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    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    RuneScape This sub in a nutshell

    RuneScape This sub in a nutshell

    This sub in a nutshell

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Day 2: Varrock Minecraft Build

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:13 AM PST

    People ask how I make my money..... sell n00ds obviously

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:50 AM PST

    It's Oyster day, good luck!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    I guess I can start playing the game now..

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Pink skirts vs AoD

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Lucky oyster

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Alert for anyone not aware.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:34 AM PST

    If you go in the wild with the Aftershock perk on a weapon and someone attacks you you can become skulled by it. Not really sure how Jagex doesnt consider this to be a groundbreaking bug, but it has been reported many times and never fixed. Even with the attack a player option off and no multiway abilities on your bar you can become skulled. Stay safe.

    submitted by /u/DragonBank
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    Remove or do something with the drakes already

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:33 PM PST

    Remove or do something with the drakes already

    I'm here in the game, and am personally not that bothered by it. I'm just afking anyway. But I read the chat and so many are annoyed by it and people are bringing out the drakes just to annoy them more and troll.It's really f-ing pathetic. Just let us filter drakes, or take them out of the damn game already. Their only purpose is so whales can purposely troll others until they hop worlds.


    submitted by /u/wastemytime22
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    Ariane the outcast mage - Artwork

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Gnome wars are getting heated up

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Dead jagex, Grand Exchange is broken, Very Broken. Please fix.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Why even have a default price anymore? I mean you update the default price slower than... everything. I can't think of a single thing that updates slower. I think actual updates to the game are faster than you update the Grand Exchange database. Honestly in the time since M&S rework the default price of something like a Bane Chestplate has never once been correct. Not even close.

    Just... All you have to do is update the database more often. PLEASE.

    Signed, a very frustrated grand exchange user.

    submitted by /u/Linksys120n
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    It is very tiring buying one and confirming each of my 100 purchases on Angof's shop

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:19 AM PST

    Im a noob, plz help me

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:48 PM PST

    Ive been thinking about getting into runescape lately but I know nothing, do I need friends, which game should i play(from what ive heard there are different games) and is there anymore i should know before starting my adventure, TIA.

    submitted by /u/poelseskideren27
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    Pls mom it’s only $6.99 a month

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Wise Old Man Tattoo

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Vindicta bonk

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Watching the Mod Mat K interview.. Removal of Wilderness remarks

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:24 PM PST

    It makes me wonder, back then when RuneScape still had such an alive Wilderness and pking community and all the cool pk videos were made with all of the iconic songs which instantly remind me of that time when I hear them somewhere.. They decided to remove the Wilderness anyways to much disbelieve and hatred from the entire RuneScape community to have it reinstated years later in 2011.

    NOW, pking is pretty much dead in Rs3, you only have griefers run around in the wild without any intention of actually putting up a fight, and if you go back geared they run or tele away because they only like to target helpless individuals just minding their own business, luring people, skull tricking, .. Why in the world do we still have this model of the Wildy around?

    Wouldn't it be much better and alive if some other system made it's way back to better fit the current game?
    Special pvp worlds like back in the day? Revenants loose in the wilderness like they used to? Maybe some new wilderness bosses like old school does it? And then have the people who want to pk mind their own business at a dedicated pk place rather than this community based Wildy where you can skill or pvm or do wildy slayer and actually have a lively wilderness again which interests each side of the community.

    submitted by /u/mastercamo123
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    First time playing in 10 years

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Starting out with f2p and noticed how easy it is to make money now. I had assumed the prices on GE would reflect the inflation but most armor/ore is roughly the same price as I remember. Does this change at higher level items or is it generally easier to buy items?

    submitted by /u/lazarag
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    Barrows 2 for 1 special...feeling lucky!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:19 PM PST

    When you RL name is Scott Morrison and your country is on fire.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:24 AM PST

    Need Interface Help - Which menu controls the location of these floating icons?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Malformed login packet issue

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:23 PM PST

    So every time I try to log in, i get this malformed login packet issue. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times, changed the default browser for logging in, but it still doesn't work.

    I get to log in, do a few actions, and the losing connection. Anyone knows how to fix the issue?

    submitted by /u/Comptoneffect
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    Anyone know why Nightmare Gauntlets have gone up so much?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

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