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    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    RuneScape The year is 2020 and the best tool for woodcutting is still level 71

    RuneScape The year is 2020 and the best tool for woodcutting is still level 71

    The year is 2020 and the best tool for woodcutting is still level 71

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    RS3 character commission done for a client.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Rs3 Character Commission done for a client - || Commission for october now OPEN ||

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I have never been this lucky in 15 years..

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Started playing again a week ago with about 10m in the bank. First slayer task = dinos. Sure that looks fun, haven't been over there yet (been gone a couple years)

    Laceration Boots on 14th kill. Ended up with about 40m in loot from a 80 kill task.

    Decided today to go sit at Revs. First 200 kills already got about 3m in drops and what do I see? Statuis Warhammer. Under 350 kills. Auto sold for 300m. I've never had this much luck (or gold!) in the years I've been playing on and off. Never gotten into bossing or high level PKing, so to see this kinda luck is crazy!

    Didn't have anyone to share this with, all my old RS friends are long gone. I feel like I should go buy some scratch offs now, lol.

    submitted by /u/Blasphemiee
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    Post Magnome

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    How to fix the Yak Track, increase engagement, and make it less tedious.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Inspiration: Jagex Q&A they said:

    "We need to balance it between the time/money spent and the level of Yak Track."

    Well, here you go.

    I. Philosophy:

    Jagex really has no direction with yak track, thats why they havent fixed any of the stupidly broken tasks (4th iteration btw). So I'm proposing they move forward with the philosophy of:

    "Tasks should have more of an impact on what the player is doing and less of an impact on how they do it."

    Tasks should be more general, and some skills could really benefit from a scaling point system based on resource gathered/used. I'll explain what I mean by this in some of the skill descriptions, but they already do this for clue scrolls.

    II. Tasks

    Agility - Complete Laps

    -Completing one lap Anachronia should count for at least 8-10 "laps" of progress

    -Other courses are pretty balanced. 100+ laps for a task seems a bit excessive though. 60-90 seems more appropriate.

    Archaeology - Screen soil

    There's no reason that some tasks should be more restrictive about the soil getting screened. People can camp any of the sites to 120, why exclude the soil from "lower level" digsites with some of these tasks? Each site has a gathering spot for arch 116+ so these tasks are pointlessly restrictive. Also make soil processed by the auto-sifter count.

    Other arch tasks: Let tetras count for restored artifacts, other than that, no complaints. Weird how this is the only skill with "gain xp"

    Combat- Kill monsters

    These I like due to the amount of freedom it gives. A little too easy maybe? Could be "gain combat xp"


    Ok. Could use maybe 20-30% lower numbers. Seems to cap at "sharks or above" which is good. Bonuses for arc cooking


    One of the worst offenders(see linked post above). Could be as simple as reworking it to "Train construction using X number of planks Teak+". I honestly cant believe how terribly its balanced on the fourth fucking iteration of yak track*.*


    Seems more reasonable for it to cap out on black dragonhide, rather than royal, and should be "Use leather" rather than "craft items". (For example, chaps count as 2 progress, bodies 3, shields 4). Add jewelery and gem cutting as other options (capping at dragonstone).


    Honestly these are so quick that they could be easily 3-4x as high. Not that I want them to be as long as every other task, but if I'm being objective these really are a little too easy.

    Edit: Bugged with divination relic. Bonuses for arc div.


    Have smalls give 1 progress, mediums give 2-3, larges give 5-6 progress. Cap at "occult or warped" rather than "warped" only for high level player.


    Probably make it "gain farming xp" rather than harvests. Same note as divination in regards to being too easy.

    Edit: Bugged with multi harvests on the farming cape. Add arc mushrooms.


    Balanced. Add bonus for wobblegongs due to additonal effort of getting a spawn.


    Cap at "Magic or above", make driftwood count as extra progress (4?) due to the process it takes to get them + are untradable. Same bonus for elder logs. Add cursed magic logs.


    Allow arrow/bolt fletching, capping at rune. 15x arrows or 10x bolts = 1 progress.


    Cap at "extreme attack or above" (level 88, first extreme combat potion).

