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    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    RuneScape TL;DW 466 - Duty of Care

    RuneScape TL;DW 466 - Duty of Care

    TL;DW 466 - Duty of Care

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:37 PM PST

    Twitch Vod | TL;DW 461 - Monetisation Q&A | Speech | TL;DR of the TL;DW

    Parliament Relations

    The below is not an exact quote but a rough summary of what was stated.

    We received an email from the DCMS (The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport), a select committee, and they asked us to give evidence to an inquiry into immersive technologies. They wanted to look at social media, video games, and ask a whole range of industry experts a series of questions. The email asked us to come along and give our thoughts and we volunteered straight away. We weren't obligated to go. We were invited and we accepted.

    We went there and said our piece and you can find that on the government website. Jagex were specifically mentioned in the report, about the ~$60,000 spend by an adult player which was picked up by the media.

    Basically, an anonymous member of the public submitted a report talking about their 25 year old son spending allegedly accumulated ~$60,000 worth of debt. We talked about this in the committee and they quoted a figure and said they had bank statement provided to them but we haven't seen of that. We haven't been able to corroborate that spend with what we've got in terms of accounts/spend details of players. This was over a longer period of time as well. We haven't been approached by the player ourselves. There's some legislation called GDPR across Europe which that means for us we can only talk about the account owner about the specific details of an account. The player has not and we need that from a legal perspective to be able to have a conversation around it.


    • One thing brought to our attention was looking at the best practices in industries around players with high spending.
      • We previously hadn't but we have sense and are making plans to address/combat it.
    • The report isn't a jurisdiction, it's a recommendation.
    • Given there's a general election in 2-3 days we probably won't hear back until the new year.
      • We don't want to wait for that and are making steps in what we thing is the right direction.
    • We are going to be experimenting over the next few months. The aim is to go over that and get your feedback and start the dialogue and find out if you think something will work for us.

    Duty of Care

    Duty of care is really how we want to engage with our players around certain areas that maybe sit outside of gameplay and some aspects but also from MIC's perspective a real kind of core part of gameplay. This can be everything from how we treat safeguarding our players to how we deal with people who are spending money in-game to kind of the mechanics of gameplay itself.

    The aim of it is to make sure we are creating the best possible gaming environment for our players. That's what we are driven by and we're accountable to our community on that. So it's important that we do that.

    For us there are 3 key areas of this:

    • Freedom of Choice
    • Safe Environment
    • Satisfying engagement.

    We have executive producers from every product (live and in-production), Community experts, representatives from the tech teams to help build out these meaningful initiatives across all of Jagex (not just Runescape).

    Freedom of Choice

    This open environment you can play the game how you want and make informed decisions. Providing information for players to make informed decisions day-to-day on about what they want to do and how they want to interact with RS and playing our games.

    Time spent in game

    • We want to encourage healthy gaming habits. DXPW is part of it and the changes we made to it.
    • Another is the small message/prompt of the in-game prompt to take a break after 4 hours.
      • Didn't use pop-ups as those are only used for logins since they could get in the way of combat encounters.


    • Based on best practice, when people have certain spending behavior we will reach out to them about it.
      • "We are aware you've spent a fair amount recently on us and we would like to make sure you are comfortable with this amount of spending. If not you can contact us and we can have a conversation about that."
    • Starting a trial of an automated system before Christmas which will start slow and speed up as we improve it.
      • We've been working with our analytical team to understand what those triggers are.
        • It could be a high spending, sudden increase in spending, or spending excessive amount of time in game.
        • Playtime will be included later.
      • The process will send us a list and the player support team looks at it then reaches out to the player.
    • Where we can link players across multiple accounts we do.

    Contacting Support

    • Players can use the Support Center.
    • In the messages discussed above, there will be a link to contact us directly to make it as easy as possible to reply and be in direct contact.
    • We plan to show the results of the Player Support survey in January and our plans to make it easier for players to contact us.

    Account Requests

    • Currently: Block credit card payments. | Account deletion
      • GDPR legislation allows players to request deletion of their account which we are required to do.
    • Future: Personal spend limits - Requires significant dev time and won't happen soon.

    Safe Environment

    Being protected by the company as a whole, having their best interest at heart for monetary/well-being or protecting them from trolls or keeping a toxicity at a minimum.

