• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    RuneScape TL;DW 464 - The Ranch Out of Time Art & Audio Showcase

    RuneScape TL;DW 464 - The Ranch Out of Time Art & Audio Showcase

    TL;DW 464 - The Ranch Out of Time Art & Audio Showcase

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:41 PM PST

    Vod | RSBANDBUpdate! 752 - Future of Runescape with Mod Osborne

    Update Info


    • Around 11 Hotfixes including fixing the Escape ability, Farm Request turn-ins, and the BoB fix.
    • The ability to make potions from your BoB was a bug, it wasn't a QoL improvement.
      • It wasn't intentional and therefore can have unintended consequences and balance concerns.
      • We may look into making it an intended feature but there's no guarantee.
    • Dungeoneering doors scaling to 120 - Coincidental change based on how DG was coded.
      • We don't want to make any knee-jerk reactions and immediately "fix it".
      • We will be collecting constructive feedback. Should they scale to 120? Tears of Guthix does.

    Post Update

    • Time has been allocated for the team to make post-update improvements/fixes based on feedback.
      • More achievements, etc...
      • Some things can't be done immediately (i.e. Seed storage, it hasn't been forgotten).
    • You weren't intended to do everything on launch.
      • Farming is a time-gated skill and Herblore isn't, therefore you can train both at the same time.
    • We won't make knee jerk reactions based on Day 1/2 feedback but instead use data.
    • We aren't worry about certain things being niche as it has it's places/uses.

    Future Tech Demo

    Smooth Movement Demo

    Released hopefully by the end of the year. Dev Blog Friday.

    • The characters won't immediately pivot, there's a smoother feel to the animation.
      • No need to change the animation, it's done on the engine side.
    • It doesn't affect the core-gameplay.
    • It also applies to NPCs.
    • Diagonal Surging won't be affected.
    • We haven't changed the direction you faced.

    Path Prediction

    • Debug console has been brought back internally.
    • We didn't have to to get more data from the server as it's purely client side.
      • The difficulty was unpacking movement code as it hasn't been touched in a long time.
    • Something we can do more efficiently since we no longer need to support the Java client.

    Audio Stuff

    Art Stuff

    Dino Concepts | 3D Models


    • Concepts are sent to a 3D artist to make sure the environment fits together.
      • There's a back and forth when deciding what works and what doesn't.
    • Everything needs to be read-able so you can tell what it is at a glance.
    • Most of what we sure is polished/finished concept art, but we also paint over an image to get a quick idea of what something should look like.
      • Takes 30/40 minutes each.
    • Seeing fan art is pretty cool and makes the work worth it.
    • We gather reference art before making content. No point in re-inventing stuff.


    • We need to pay homage to the old tree graphics while moving on to newer ones.
      • Use the same principles/assets but arranged in different ways and different leaves.
      • Research goes into the look of the trees but we also need to make sure they are Runescapey.
    • While creating the Ranch we repurposed our knowledge and experience from Anacronia.
      • Using the same assets/environment to create the pens layouts.
    • Creating the Baby Dinos we made a base mesh so we can re-use animations where we can.
      • Then re-skin/re-texture so you can have 3 creatures based on one.
      • Part of keeping them cute is the big eyes and the dog sounds.
      • The textures are restrictive since they are small, we have to be clever how we work around that.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Are slaves worth the extra cost?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:46 AM PST

    I'm looking ahead at getting 120 herb next dxp and trying to decide if I'm going to make elder salves. I haven't made any supreme overload salves because I feel like they're not needed for anything I currently do. What bosses do y'all take them to and do you think they're worth it?

    FML- I don't know how to change the title but I meant salves.

    submitted by /u/MIGoTrampoline
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    Great Minds Think Alike.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:07 PM PST

    OSRS youtuber found and exposed massive exploit that almost crashed the economy of the game, Jagex censored the sub

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:28 PM PST

    5 Uniques from 1 Medium clue.. What are the chances?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:25 AM PST

    If you want powerburst pots to not be dead content then make them all have their own separate cooldown

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    Besides overkill

    All powerbursts in their current form are not worth it in 99% of cases because they share a cooldown with adrenaline potions.

    Make them separate cooldowns just like sigils abilities and then they can be used.