    Edit: Also there's some issues with not all combination potions working. Anything above the level requirement should work. Herblore is so messy that it just might be better to change this one to a "earn herblore xp task"


    No tasks right now, but make BGH count as 10-15 progress if this appears in a yak track.


    Not a good skill for yak tracks


    Pretty balanced. Bonus for alea crabs (arc).


    Add cleansing stones as an option. Each full crystal could be 40-50 progress.


    Cap at bloods. Make souls count for 4-6 progress each


    Kill creatures on task, rather than number of tasks completed. Completing a task should give an additional progress equal to 2-3 times the base slayer points (not counting streak bonuses) to encourage using your best available master. Killing a boss for a reaper could count as 3 progress and get a bonus of 5x the reaper points for finishing a reaper.


    Cap both smelting and smithing at "bane" and change "make bane or higher items" to "use bane or higher bars" for smithing tasks. Keep tasks that involve using bars to from 1/3rd to 1/2 the numbers of "smelting" tasks.

    Edit: Balanced integration of masterwork process would also be nice.


    Cut the numbers in half, these can get really expensive. Cap at "swamp titans or above"




    Cap at "magic or above", make yews count 2, magic and bamboo 3, elders and golden bamboo 5

    edit: The bonus progress might mean the numbers would need to go up a little. Current req would mean only 100 bamboo or 75 golden to reach 300 progress. Probably around 500-600 would be a good balance for my numbers.

    Clue Scrolls

    Again, they already use the "extra progress for the more difficult version of this task" system. Not sure why its not more widespread.

    Skill and kill

    Some things with very separated xp drops dont get counted very well(like bossing). Maybe just give 1 progress every interval instead of requiring an xp drop in that interval. Some people will just afk and do nothing for these but honestly, their loss. Help out the people actually playing the game. Could be simple as changing this to "Gain x XP or stay logged in for x minutes".


    I think there needs to be some alternative task rewards for ironmen. I know this may be controversial but the game already has: Premiere artifact bonuses for ironmen, pantheon and majarrat aura purchases for ironmen (bonds), every other aura (loyalty points), bank space, action bar, and preset mtx. Currently we get the clue and oddment rewards but it wouldnt hurt to replace some of the others with other generic event rewards (that are not xp related) like dungeoneering token boxes, vip slayer tickets, thaler, etc. This could be balanced by not allowing ironmen to buy skips.

    III. Feedback

    So what do you guys think? Did I miss anything? Am I worse at balance than jagex? (Jagex wont reply to this thread 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 edit: or not)

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_KATARINA
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    Been a long 15 years, old friend.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Holy sh*t.. Soul Split, I'm coming!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Always the best feeling ��

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I wish tracks were more casual, I actually have a life outside of this game.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    There's so many tasks that want me to craft thousands of an item, I can play maybe 3 hours a day because I have an extremely busy life, been playing since I was 14, am now 28. I simply cannot do all the tasks unless I buy some skips. When a single task takes me 2 hours to do, I'm done for the day. The hardcore/nolife people will get all the tasks done regardless of how long it takes, but having things take too long hurts the casual players.

    I hate having to logon, do a task or two, then log off. I can't do what I actually want on the game... which isn't crafting 2,652 yew longbows. Please.. make the track requirements less, it won't hurt.

    submitted by /u/DontWorryIllWait
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    Kerapac Track guide

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    With one month left on the yak track, and being done with the Yak track since last weekend, I decided to make this overview of all yak track tasks with my findings. The wiki does have a nice guide on this, but I figured a list with the best method for every task would be handy as well. I've highlighted the task that will be the quickest to do.

    First some general tips:

    • Always use the best tool/skilling outfit/potions to get the fastest results.
    • Farming - DO NOT USE A FARMING SKILLCAPE - if it procs it will only count as 1 harvest!
    • Prayer/Kill monsters - I've listed skeletons with bonecrusher below, but this is a very flexible task depending on your goals besides doing Yak Track. For instance, I did some Banshees and Ghouls for these tasks because I needed to kill them for champion scrolls anyway.
    • Prayer - While bonecrusher will work, attuned ectoplasmator will NOT work,
    • Skill and kill - The counter is 1 progress per 3 minutes, provided you gain xp right after it comes from cooldown. Because of the cooldown mechanic, it might take a little longer or shorter to complete if you decide to do these tasks. But generally you can do this without thinking about it.
    • You get 2 free skips. Task 45 should always be skipped (construction or summoning), task 39 is also pretty long compared to others.
    • Archaeology - Xp from completing mysteries do count.
    • /u/_skes_ - Dwarven tools set to double resources work, using dwarven chain-axe on a divine yew really speeds things up.
    • /u/yuei2 - Superheat form speeds up smelting tasks by 25%, also use smelting gauntlets for more AFK.
    Task # Task A (quantity) Task B (quantity) Best option
    1 Yak Story (1) Skill and Kill (10) Yak story is the quickest.
    2 Lore Hunter (1) Skill and Kill (20) Lore Hunter will always be the quickest, there will be 5 of these total and they will take place on Anachronia, you got to talk to an NPC called The Curator in Burthrope first.
    3 Clue Scrolls (4) Woodcutting or Mining (290-175) Personally I did clue scrolls because I like them, but mining concentrated coal in living rock caverns can be just as quick with stone spirits. Alternatively, acadias in Menaphos.
    4 Firemaking or Cooking (415-570) Kill monsters (386-500) Kill low level mobs in lumbridge catacombs
    5 Play minigames (15) Earn Archaeology xp (10,000-257,725) Play minigames means gaining Thaler, which is 15 minutes of whatever minigame is on spotlight. Archaeology might be quicker if you still have some broken artefacts banked.
    6 Smelthing or Fletching (1060-1320) Smithing (30) Smith 30 steel gauntlets/boots (they only need 1 bar, the more bars an item has, the longer the smithing time). Masterstroke powerbursts are useful here.
    7 Crafting (820-1310) Runecrafting (145-660) Use wicked hood and runecrafting pouches if needed. At 99 just the free essence from the hood will be enough. Task A Crafting might be quicker at 66 runecrafting and under, making boots will usually be the cheapest (require 1 hide each) but check prices to be sure.
    8 Lore Hunter (1) Skill and Kill (20) Anachronia
    9 Cooking or Prayer (765) Fishing (165-175) Fishing pike or Menaphos fish (in VIP if possible - /u/yuei2). Alternatively, task A can be done in lumbridge catacombs with a bonecrusher.
    10 Clue Scrolls (6) Farming (10-20) 1 herb run should be enough. Make sure you plant Cadantine or better for task 28! Plant bushes (avocado+), mushrooms (stinkfly+) and/or fruit trees (Ciku+) for task 35 while you're at it. Alternatively, do 2 hard clues for task A.
    11 Firemaking (1415-1455) Divination (800) Gather energy, div-o-matic does work
    12 Dungeoneering or Slayer (26) Archaeology: screen soil (572-818) Use the screen soil spell if available, manual screening will still be faster than task A. Alternatively, rush C1 floors for task A.
    13 Crafting or Herblore (1830-2505) Kill monsters (444-550) Kill low level mobs in lumbridge catacombs
    14 Smelting (2060-2150) Skill and Kill (40) Pick your poison, personally I did afk steel bars. Task B would take around 2 hours. Don't use a free skip on this, there are worse ones.
    15 Summoning (900-1370) Herblore (1075-2055) If you have some spare charms, preferably gold, make terrorbirds with them, or pay for the current cheapest potion to make if you have money to spare - energy potion and up. You can use a free skip on this but there will be 2 tasks after this that will be more wise to spend skips on.
    16 Play minigames (25) Smithing (40) Smith steel gauntlets or boots again.