    Chat Monitoring

    We have around a million or so players on Runescape. That is a microcosm of society. What ever goes on on the Internet in society, we will also see that, albeit on a smaller scale, in Runescape. We need to keep our eyes open, we know there are terrorist, cry for help, threads of real-world violence. We have sufficient chat monitoring systems in Runescape. It's generally acknowledged one of the best areas of practice in the industry. We certainly engage with our peers and we do our most on that. We've been doing this for years.

    We issue warnings/bans/reach out to people, cooperated with law enforcement, legal companies and now we work with the national crimes agency, part of the gaming round table, drive the policy about closer cooperation with enformcent with something bad happens on the internet.

    Behind the scenes we are monitoring all chat 24/7 and we have a whole series of key-word phrases which we've built ourselves and work with the internet watch foundations. Those will trigger any potential concerning phrases in chat and those are monitored manually reviewed by our support staff/safety expert and take action accordingly.

    If players who are only disruptive other people's play and are reported by a lot of people in a short period of time for being disruptive we know all they will do is disruptive. We first an issue warning and if they continue we take them out of the game.

    Player-ran games of chance

    • If we identify new exploits that are used for in-game gambling then we make changes.
      • Example: Flower gambling which resulted in their change.
    • The Duel area is talked about a lot and it's something we are looking at quite closely.
      • We need to understand everything about so make the best decision. Once we do we will notify the community.


    • There's a grey area of what is acceptable/unacceptable toxic behavior.
      • The survey helped us get information on this, now we need to analyze it and decide the best approach.

    Goldfarming/Botting Websites

    • The potential for damage to players is huge.
      • Unregulated sites that sell gold without permission.
      • Unsafe sites with data-breaches due not being conscious about their security.
      • Provide cheap programs which cause a downward spiral of what we don't want in-game.
    • The implication that we make money of the back of them is completely untrue.
      • We ban 5 million accounts each year across both games for botting/rwt.
      • We took down 2 of the biggest goldselling sites recently.
    • Taking down a site is a long term effort which takes a lot of time/money.
      • Sending a cease and desist, waiting for them to accept/reply/ignore and then escalating it though the legal process.
    • We work with other organizations but UKGI (UK games industry) representative body.
      • Part of the success has been due to the collaboration with them.

    Satisfying Engagement

    It's about having content that's available to everybody. That doesn't mean everybody can access everything straight away but we want everybody to have routes through the game that mean that it's fun and they enjoy it and not that they are running out of things to do. Also about being open and transparent how we design the game. Sharing about stuff what's coming up like Archaeology, some of the stuff for Live OPs and some of the events. Finding that balance the right way of healthy play, things like the DXPW Extended. All of those combined provide more value for your membership.

    • Provide constructive feedback with what you are/aren't happy with.


    • Next Year: Aim to take RNG almost completely away and see a certain number of awards to choose from.
      • Promotion: Use a key for a prize of a certain rarity and then choose from a certain number of awards.
      • We plan to talk about these promotions before launching them so we can get player-feedback.
    • The Glass-case promotion was received well and was considered a good step in the right direction.
      • It was replace the Mysterio promotions every Wednesday next year.

    Yak Track

    • The team did a really good job of making it and getting it together and it turned out better than Runepass.
    • It will be a regular feature next year, 4 times (6 weeks on and 6 weeks off).
    • We acknowledge the tasks are grindy and plan on smoothing out those kinks.
    • Future ones will be at least as rewarding.
      • In other games it's about the value and generosity of the rewards. Our aim is to keep it at a similar level.
    • It will fit the theme and tie into what's going on in the game (what's released by Osborne).

    • In hindsight we should have separated the release of Yak track with Farm/Herb.

    Yak Track as a Replacement

    • Yak Track is not a direct replacement to TH.
      • However, we are committed to finding something that works better than TH.
    • Yak Track is part of the mix, if we can improve good engagement/response then it reduces the need on the other side.

    Drop Rate Communication

    • TH probabilities will be visibly open.
    • We will be clear about the mechanics of certain promotions so we are fully transparent about those rewards.
    • We don't want to plaster the game with probabilities/drop tables of everything but for some things.
      • Not because we have to but because we want to be more transparent.
    • We are looking at Mystery boxes from certain events to make the content of those more visible.