    In their current state they are basically a meme and will just collect dust in banks or be used for memes.

    Obviously overkill should share a cooldown with replen pot since it has a replen pot inside of its recipe.

    Just my thoughts to make the powerbursts not dead content

    submitted by /u/Lazzed
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    Blessed Flask is ridiculously tedious to get for how useless it is

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    The blessed flask requires weeks of tedious effort to make, insane buy limits for sandstone and then weeks just to get the required materials. And the end product is just a massive prayer flask? Jagex is so incredibly removed from the game that the only thing this would be helpful for is camping like slayer mobs or doing insanely long trips at a boss or for that one dude who pushes shattered worlds for no reason... but with how banking works now and assuming this is content reserved for dedicated high level players it's not necessary to have 80 extreme prayer pots in one inventory spot. If something is going to require such an intense amount of effort why is the reward so shit for a lack for a better word. This either needs to be seriously changed to be more worth or just change the effort required. I like the idea behind making something so difficult to achieve because of the amount of effort required but the reward is so bad for what it is. Please change this

    submitted by /u/firstyearstruggle
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    Please up the buy limit on all Sandstones.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:29 AM PST

    It's painful trying to buy 40k of them for the blessed flask whenever the buy limit is 100 per 4 hours.

    submitted by /u/120_Attack
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    British gouvernment on protecting children from gambling mechanisms in online games

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:19 PM PST

    Jagex how about it? Ability bar setup presets

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:59 AM PST

    Harvesting from your berry bush on Tuai Leit does not reward Farming Guild reputation

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:19 AM PST

    4 Year IFB DREAM Achieved + Album

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Yak Track is bugged with GotE porters

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:22 AM PST

    High scores suggestion: Show virtual levels in parentheses.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:34 AM PST

    Bad luck mitigation for big game hunter unchecked eggs

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:36 AM PST

    Let us use our extra hunter marks to purchase some form of bad luck mitigation for collecting big game hunter dinosaur eggs. A few ideas off the top of my head are:

    x hunter marks for a random unchecked egg

    y hunter marks for a specific unchecked egg

    z hunter marks for a drop rate enhancer (increases chance of egg dropping by some amount)

    Open to other ideas and thoughts/concerns!

    submitted by /u/uglykitt3n
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    My boyfriend loves Monster Hunter World!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:21 PM PST

    Suggestion on 120 Herblore cape perk

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:59 PM PST

    So the perk right now batches overloads which is really nice. However the problem is by the time a player reaches 120 Herblore they've likely already made a few thousand overloads and will not need to make anymore for a very long time.

    So I suggest changing the perk to something more useful after having made thousands of potions. I think it should have a passive chance to not consume a dose when drinking a potion. The chat could say something like "being a true master of potions, you manage to sip the potion leaving the entire dose intact!"

    There's a lot more to Herblore than just overloads. So having the ability to save a dose of any potion would be pretty nice. May or may not need balancing when it comes to Sara Brews.

    submitted by /u/LegendaryHydra
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    Can Jagex explain why the dragonfruit seed has a image and click box of 1 pixel?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:32 AM PST

    What exactly does this mean?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:41 PM PST

    Spria special assignment made me lose my whole task streak

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:28 AM PST

    I was doing the slayer task on the yak track and went to spria to complete it quickly. I had no previous active task, cause I did complete my airut task before I went to her, so there's no way that may have resulted in my streak being cleared. She assigned me her special assignment of killing creatures in her basement and I accepted it cause I assume it's easy like all the other tasks she can give you. Went to the basement and started killing. Then when all monsters where killed, saw no more yellow dots on my minimap, I noticed my counter said 3 monsters left, 12 out of the 15 monsters killed. I couldn't tele out of it as it gave me a message that I couldn't and climbing the ladder would say that I would "forfeit" my rewards. So in the end I had no choice but to climb the ladder. As a result this made me clear my task streak of 854 back to 0.

    submitted by /u/ExtremeHunt
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    DXP Weekend In A Nutshell

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:00 PM PST

    Ranch / 120 Herb&Farm post release suggestions.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:50 AM PST

    The team responsible for this past weeks update have been allocated time for updates to the content over the coming week maybe two. Just wanted to rattle off some suggestions that I would like based off my experiences so far.