    17 Fishing (395-415) Woodcutting (355-545) Cut willow logs or acadias (use porters or superheat form for more afk). Fishing is also decent in Menaphos.
    18 Firemaking or Cooking (1610-2170) Mining (280-410) Mine runite with stone spirits.
    19 Kill monsters (808-1000) Archaeology: restore artefacts (10-13) Unless you have broken artefacts saved up, killing mobs in lumbridge catacombs will be quicker.
    20 Agility (100) Runecrafting (355) Death or blood runes with wicked hood and pouches, rest via abyss/spare teleports on hood.
    21 Lore Hunter (1) Skill and Kill (20) Back to Anachronia we go!
    22 Divination (1200) Crafting or Fletching (2345) Gather energy, div-o-matic does work
    23 Archaeology: excavate materials (137-203) Herblore (2695) Imperial iron or above, material deposits do work. Porters are great here.
    24 Clue scrolls (15) Woodcutting (190) 5 hard clues will be the quickest. Alternatively, try woodcutting from divine yew locations, regular chopping is not too bad either.
    25 Slayer (12) Prayer (1000) Kill skeletons in lumbridge catacombs with bonecrusher.
    26 Herblore (2955) Skill and Kill (60) Herblore will be expensive and will still take over an hour to make the potions. Task B will take about 3 hours.
    27 Smelting or Thieving (4600) Archaeology: Earn xp (20,800-515,450) Personally, I did thieving, but that took a couple of hours, smelting would've taken even longer. Archaeology would be way faster even if you still have to gather artefacts.
    28 Farming (35) Construction (1245) Just do a herb run, Cadantine and above.
    29 Kill monsters (2000) Agility (170) Low level mobs in Lumbridge catacombs
    30 Thieving or Firemaking (4690) Crafting (450) Do the cheapest red dragonhide chaps and better (be careful, red dhide boots don't count)
    31 Fishing (420) Runecrafting (540) Wicked hood time again, death or blood runes.
    32 Lore Hunter (1) Skill and Kill (20) Back to Anachronia!
    33 Woodcutting or Mining (410) Archaeology: Screen soil (2353-2863) Both tasks are about as fast, don't forget stone spirits for mining (orichalite+) or screen soil spell.
    34 Play minigames (30) Fletching (2200) 30 minutes of whatever minigame is on spotlight.
    35 Farming (50) Summoning (3990) Herb patches won't count, only fruit trees (ciku+), mushrooms (stinkfly+) and bushes (avocado+). Plant these beforehand, or use instagrowth potions from PoF.
    36 Runecrafting (570) Prayer (1600) Soul runes are quicker, but semi afking with a bonecrusher is a bit more chill IMO.
    37 Dungeoneering (14) Firemaking or Cooking (2875) You can rush C1's for this. Alternatively, cook sharks.
    38 Divination (2500) Skill and Kill (100) Gather energy, div-o-matic does work. Task B will take you 5 hours.
    39 Woodcutting (310) Archaeology (52,000-1,288,625) I used a skip here. Do either bamboo or golden bamboo in the Arc (/u/LarsdLux)
    40 Kill Monsters (3500) Agility (200) This will take about 2-3 hours in catacombs, but that's better than agility.
    41 Crafting (1805) Herblore (3850) Make the cheapest royal dragonhide vambraces or better (check prices).
    42 Clue scrolls (20) Thieving (3745) 7 Hard clues will be enough.
    43 Fishing or Mining (370) Archaeology: Screen soil (5352-6135) Mine light or dark animica, don't forget stone spirits.
    44 Lore Hunter (1) Skill and Kill (20) Back to Anachronia for the last time.
    45 Construction (1555) Summoning (3650) I used my last skip on this one, summoning is the only viable option here.
    46 Dungeoneering or Agility (136) Kill monsters (5000) You can rush warped C1's if you really really want to, but 136 floors? 5000 skeletons/corpse spiders will be quicker.
    47 Play minigames (35) Fletching (2700) 35 minutes of whatever minigame is on spotlight. Fletching is not too bad either though.
    48 Slayer (30) Prayer (2000) Skeletons in Lumbridge catacombs with bonecrusher.
    49 Cooking (3430) Fishing (620) Cook sharks.
    50 Archaeology: restore artefacts (45-49) Skill and Kill (140) Unless you still have some level 51+ artefacts left , do that. It's 7 hours of play for task B and this is the final task so just play the game how you like, you're free now!

