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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    RuneScape Game Update: Smooth Movement

    RuneScape Game Update: Smooth Movement

    Game Update: Smooth Movement

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:56 AM PST

    Glory is back graphically. Giving credit where credit is due. Thanks!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    My RuneScape Tattoos so far

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Guthix is ALIVE

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:00 PM PST

    Smoothment is one of the best updates of 2019.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:41 AM PST

    It's probably a lot more on the back end than we see in the final product so take some of my phrasing with a grain of salt. For example I'm sure it wasn't simple to do but I'm gonna call it a simple change.

    For a game as content-rich as Runescape I feel strongly that these types of updates are more important than content updates right now. This coming in and java going out are huge steps forward from a technological standpoint.

    I'm sure there are exceptions and edge cases out there but by and large, it feels so much better to move around now. Feels more modern. And it's a pretty simple thing all told, it's not like some huge game shifting thing, but I sense that it's the start of a series of small but significant changes in the same vein that aggregate to be huge and game changing.

    Bravo on this one Jagex, keep them coming.

    submitted by /u/Gamebugio
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    QOL update: add unlimited teleports to Morytania allotment/herb/flower patch to Master Farmer Outfit, instead of just 3

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:09 PM PST

    Never really understood why Master Farmer provides unlimited teleports to Ardougne farm but not for Morytania.

    As it is farmers use the ectophial to tele to the allotment, which is a short walk from the ectofuntus to the patches. Since there's this backup for when the daily teles have been used already, the change wouldn't be game breaking or anything, just a change to save a few seconds during a herb run. It's like the Tirannwn Quiver update a few months ago, that made (almost) all teleports unlimited.


    submitted by /u/Genperor
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    Allow us to toggle displaying the grid system with varying opacity.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    "Fixed an issue with the Goebie mask stretching"

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:18 AM PST

    New christmas jumpers and santa claws

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:19 AM PST

    Why aren’t bears graphically updated despite a new model existing for over a year?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:58 AM PST

    1st 10 hper to get 4000 chompy kills

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Perhaps it's time to stop locking F2P doable achievements to members. Pretty confident Jack of Trades is supposed to be completed at 5/5.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Give powerburst potions their own cooldown

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Moving powerburst to have its own cooldown (shared across all powerbursts only) would be great to allow us to have the ability to lobby to reset the adren pot cooldown back.

    I think the only issue with this is the powerburst of overkill (40% adren over 6s) which could either put both on cooldown or just the adren pot on cooldown to allow it to be used in combination with other powerbursts.

    submitted by /u/privilouslyp
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    @Jagex how to push players into dangerous areas with Sextant animation (Clue scroll) movement stall / extend stall using Celebrate emote / open the Wardrobe while other players see you in the Wildy safe zone.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Can the RooT dinos poop please?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:24 AM PST

    Dragons should not be the literal only way of obtaining ultracompost. I was genuinely expecting dinosaur pats that give 2 buckets of manure per pat, given their size.

    submitted by /u/robertm94
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    Finally, I finally got the 'Master of All' title!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:09 AM PST

    Is it worth getting into RS3 at this point?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    I've recently been getting bored of OSRS, mostly due to not enjoying any of the new content, and have really been wanting to give RS3 a shot. However, when I come to this sub you guys make it sound like the game is on it's last legs and won't be around much longer. Is this true?

    I'd like to hear both sides opinion, but I'm really interested in hearing from players that have recently started RS3 fresh.

    submitted by /u/buymymeth
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    Menaphos music is so good lol

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:51 PM PST

    i cant believe i hear it and actually get nostalgic

    submitted by /u/TheCrystalJewels
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    I'm overwhelmed, please help? Just returning after years of not playing.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

    I don't remember when I last played, it had to have been between 2008-2012, sometime in that range. I wasn't very good at that time, but hey, I enjoyed the game. I used to have membership, which was around $7 at that time, a good deal, compared to other games that I played. I didn't focus on being a min/maxer, I simply don't have the skills to do very well. I do remember that Runescape had just opened up some membership skills, I think Hunting? to free players, but up to a max of like 5 skill or something, if that helps everyone know when I stopped playing.

    So, I went on my free Twitch Prime membership a couple days ago, and found out that I could get a free two week membership on runescape again. I remembered that it was a fun game, free and paid, and figured I'd try it again. I had two accounts, one with a lot more skills, so I went onto that account. Took me a while, because it was locked, even though I used the right password and username. Got it up and running, logged in, and... was lost. Surrounded by trees and rabbits, I could easily destroy all of that. But what do I DO??? I have some skills that are at level 1, with my highest being 86 woodcutting.

