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    Sunday, December 15, 2019

    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 15 December

    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 15 December

    Silly Question Sunday - 15 December

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:09 PM PST

    Silly Question Sunday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can ask your RuneScape-related silly questions:

    • "Newb" questions from new players
    • Questions from returning players
    • Silly or nonsensical questions
    • Questions you feel stupid asking elsewhere

    Of course, a question thread wouldn't make much sense without answers, so please help out with any answers that you have!

    Past Silly Question Sunday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    9 year old me being praised by mom for my good grades while she pays for my RS membership for the first time

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:18 AM PST

    I really feel that metrics pro should be free for Premier members

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Really don't get how you expect us to pay an extra 27 euros/year on top of the €80 from Gold Premier.. Atleast the exp/hour tools could be made available since that's critical in a game like this?

    submitted by /u/mastercamo123
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    Fire cape!!! 10 hp 1 def!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:32 PM PST


    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:57 AM PST

    That new surge potion is pretty great for memes

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:36 PM PST

    Survey on new 120s please

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Prior to the 120 Herblore and Farming updates Osborne mentioned he liked the idea of surveying them post-release to see how the new 120s went over compared to previous ones. Can we hear from a jmod about whether we will actually get to state our opinions on the 120s and if the playerbase thinks it was implemented properly?

    submitted by /u/mitzi86
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    Dont know if this is any type of record or not, but.. I got quest cape 23 days into a new account! Mainly timegated behind menaphos reputation. For verification: Crystalmathlabs & Quest strategy list. Up next? MQC

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:03 AM PST

    Now that's what I call cosmic timing

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:51 PM PST

    Jagex, fix the tinsel scarf. It has been broken for years, barely visible when worn, and it's frankly ridiculous that you've left it for so long.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:56 AM PST

    'tis the season to be divine.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:03 AM PST

    Can BGH t3 meat be used as a 'lure all' for the t2 dinos to give it a use?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:59 PM PST

    Or lure specific ones if they don't eat each other

    submitted by /u/cuteslothlife
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    Bank deposit box in w48 for flies - 1 hour

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    Character stacking seems to be on the fritz

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:25 AM PST

    Had a big oof while dungeoneering today

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:29 PM PST

    What loyal subjects..

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:59 AM PST

    Just take this pun with a grain of.. sand. ;)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:45 AM PST


    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 12:40 PM PST

    Bow before PackYack Dread Queen!!!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:14 PM PST

    H(o)w (c)ould this be disappointing?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:31 AM PST

    If you kill abyssal demons for a "Demons" task, getting a slayer contract from Markus makes your kills not count towards your task.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:19 AM PST


    submitted by /u/L0raxx
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    Another Birb Alert: W64, just west of Iowerth's church

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:24 AM PST

    Some basic rework suggestions for old skills after archaeology.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST

    honestly i know 120s are the hot thing alongside the upcoming archaeology skill but, before moving forward i think there's a good few skills that should have some minor reworks if not full blown from scratch reworks, my thoughts and suggestions to follow on the four skills i think should receive this treatment first;


    guess we'll start with the biggest elephant in the room, agility influences your run energy, ability to use shortcuts that are not very useful anymore, some quests, increased crits/effectiveness from crystal, and some passive benefits to fishing and thieving. all and all.. not much that's helpful in modern rs besides the crystal boost + passive skill benifits, most people just teleport everywhere thanks to the loadstone network or use the other various means of fast travel making most agility shortcuts irrelevant outside of maybe a few tasks. here's what i think could change that

    • enable higher level agility to increase the speed you perform all tasks (not by a ton maybe 3-4 seconds max at 99?)
    • have agility add a "damage reduction threshold" which increases the chances of a hit (in pvm) missing or dealing reduced damage scaling up to a majestic 20% at 99
    • have agility allow players to gain a second potential "loot influence" on more skills like extra loot from Big game hunter,
    • have agility increase smithing rates randomly on high level gear

    I really do feel agility should let us do things faster or more efficiently and adding these to agility's level lists would make it a more integrated skill all around as currently it has very very few real uses as most people dont use crystal armor to make full use of crystal weapons and their related agility buff, nor do most people use the vast majority of shortcuts anymore so, i think this is a good way to reintegrate the skill for most players.


    our second biggest elephant in the room, this skill has so very much in the way of potential but it's so poorly utilized/underused, it's in dire need of a complete rework but, till then, some suggestions to tide us over, as for levels on this one, i'm not going to suggest levels as i really think that should be community/jagex decided, and with that, the new rooms.