    Future Plans

    • We are working to removing all blind chance from TH rewards by the 1st quarter next year.
    • Any reward from TH will be a choice. (For all promos).
      • This isn't an end point just another step down this direction.
    • I want to make a system in the game that players are more comfortable with, where it's not a point of friction. I want players to feel they have more choice and control and getting good value and ultimately speak to the freedom of choice and healthier style of gameplay.
    • I would like to see a simpler design to MTX currency as it is currently confusing an intuitive.

    Healthy Play - DXPW Extended

    • Duration was 10 days which allowed players a total of 36 hours of time.
      • Normally less than 1% played for 36 hours in a single weekend.
    • Color bars show proportion of time used.
      • It grows after the first 3 days where people max it out and make use of it.
      • Those channels are fairly evenly spread out towards the end which shows we gave the right amount of time.
    • Interesting point is the % difference shows it's not injecting more much xp into the game.
    • We can repeat the event if people like it.
      • We can change the amount/timing if people thinks it works better.
      • We will provide a larger gap away from big content releases.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    I know Jagex is all done with holiday events, but can they at least turn the decorations on to make an attempt to feel festive?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:43 AM PST

    Jagex claims "we want to give the players choice", fine then put your money where your mouth is then

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:20 AM PST

    Just watched the damage control stream where the only "improvement" to gross overuse of TH was a step in the direction of just selling xp instead. They kept saying "we want to give the players choice in this". Fine, i'm calling your bluff

    Give us the option to turn off/block TH from our accounts! You want to give us choice in these matters, i DARE you to do exactly that and actually get a hard number of people who reject these practices. We all saw how you squirmed out of this question last time you where asked saying it wasnt optional

    So whats it gonna be, another clear and blatant lie from PR damage control, or will you actually give us the option to turn these features off if we so choose. Keep passing this onto them and just watch them never address this or squirm their way out of it again

    submitted by /u/Gamez_X
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    Allow Herb Bag from Herby Werby store both grimy and clean herbs

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    Some people get all the luck. Oh wait...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:58 PM PST

    Jagex demodded former Jmods during the middle of a livestream.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    The previous post was hidden by the subreddit moderators without explanation until I reached out to them. Therefore in order to not "mislead" people, I'm making a text post with all the info that came to light after I made my original post.

    • Jagex removed moderator status of former Jmods during the middle of a livestream.
    • Jagex still has yet to remove many former Jmods from a moderator position in the OSRS channel.
    • This is an inconsistant move considering Jagex utilizes non-Jmod moderators on Twitter, Discord, Reddit, and In-game.

    I don't think this was done in-spite of anyone however I think it's worth questioning Jagex's decision to do this during the middle of a livestream rather than while the stream was offline. I also find it strange that it has taken them multiple months to do it but they decided to do it specifically today. I believe Jagex has a terrible/questionable history when it comes to Moderation on twitch chat which should be addressed and I don't think removing trustworthy people from these positions is a good idea, especially since it's inconsistent with how they handle other platforms.

    Shauny's comment

    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Another reminder that it would be really helpful to have the function of notepaper changed, thanks!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:49 AM PST

    Jagex, if you want cosmetics to sell well, make a male AND female version instead of copy pasting

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:33 AM PST

    https://i.imgur.com/RKZAgZL.png oh look at this new armor in solomons. its pretty cool if my character was meant to be a guy character. you can't look at that and go "yeah that's a female under there". How about make it look different based on the sex instead of just making it the same/tiny bit smaller that is barely noticable?

    https://i.imgur.com/S0DR375.png Oldschool did it right here. Probably because the person who made this is a female and understands that people want to express themselves more and don't want bulky armor 24/7. It's a lot smaller + shows skin. Every armor doesn't have to show skin, only if it makes it look better while designing.

    https://i.imgur.com/GF94YUX.jpg bandos armor

    https://i.imgur.com/XUj92lx.png torva armor. can clearly tell whos the male and whos the female. great armor design for both sex

    https://i.imgur.com/MTPYCzN.png Armadyl armor. Small differences but adds up to femaine vs masculine characteristics. Excuse the size difference, lol. Need more of this in Runescape instead of copy paste.

    https://i.imgur.com/MXrokcP.png Hell, even look at reworked rune armor. They gave the females boobs and slimmer shoulders instead of flatter. Can tell it's a female based off the body/legs. This is not done anymore. And yes, the male is blown out of proportions (had to resize) so excuse that lol.

