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    Friday, November 8, 2019

    RuneScape Honestly, this infuriated me

    RuneScape Honestly, this infuriated me

    Honestly, this infuriated me

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Bug with RS Mobile - very serious issue

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST

    Hey, I sincerely request that jagex look into the following issue - I tried to use the RS mobile early access on my OnePlus 6T Android smartphone and I received a permanent ban for macroing (major). The ban notification's timestamp occured at the same time as my login attempt.

    The app was in the hidden apps area of my phone, if that may be the cause. I would appreciate if this issue could be looked into as soon as possible and the ban reversed.

    submitted by /u/ThePreposterousPear
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    14 years ago, I plopped into Lumbridge. This kid named Geranimo came out of nowhere. For no reason at all, he gave me a power amulet, 10K, and showed me around Al Kharid. We became best friends. One day he logged off and never logged back on. To this day, I still think about him. What's your story?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:39 PM PST


    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    A Comedy in 4 Parts (or how I learned to love the Raptor Chest)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PST

    Often, it is not the gold in the long sought for chest that engenders fulfillment, but the struggle through the dangerous wilderness, the trials and tribulations, the experiences along the way that make it all worth the while.

    Often, it is not the destination, but the journey that matters.

    When the Raptor slayer mobs were released nigh on 4 years ago, it was a harrowing, yet thrilling experience. I vividly recall being savaged by Ripper Demons, befuddled by Camel Warriors, eviscerated by Living Wyverns, and overawed by Archeron Mammoths. I was humiliated time and time again, hopelessly under leveled and under geared - but the challenge was something I hoped to be able to surmount one day.

    4 years on, I was now maxed with 120 Slayer and admirably geared out, with perked T90 Weapons and Armor. I was ready. After a long period of courting, I began a whirlwind romance with Laniakea, love and hate intermingling as I would woo her by completing tasks - no matter how menial.

    Over time she would return my advances, giving me the tasks I craved for all this time. I returned to the site of my past failures, like Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor about to lay the smackdown on Thanos.

    The power of Christ My P4E2 Drygore and Demon Slayer Masterwork compelled the Ripper Demons begone. One Key Part.

    My Noxious Scythe cut through the Camel's feeble illusions. Two Key Parts.

    Where once the Living Wyverns picked clean the bones from my frigid corpse, I reminded them why they cower in fear below the Asgarnian Ice Caverns. Three Key Parts.

    The Archeron Mammoths could not help but yield before my martial prowess, as I sat their big fat furry asses on the ground time and time again. Four Key Parts.

    After 4 long years, my journey was complete. I had maxed. I had 120 Slayer. I had found love.

    With trembling hands, I opened the fabled Raptor Chest, soaking in the moment of my triumph, the pinnacle of my personal growth.

    Dear Reader, if you have reached this point, I thank you for your time. You may be asking, what was the reward?

    I would have liked to say that it really didn't matter.

    I would have liked to say that often, it is the journey, not the destination that matters.

    Unless that destination happens to be 75 fucking Runite Stone Spirits

    tldr; I got my first ever Raptor Key. Got 75 Runite Stone spirits. Jagex please consider updating this part of the drop table.

    submitted by /u/ARsenicjuice
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    Live-Ops Team Please use In-Game Polling System

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:22 AM PST

    We've had this polling system in-game for ages now and honestly this seems like the perfect opportunity to use it. There is clearly outrage in at least the small portion of the community that is Reddit but it would be extremely beneficial to know exactly how the ENTIRE playerbase feels about various issues that have been brought up recently. So long as the polls are worded correctly the data would be invaluable in understanding just what changes could maintain or improve MTX revenue while appeasing the community where needed. The fact of the matter is that Jagex needs decent solutions that will appease the community while also remaining profitable and this would provide a much needed large dataset to improve that

    These would need to come with a very blatant statement that absolutely nothing is guaranteed based on the polls and that this is just to gauge player sentiment to provide a better MTX experience.

    Some suggestions on questions to ask (Note for all questions asked, oddments are to be referred to as a general currency)