    • new perks/general unlocks
      • rework the maximum rooms limit to 40-50, the old maximum of about 32 is fine and all but given how much more processing power RS3 has compared to RS2 i think it's time we just had more room to build.
      • a further reduction of up to another 10% on PoH armor repair stands based on player levels.
      • the ability to emblazon your Heraldry symbol/clan icons on capes such as the max cape/comp cape at a plummeting stand/banner easel.
    • A farming room - would require 2 adjacent tiles to build, players can then build either 2 tree patches (of desired type) 2 full allotment set ups (that means herb patch, flower patch, and allotments) or a hops patch, in additon to either 2 cacti plot, 2 bush patches, or 1 mushroom patch. players could also do a mix and match if desired, so area 1 could say be dedicated to tree and shrooms, while area 2 could be set up for say a hops patch + 2 cacti. giving a lot of options for players
    • invention room - allows players to build 2 machines and 1 generator of choice from the invention guild, respective invention levels for machines are, naturally, still applied
    • Advanced portal room - sort of a DnD styled room players may set up 3 portals and attune them to their favorite minigame or DnD as well as build an "Exchange booth" allowing you to exchange for thaller items/certain minigame currencies (ie silver castle wars tickets to gold in a 3:1 or for gold to silver 1:3 ratio) or perhaps even exchange certain minigame currencies like zeal for other mg currencies like PC points in an as of yet to be determined ratio
    • Forge - a simple structure including a smelter, anvil, crystal singing bowl, remote burial chute, and toggle leaver (see below)
      • the anvil would have 3 variants, basic, advanced and artisan, with advanced providing a +3 progress per hit while smithing, and artisan providing a (stackable) 5% xp boost so players may chose between efficiency and xp in their forge, plus the lever..
      • the crystal singing bowl you build would require less harmonic dust and provide smithing xp, items made under the bowl are also under the influence of the lever...
      • The remote burial chute would let players deposit burial sets from their poh at a cost of less 10% xp and not gaining any artisans workshop respect, further luminite injectors cannot be used at the poh forge.
      • and finally the lever, now i know you would want to pull it Kronk but first you should know that the idea is players may toggle for themselves between "destroy" and "reward" in their forge, destroy will at the end of a smithing cycle (burial or the highest you can forge a piece of armor) the armor or weapon is destroyed generating an additional 50% exp at the cost of whatever it is you were making, where as the reward setting would keep things the way they are naturally. *note, when using the bowl while destroy is active a warning message will pop up to inform you to toggle it off if you want to keep your crystal weapon and not destroy it for extra xp*
    • Obelisk - A separate plot inside ones Poh, allows players to build a full sized obelisk for summoning needs, with an ability to "hire" a pouch exchangers assistant, based on what obbys you can access/traders to trade with you'll be given an "assistant" themed after them to exchange pouches for shards (for example if you can access prif, you'll get an elf to help you out, but if you can only use Taverly, you'll get a druid).


    some might argue this is in more need of a rework than construction but i personally think given how massive a coin sink construction is, that it was more important. Regardless, firemaking is.... well to put it nicely incense is the best thing to come out of it in about the entirety of the skills life maybe barring infernos adze and bonfires if that's your thing.. to combat this i'd suggest a new hybrid firemaking-herblore item requiring more successive ingredients as the tier goes up; fire salves and Caustic liquids as well as a related perk to smithing and one unique to bonfires.