    It is just sad Runescape used to do this all the time but Jagex has gotten lazy and don't think about it anymore. It isn't just me wanting something that I want and others might, but what Runescape used to do. It's one of the things that made Runescape, Runescape.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    Any update when we can see the NXT bloom fixes since we’re dropping java .. asked a few months back, they said it was in the works ..

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:05 AM PST

    Could we please get a "don't ask me again" option when clearing trees from farming patches?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:21 PM PST

    Weapon poison +++ question

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:10 AM PST

    The wiki states : "When paired with cinderbanes, weapon poison p+++ is scaled down to weapon poison++."

    Is this true? Where is the confirmation tweet from a jmod or something? Is it talking about the cinderbane's poison it applies itself or is there no point in using weapon poison +++ unless you aren't using cinderbanes for some reason?

    If it does work simply as the wiki says, I guess it's dead content unless it's better to use death touch bracelet or a glove that makes a set effect work? Idk how much dps you would lose if you use weapon poison +++ only instead of weapon poison ++ and cinderbanes.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    The Anachronia agility course is fun

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    until you've done it 5-6 times, because hunting for untradable, non-luck mitigated items is great.

    At 94 laps atm with one totem piece. I understand others have done more, and gotten less, RNG and all. My point is that items like these totem pieces (and the base items for that sake) SHOULD have some form of luck mitigation.

    Oh well, maybe I could make a wish for christmas

    submitted by /u/joakimb95
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    Beastmaster Durzag Solo

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:25 PM PST

    So when's Batch 2 to make the 34m XP from 116 to 120 farming feel rewarding?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:25 AM PST

    Left/Right banana of knowledge?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:43 AM PST

    Since Monday I have not been able to play in normal mode. Everything in compatibility mode feels sticky. The game ran flawlessly on my computer before the update.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    Every single year btw. I have gold membership til Jan 2020.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:57 PM PST

    10k+ dry on Adrenaline urn, whats the real drop rate of it?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:24 AM PST

    And has anyone got it after the event from kal' demons

    submitted by /u/Burnv2
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    I've had some above average luck at Solak today

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:01 AM PST

    Have to buy premier 2020 to enter the vault in December 2019? Ok...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:33 PM PST

    What's your favorite thing to do in Runescape?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

    Alternatively, if you don't play much, what your fondest memory of runescape?

    I remember getting loaded up to do a few trips of Barrows with my rune xbow, Ancients and DDS all ready to go knock em out and praying for a G-spear

    submitted by /u/DrCuckula
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    Why does leveling up combat stats on a new account reset your combat settings?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

    Edit: It's stopped messing with my settings now that I hit 250 total. Please undo this change, there's no way it's good for the new player experience!

    So I'm training a new account, and on every level up it automatically makes the following changes:

    • Hides your action bar
    • Disables Legacy interface
    • Activates revolution
    • Changes the abilities on your main bar as well as other bars which are shown
    • Turns on ability queuing
    • Turns on automatic Regeneration triggering when out of combat

    Does anyone know how to disable this? Needless to say it's pretty annoying, not sure why it was implemented lmao

    submitted by /u/Dr_Foetus
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    PLEASE fix the Tower of Life noting effect... it's been nearly 6 months

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:40 PM PST

    The Ardougne cape noting effect in the tower if life is not useful if it's permanently on, in fact it's a nerf. The noting effect is only useful if you can toggle it on and off by wearing the cape or taking it off, respectively. The comp cape rework tied the noting effect to the player, not to the cape.

    Please revert this change.

    submitted by /u/CoolBananas69
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    What will happen to our current dailies when the update on the 16th rolls over

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Will we re-roll dailies based on the ones we already have? Will the daily be the same, and only change over once we get the update?

    Because the challenge is changing if I have a 200/200 incandescent memory daily, will that the progress be kept post change?

    submitted by /u/WasV3
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    New player

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:21 PM PST

    Hey all, I'm headed off to work and just downloaded runescape for the first time ever. I'm excited to play from the few minutes that I've gotten with it! Any tips or things a brand new player should watch out for when starting their adventure?

    Thanks and glad to be here!

    submitted by /u/SemiAlwaysWins
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