    1. Is gambling a major issue with TH and therefore MTX be improved through the removal of RNG? Yes/No
    2. Is selling Direct XP through TH a problem? Yes/No/IDC
    3. If yes to 2, would selling Direct XP, purchasable with oddments be acceptable? Yes/No/Not applicable
    4. Is selling Bonus XP through TH a problem? Yes/No/IDC
    5. If yes to 4, would selling Bonus XP, purchasable with oddments be acceptable? Yes/No/Not applicable
    6. Would reducing the amount of Direct XP gained at higher levels through purchasing/TH be more acceptable? Yes/No/IDC
    7. Would reducing the amount of Bonus XP gained at higher levels through purchasing/TH be more acceptable? Yes/No/IDC
    8. If TH were to remain, are promos such as the Meowsketeer promo an improvement? Yes/No/IDC
    9. If TH were to remain and there was a focus on promos such as the Meowsketeer, would an option to purchase the whole set (not individual pieces) while still being able to get pieces through TH be preferable? Yes/No/IDC
    10. If yes to 9, how much would you be willing to spend for the full outfit or item set? $5-10/$10-20/$20+/Depends on the item
    11. Is TH without any promos running too invasive/predatory (the treasure chest box you have to close each day)? Yes/No/IDC
    12. Are the popups for promotions such as buy % keys with a discount invasive/predatory? Yes/No/IDC
    13. Should more time be spent creating cosmetics to offer in Solomon's General Store/Unified Oddments shop? Yes/No/IDC
    14. Would a rotating inventory of daily deals on Solomon's w/ discounts or old discontinued items be of interest (think shadow dragoon, various previous TH promos, old Holiday items each Holiday, etc)? Yes/No/IDC
    15. Should all cosmetic outfits also be available to purchase for ironmen in some way (untapped market potential imo)? Yes/No/IDC

    Please add any other potential question suggests in comments and upvote if you like the idea

    submitted by /u/RoandilRS
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    pvm lately

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST

    Loot from 200M mining

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:18 AM PST


    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:40 AM PST

    I still have yet to see a major downside for an Override Free World.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 03:12 PM PST

    The functionality exists because it's applied to the Wilderness and the Duel Arena, so from a development point of view it wouldn't be anywhere near as difficult as creating it from the ground up, if it is even difficult at all.

    Assuming it's a brand new world, and not replacing an existing themed world I see the following outcomes:

    • It would be the same as other worlds, in which case it's an extra world with an extra set of skilling locations.
      • Spreading players across another world would only decrease the average players per world by 1.
    • It's popular, which would justify its existence.

    The argument of players spending less money on MTX isn't a valid argument:

    • You can't be on every world at the same time.
    • Not everyone on that world will be near you.

    This means those who only purchase these overrides to "show-off" can still do so as normal.

    Finally, if you thanks it's drab, then just don't go to that world. You wouldn't be forced to.

    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Can we clear all of the chatbox clutter and just be told how many urns we used?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:26 AM PST

    "I think that would be pretty drab"....

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Are you dense? Where do you get this idea? Did your wallet tell you that, or your boss? Dude, NO ONE likes the game world littered with absolute trash from Solomon's and treasure hunter. It looks tacky and gaudy and slows down the damn game. No to mention ITS BARELY EVEN THE SAME ART STYLE 90 PERCENT OF THE TIME. like for god sake man. That's infuriating. It truly truly is. The games world, looks like cheap garbage when you have players running around with this stuff. It truly truly does. A lot of players share this opinion. Its immersion breaking, it slows down every device I play the game on, it looks nothing like the rest of the game, the particle effects look way over the top, you cant tell when something is earned in game or on Solomon's when you see it, no one knows what the real armor underneath looks like, ect ect.

    When I was a new player back in 2003, the way I decided what I was going to save for and what was going to strive for level wise, was based on the armor other people were wearing. You cant do that shit anymore because all the high level players are wearing cosmetic over rides of super super duper flame dragon of the night watchmen radiant 12 with black flames flying everywhere and those stupid stupid drake's flying behind. It just doesn't belong in the game. It FEELS forced. Because it IS forced.

    submitted by /u/YeahhhhhWhateverrrr
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    The sad reality of MTX

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    Jagex (by this I mean people who can make decisions at Jagex) don't care if the integrity of a video game based around wasting your time performing meaningless, skill-less tasks is compromised by other players skipping this time sink. They're never going to remove MTX or dial it back. It makes far too much money and they're in far too deep with investors to back pedal. Everyone keeps asking for statements, but they don't really want to be told how it is. You want to hear that it'll change but simply, it won't.

    The sad thing is that if we were given the option to make millions by incorporating MTX, we'd probably choose it too. It's easy to be on one side of the fence as a player, from the other side it's a time waster game versus a new house. This practice isn't new either, so many developers have created beloved games and then sold them for millions to questionable folks.

    No matter how much you complain or how player numbers look, it doesn't really matter. The whales are buying it as evidenced by their earnings report, they're making more than they ever have on likely the worst release year of RS3 ever. Employees know that it's not going away, those who really cared about the integrity of the game have already left.

    The best you can hope for is that content releases get better to placate the masses and hopefully retain players. If you're not going to settle for MTX you might as well quit and play something else, for your own happiness.

    It's no surprise that they're investing huge amounts of time into the mobile market, anyone who has attempted to play a game on their phone knows how it is. Games/players have such low standards of fairness when it comes to business model that RS3 will be a breath of fresh air to them. This is the player that MOST companies want, players with well-paying jobs and limited time. They pay most than everyone else and take up minimal resources because they're barely online.

