im getting huge lag spikes on rs that lasts for hours and i can dc anywhere from 10 seconds to half a minute at a time, im wondering if anyone else is having the same problem or its my net acting up

    submitted by /u/GroundbreakingMenu6
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    Not allowed to multiloggin anymore?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Im not allowed anymore? tried to login to my other account, tried to start another client but it says something security blocking it to start

    submitted by /u/halvar89
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    Friendly Reminder on Name Transfers

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Continue to exercise caution when transferring those unique names you fought hard to get!

    The rsn sniper bots are still out there.I took a gamble in transferring my name and I lost :(

    Owned a certain username for 3 years - Wishing I was able to claim it on my main at the time, but tried to transfer it to my main yesterday. Thinking... it has been 3 years, right? Surely it must be safe to do so by now!

    I was wrong.

    Name got sniped by a bot in the process. Terrible because I got the "Are you sure you want to change your name to ?" Message. I clicked Confirm immediately and then poof. Sniped by a bot anyway. I guess even after 3 years, it isn't safe. People are still botting names. Wouldn't mind if a regular player happened to snag the name. Fair game then, but this game isn't always fair.

    So be careful, my friends!

    Jagex is powerless to be able to do anything about it either. Seems that once a botter has snagged it, it's gone and under their control for good!


    If I had to make a suggestion to combat this, it would be that Jagex simply made it to where players are added via an ID number attached to their Current rsn. Similar to what you might find in other games or in Discord. Allowing players to change their name to whatever they desire.

    This probably wouldn't be a simple process, but it is an idea. If it means anything, other games charge players 'bonds' to change their name to whatever desired. So there's profit right there *hint hint* for a service people generally would be happy with bonding for, I'm sure.

    submitted by /u/975871
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    I have two lucky Off hand chaotic Long swords? One is broken in Diangos shop and the other is in my inventory? Is there some way to convert one to a main hand?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    I don't like how the 100% 10 key chance tricks people into thinking they missed another black gem rarity item, like the 100mil or shadow gem items. Why are 10 treasure hunter keys a black gem item if the chance to get them is 100% on your first key for the promotion?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    The current TH promo is wrongfully pumping billions of gp into the game.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    The current promo makes it so that everyone gets 10 free spins, well, one of the possible rewards is 100M, f2p accounts can participate, but the way Jagex is "trying" to fight it is by forcing you to subscribe before you can claim 100M (easy way to inflate number of subscriptions too)

    There are people with hundreds and even thousands of f2p accounts.

    All they have to do is login, use their 10 spins, if they get nothing, logout and try again in a different f2p account.

    If they land on the 100M, spend 25m on a bond - claim your 100M for 75M profit and now you have p2p on a random account too - Logout and repeat until you're stupidly rich.

    submitted by /u/iBlazit
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    Would they ever add ultimate ironman to rs3?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I don't see why not they have hardcore ironman regular ironman why not add ultimate ironman?

    submitted by /u/IHateLongNos
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