    If anyone has suggestions to add to this, let me know, I will add it in.

    submitted by /u/Silent_Giant
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    Can champ scrolls please not have a value of 1gp

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    Slaughtering lots of mummies, finally got the scroll. Noticed about 30s later but all the ashes around me are valued more than the scroll. Before I could get rid of them all to pick up the scroll, it had disappeared. WHY ARE THESE VALUED AT 1GP??

    submitted by /u/Bml2
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    I mean I put it in as a joke but ok then.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Don't forget to do your Effigy Incubator!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Zanik for Smash When?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    A QoL update for the Brooch of the Gods (that probably hasn't been suggested already)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Wearing a Brooch of the Gods should make it so that, when you obtain a strange/golden rock, it should go straight inside the statue collection bag if it's in the bank the same way a skill shard does if you have a skill shard bag. That way, you don't have to keep carrying it around whenever you go rock hunting.

    submitted by /u/Bicko_Blicko
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    Slayer mask reset costs 100 million shattered anima.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    So I have bought the slayer mask that is being used for ice strykewyrms for 81m shattered anima. With the mask u can force an icestrykewyrm task every 3 days and every 10th drop gets doubled. This seemed pretty cool to me, however apparently the 10th double works only for the first 1000 kc. There is a way to reset this so u can get double drops every 10th again. The reset (spirit of battle) for this costs 100m anima??? That seems ridiculous to me. Its even more expensive than most of the actual masks. I think that the reset for this mask should be way cheaper!

    submitted by /u/robintup598
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    A short rant about how the game world feel less disconnected with the player characters' experiences.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    So, here I am, a fresh iron man. Combat stats of 20 and a few other skills that are in the 30 or 40, nothing special.

    I just finished Diamond in the rough, enjoying myself as I slice open balls of poop trying to find a diamond. Prince gets rescued, Ozan goes after diamond, everyone's having fun.

    Then, I find myself walking near port Sarim, where I find this MASSIVE spire, where I find Armadyl chilling on the top, greeting me with: "Well met World Guardian. It's good to finally meet you, after hearing all of the stories about you."

    Then, I think to myself okay, this might just be an oversight. Surely not every god or special npc you meet has this oversight right?

    Unfortunately, I was apparently wrong, because I wanted to test my theory and made my way over to Falador castle, where I knew Saradomin is lounging on his massive stone throne.

    Sure enough, he also calls me the World Guardian! Why is this a thing?! Why isn't there just a simple filter where people who haven't done The World Wakes, or any quests featuring these characters get a simple introduction, instead of being slapped with titles that don't exist?

    The game is 2 weeks away from being released on Steam, with a suspected influx of new players. Why is stuff like this in the game?! I know there is a description of every quest where they mention that it's a quest that takes place in the fifth age, but you'd think just setting up something as simple as a filter for that wouldn't be too hard.

    This isn't the only thing that feels just utterly...disjointed for new players. Hell, I'm not even a new player (quit for a while in 2017 and just came back) and I was utterly confused about the crater next to Draynor mansion, where the HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE apparently got summoned to destroy Lucien! What the hell I thought he was dead! Why wasn't his return in some big quest?! I truly wish stuff like this would just get taken care of, because if I was a new player I would just get confused and say fuck it, let's play something else.

    Anyway, this was just a semi long rant about a few things that just constantly baffle me about this game. There's so much potential here when it comes to world building but it all feels just so...weirdly disconnected and sort of slapped together sometimes.

    Are there any moments where you guys felt that the game just feels disconnected from what's actually happening? Or am I just nitpicking here?

    submitted by /u/Slopsie
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    In case anyone is still wondering

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Am I missing something here? [Converting to oddments doesn't add up]

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Wishlist, Follow and be prepared to review RS3 on steam

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    As everyone knows RS3 is coming to steam on October the 14th in an attempt to gain new players. We all want this to succeed, so we can see the game we love live on. Please make sure to login to steam, and Wishlist/follow Runescape. When the game releases on steam, please drop a positive review so we can get people who have never played interested! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1343400/RuneScape/

    submitted by /u/brandonpenning1
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    Adding "My Experience in *insert skill name here* is..." to quick chat.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Would it be a pointless thing that noone else wants/would use? I only ask since quick chat doesn't display virtual levels.

    submitted by /u/sllih_tnelis
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    Ed3 for training invention

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I hear guides say do abysal demons and waterfiends but would the ed3 farm run b better as I got alot of xp n gold doing it and every run takes 5 mins or so?

    submitted by /u/KidWhazifa
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