    That's reality and deep down you know it, the most telling thing is how they straight up said the only thing off limits for MTX is BiS. After all these complaints they're leaving themselves free to sell anything up to and including tier 90 gear. In a fair world companies would make money based on the quality of the game and the fairness of the business model. In our world, they're fifty clones of the same shitty mobile game making more in a month than you do in a year by employing addictive and predatory tactics.

    South park nailed it with "Freemium isn't Free" and is a fantastic representation of the mobile market, which PC (not just Runescape) is not so slowly becoming. If you haven't seen it, I'd urge you to watch it.

    You can barely buy a single player game in 2019 without being offered cheats at a price, either in the "delux" package or in a store within your game. We've gone from cheats being a cool discovery or found in game magazines to being sold to the player. Furthmore they're games that will instantly exit if you even open cheat engine, even if it's not linked to the process. Some of said games have no multiplayer component, it's purely to protect their cheat shop.

    Don't forget when players hack to skip progression, it's cheating. When you pay the developer/publisher it's "helping those with limited time to enjoy the game, while supporting the developers." As for multiplayer if you give your buddy twenty bucks for some gold, you can be banned for RMT. If you pay the publisher 20 bucks, you'll get a thank you email.

    submitted by /u/Rainydays5
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    Runescape comparing themselves with higher tier MMO'S

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:23 AM PST

    Runescape comparing themselves with higher tier MMO'S

    LMAO RuneScape comparing themselves with SWTOR and WOW. Those games are way out of the league with RuneScape

    The reason the other games at the top can charge more membership is that they are much better and people will pay for that.

    Jagex you literally have no right to compare yourself to the SWTOR & WOW.

    Runescape is a chilled casual sandbox game, Its a tile-based game with a tick system.

    Please show the chart of how highly they are ranked the below games by people to play and then you would have the right to raise the prices and compare them.

    PS: I dont mind paying more membership but you cannot compare yourselves to MMO'S in the competitor analysis


    submitted by /u/Sereann
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    2008 Ancient Warriors' equipment Concept art

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:34 AM PST

    I tried out the Runescape version of GenerateTask - RS3 Taskmaniacs

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:15 PM PST

    GWD3 Equipment

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

    What kind of equipment do you think will be introduced with the God wars dungeon 3 which will be released next summer?

    submitted by /u/Killeriiz
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    what is everyones dxp plans?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

    so, i felt like being a tad nosy and here i am enquiring about your dxp plans. weither your doing something as mundane as fishing, something that took a bit of time/money to set up like summoning or even just ignoring dxp and killing bosses, questing or anything else, i want to hear about it :)

    submitted by /u/lillildipsy
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    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 11:48 AM PST

    After 35,588 stalker creatures (mixed with seekers, I farmed my own charms with oldak). The grind is finally over...now I can play the game /s.


    submitted by /u/Phattyasmo
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    Idea for non-existent content.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:56 PM PST

    [Suggestion Repost] Make use of Beta server more often.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:32 PM PST

    Old post: Make use of Beta server as UAT Environment

    The buff bar fix is deployed to beta server is a good start, I honestly hope any major (maybe minor too in this state) updates/changes to the game should be deployed to beta server first.


    • Ensure number of bugs are reduced to an acceptable state, QA exists, but they are impossible to test all the combination players can create.

    • New content can be playtest for balance for a short while without affecting main game, no one want a dead content or imbalanced situation on release.

    • Delay the update with visible reasons for better communication as their problems are reflected on test servers.

    • Preventive over Reactive


    • Requires additional human resources and effort to achieve this

    • No one really want to play in testing environment for a long time.

    To address the second disadvantage, some kind of rewards system can be implemented (although requires more human resources)

    • Gamebreaker title

    • New Pet - Lil Glitch, on examine will show how many times a player participated in testing process (or possible number of critical bug first reported).

    • Bonus XP, same size as small star, let player earn bxp in this way for helping you to debug and testing.

    • Other cosmetic overrides available only in this way.

    submitted by /u/2fast4u1337
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    F2P Woodcutting question!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST

    I am currently sitting at 83 WC. I was curious if there was any (STILL OBTAINABLE) gear/cosmetics that would help speed up the process? I currently use urns, and a rune hatchet. I know there are various outfits that exist, but I don't think they are still obtainable. Thoughts?

    EDIT: I obviously meant hatchet... SMH!

    submitted by /u/MoistUmpire
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    mask of dragith nurn always shown on

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:21 PM PST

    i started playing runescape again after not playing it for a while. i did the 'quest' where i needed to get te parts for the mask and evertyting went good. after i put the helmet on i put on another helmet but it it always shows the mask of dragith nurn. i tried logging in and off but it always shows the mask of dragith nurn, no matter what helmet i wear.

    is there a solution for thies?

    submitted by /u/randommetaldude062
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