    I have some travel options, but I can't remember anything. I mean, I know that I can hit things, interact and all, but I have no idea on how to DO anything. Where do I go? What do I do? How do I figure out where to skill up? Or who to talk to? What quests do I need to work on, what have I completed before quitting?

    I'm not asking for someone to take my hand and lead me by the nose. Although, to be honest, I won't refuse that level of help, at least, not at first. I like to do things on my own terms, and I have no problems with doing things that others might find tedius or stupid. But I'd love to find a good newbies guide, or a returning players guide, that make sense to me. I know I'm not the smartest person out there, and I don't know places, directions sometimes need to be given out like I'm 5yo. I have applied to join a clan, one that doesn't seem to have skill requirements, or even require membership. So I'm hoping they will get back with me soon. But in the meantime, any tips? No abbreviations, please, they just confuse me.

    submitted by /u/unwillingvictim
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    Deposit box at W99 Yanille pet shop

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:46 AM PST

    Will be here for the next hour if anyone else needs some more insects :)

    submitted by /u/rsnJ3
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    Yo can we get more subtle ass flames like on dark flame/fire swords?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:36 AM PST

    That shit is nice without being overly jarring like the flame override.

    Color choice options on something similar to new sword effect would be great for simple visual customization.

    submitted by /u/bigjoe980
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    Loot from 24 hours of completing offers for keys!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:10 PM PST

    Global Illumination?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:11 PM PST

    I was burning some logs on a bonfire and thought "hey, it'd look pretty awesome if the glow from this fire actually lit up the nearby tree, my armor, and the ground around it".

    I'm not sure on any particular places or situations where this wouldn't work, but assuming there aren't any, I think this would look awesome with everything that emits light.

    For anyone that has played Path of Exile, the title is the exact option it's called there, and works in a similar manner; if you shoot a Fireball in a cave, you see the light source fro that Fireball as it travels down the cave on the walls and on any other object it passes.

    submitted by /u/Esp724
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    She corners so smoothly now!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:19 AM PST

    Cheers for the movement update!

    submitted by /u/Buddy462
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    Hey, Jagex, do you have stats on which NPC makes the most money?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:15 PM PST

    I'm curious if the Travelling Merchant or Death makes the most money.

    submitted by /u/LeastPerspective
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    AFK Skeletal Wyvern Money Making Test - 3.5m~/hr, 2-3 mins AFK time, 300-350 crimson charms/hr

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:07 PM PST

    AFK Skeletal Wyvern Money Making Test - 3.5m~/hr, 2-3 mins AFK time, 300-350 crimson charms/hr

    So, the 120 Herblore/Farming update came out a few weeks back, and wyvern bones shot up in price by... Quite a bit. So I decided to test them - first at the ice caves, then with 5 in my Player Owned Dungeon. They're about 3-3.5m/hr in the ice caves, and 3.5-4m in my POD.

    Not the greatest moneymaker in the world (by far) but 3-4m/hr with 2-3 mins of AFK time and 300+ crimson charms/hr isn't all that bad.

    Here's how to do it:

    My Inventory

    Those bones and charms are what I got from using 10 holy overload doses (1 hr) in my POD. You could easily just use 4 Super restore or prayer flasks. I usually have 4-6 doses of super prayer left at the end in this setup, but I'm using them because they're what I had in my bank.

    Equipment Setup

    Again, this is just what I had in my bank - The Nox Staff is augmented, but nothing else is. The Cinders, LOTD, and Blood Fury aren't needed, but again, I just used my cheapo gear and whatever I had laying around.

    Ability Bar

    This is the Ability Bar I used - it's just the one I've been using at Turoths, so it's probably not optimized for Skeletal Wyverns, but oh well.


    About 4.5m in raw income -300k in divine charges, 280k in holy overloads, 50k in wyrmfire pots, 160k in super prayer pots, and 300k in notepaper -- about 1.1m~ in total costs, brings the profit to 3.4m from an hour.

    All you really have to do is sit there with soul split on and drink a dose of prayer pot+note bones every 2-3 mins, drink overload+wyrmfire pots every 6 mins, and leave room to reset aggro every 10 mins - hence 2-3 mins of AFK.

    You could easily use t95 curses to boost profit by 500k/hr or so, but then you'd need 8 prayer flasks and you'd have to take a dose 2x as often, so meh.

    Also, testing of these in both the ice dungeon and POD has shown that the POD is only 25~ more bones an hour - so you can easily do them in the ice dungeon instead, so the only real requirements are wyrmfire pots and soul split.

    Hope this was even vaguely useful to someone. I'mma go do other stuff now, but I'll try to answer any questions if they pop up.

    submitted by /u/-Meatshield72-
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