    Firstly access to the ranch is really tedious. Can we have access to a spirit tree? (Move the one from Ardy farm if needed) or a fairy ring??? I'm sure myself and many others would happily pay beans / anachronia resources for access to the centre of the ranch, or the beach next to prehistoric Nanna.

    Next is the farming reputation system, the curve is really strange and the rewards seem a bit underwhelming / not enough of them. Idk really what other rewards to add BUT farming is a massive skill and I'm sure there are a lot of little unlocks that would fit nicely on the farming rep system.

    Blessed flask - well there has been a lot of outcry over this one. Personally I am of the belief that the process to craft it is perfectly fine. BUT. Some things should change. The buy limit of sandstone should be raised to 25k AND the fine sand dust SHOULD be made tradeable as it was initially designed to be that way. These changes for making the flask would be acceptable. Additionally. The flask itself needs to be more rewarding, as it stands only charging it with 80 doses of ext prayer is very underwhelming and seems kinda pointless. Let's look at the enchanted water tiara as an example here, you can charge it with what? 16k water runes? Why would you not allow us to just store a virtually unlimited amount of prayer into the blessed flask??? No point in limiting it to 80 doses that just makes it tedious to refill from time to time.. also don't have it limited to just extreme prayers. What I'm suggesting here is allow it to hold an enormous amount of any 1 type of potion. Sayyyyy 10000 dose max capacity of any - prayer/super prayer/ext prayer or super restore. These changes would make the flask far more desirable with the cherry on top being that it should be tradeable, therefore making it an item that can be made for a profit, as masterwork is. Tradeable function would work the same however, once the flask has been used it then becomes permanently untradeable.

    Finally the new "power burst cooldown" is a really tough one, due to the prevalence of adrenaline potting, it makes almost all the other powerbursts virtually useless. The power burst cooldown as a concept is perfectly fine but it should be decoupled with the adrenaline / super adrenaline potions. The only exception to this is the overkill powerburst, I do agree that the overkill / adrenaline potions shouldn't be allowed for usage in conjunction with one another. Therefore my suggestion is that we should have 2 potion cooldowns. Adrenaline CD - a pot / super a pot and overkill Powerburst CD - all other powerburst potions.

    ACHIEVEMENTS. For those of us who enjoy the weird achievements for completing aspects of the game just for the sake of 5 runescore. We got literally nothing. ADD ACHIEVEMENTS. I couldn't care less what they are but an update like this absolutely warrants something.

    One last note. Specifically targeted at the jmods who make completionist cape requirements. Why on earth did you add nothing. You removed reaper off Comp with the caveat that this would allow many more completist cape requirements to be added. Then you proceed to ignore completionism. Stop being scared to add comp requirements for the love of god just add them...

    Thanks. (Sorry if formatting is garbage, post written on mobile)

    submitted by /u/RsStormy
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    Nightshade is out dated

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:02 PM PST

    With the new Weapon Poison +++ potion requiring a weapon poison ++, can we get a new type or source of nightshade instead of farming one single nightshade at a time from a patch that takes 320 minutes to grow, or from picking them from the caves under Gu' Tanoth? Nightshade was released back in 2005 when weapon poisons were applied to weapons permanently, not like consistently used potions so the farming method of one at a time made perfect sense. Now it make no sense.

    So, can we get one of the following changes made: updated yield from the farming patch to something more reasonable, a multiplier in herblore that allows nightshade to be applied to more than one vial of coconut milk (like one nightshade petal per vial kind of idea), a new patch on Anachronia that allows growth of nightshade like an allotment crop in the swamp area, or my favorite idea:

    the ability to use the belladonna seed on the fertile soil (like a vile bloom seed) in Anachronia to fight a nightshade vile bloom that drops lots of nightshade for use in weapon poisons.

    submitted by /u/TheSmallIceburg
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    Araxxi's eye wins again

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:39 PM PST

    Blessing Extra fine sand

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:40 AM PST

    Either make the left click "bless" option work near a altar or fucking remove it and make "use" the default, getting to this stage of making the blessed flask is tilting enough as is.

    submitted by /u/Dreadzone03
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