    • meltdown - a scaling perk that decreases the time required to smelt bars in sets (meaning 20 or more) by 1s/3s/5s/7s/9s at levels 10/30/50/70/90 respectively.
    • bonfire burn boost - a scaling level unlock that decreases the time required to burn logs on a bonfire by 1/5/10/15 seconds at levels 20/40/80/99. as well as proving a 2% extra increase to bonfire warmth's hp bonus per tier capping at 8% total at 99, something im sure most bossers and reaper title aspirants will find desirable.
    • the base salve would cost a primal extract + ashes, starting at around 30 firemaking, allowing you basically acsess to the furnace perk for whatever skill you're doing granting 5%/10%/15%/20% extra xp for any action by destroying the item gathered/created + stacking with furnace on an augmented item for even more xp. with each tier costing another fire themed item, going levels 30/55/85/99 for the upgraded salves, and blue dragonscale/antifire (3)/crushed dragon bones for the upgraded xp potions. Lastly, these potions should not be tradeable excluding maybe the basic salve.
    • Caustic liquid would be the combat flipside of this applying "burn" (dot) damage like poison every couple of hits, with there being a basic, extra, and industrial requiring 50/80/99 respectively doing 100/200/300 dps when the dot randomly triggers like poison ,and would be useable with poison to allow for some truly nasty builds on viable targets.

    firemaking is a strange skill to rework, i had a hard time coming up with suggestions beyond theseto be honest, suppose that's why its rarely if ever updated.. anywho, moving swiftly along..


    this skill is due for a rework as a whole but in the mean time here's a few suggestions i had, the first two to provide extra xp in the summoning process and make it as a whole less horrible to train, then a perk and two familiars to make 99 summoning actually more worth while..

    • premade pouches - this is an old concept, let players "pre make" pouches assembling the primary material, raw shards, and pouch into a pre assembled item excluding the charms required, this would provide approximately 10% of the pouch's infusing xp to pre make it, and let you pre stock pouches for DXP/training runs/resupply runs without having the necessary pouch, then second to follow up on this
    • assembled pouches, this would be a secondary step players could take after making or purchasing a premade pouch, players would add a charm of choice to the pouch making it "assembled" but not infused, providing another 5% of the pouches infusion xp as a bonus and providing an all in one infusable item you simply have to take to an obelisk to infuse, making your trips more efficient (as you'd just have to run, infuse, bank, run, infuse, bank without having to carry charms/shards/pouches meaning more xp per run, less restocking)
    • spirituality - scroll moves cost less of your familiars bar based on your level, so for example take a pack yak, you can store roughly 10-15 items before your bar is too low to store any more, this perk would make it so every level over the pouch's requirement adds 1 extra use of the respective familiars scroll per use, making familiars like the unicorn stallion or spirit kyatt more appealing to use while not completely destroying the space time continuum for high level familiars.
    • Spirit Dragon/Revenant Dragon familiar - featuring two new tradeable charms (revenant and draconic) these familiars would sit at that coveted level 99 slot along side the mammoth and titan, aiming to be the BIC hybrid/support familiars in game.
      • Spirit dragons would passively boost all combat styles by an invisible +3 and their scroll "spirit burn" would apply a "critical" effect to targets increasing all player dealt accuracy/damage to the target by say 5% for 30 seconds, at a cost this scroll takes the familiars entire bar and may only be used once per minuet and 30 seconds if one should have means to replenish their bar (like prisms)
      • Revenant dragons on the flip side provide the same chilling effects as their wilderness counterparts brought home for your convenience, deals high poison damage and similarly to dread nips will bind targets (but not stun) where they stand with chilling breath. Additionally they'd have almost the inverse of spirit dragons that upon a successful cast of their scroll "hateful strike" adds a debuff effect to targets reducing their maximum hit by 5% for 10 seconds and defense (or equivalent stat depending on target) by 15% for 20 seconds, as well as leeching a small portion of the hit back as prayer points, if it fails to hit it may be recast, if it does hit it enters a cooldown for 1 min for balancing reasons.

    and....that's about it, some ideas to improve a few of the skills in runescape that are in dire need of some TLC at best, and complete reworks at worst, to be considered after archaeology releases as that's going to be a huge drain on resources till post launch. what do you all think? got some ideas i didn't mention?

    *edited for some grammatical errors and to make a little easier to read

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    I'm not even safe on Azeroth!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:47 AM PST

    Deposit box placed Taverly w104 at 19:30gt

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    I'm placing a deposit box if anyone needs to get some flies. Should be up from 19:30 - 20:30 GT

    submitted by /u/Moraine_Sedai
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