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    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 500 - Achievement Back-end Overhaul

    RuneScape TL;DW 500 - Achievement Back-end Overhaul

    TL;DW 500 - Achievement Back-end Overhaul

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Vod | Long Version | This Week In RuneScape - 26/10/20

    Achievement Back-end Overhaul

    ETA: Monday, November 2nd. unless something comes up

    Current Problem

    Our library of achievements has expanded massively (around 3,000 achievements) and accumulated a wide variety of unique and often process intensive unlock conditions. Processing achievements has been one of the most costly scripts to run. It started to even crash out for players in certain cases.

    New System Benefits

    • Processing Achievements is more efficient.
    • Developing Achievements is easier.
    • Testing Achievements has less things that can go wrong.
    • No longer dangerously close to being able to add more achievements.

    Project Focus

    • Mimic parody of the live version as much as possible.
    • Ruthlessly avoided any future creep.
    • Get the new format out ASAP to players/developers could reap the benefits.

    What we had to do

    • Recreate every achievement from scratch.
    • Puzzle out how to replicate their peculiar conditions in the new format.
    • Re-write the achievement parser to use achievement engine configs.
    • Ensure players don't notice the difference.

    New Front-end Features

    • Area Tasks Category - Contains diary tasks by area/difficulty (separated from the Exploration category).
      • No current plans to add more in the future.
    • Activities Category - Contains Minigames, D&Ds and the previous Misc. Category.
    • Lore Category - Lore achievements are split into subcategories (removed from MQC subcategory).
    • Combat Sub-categories - Boss sub-categories have been added and ordered by boss difficulty.
      • Boss difficulty was based upon PvM Encyclopedia info.
    • Hide Completed/Locked are now relabeled as Show Completed/Locked. (Positive terminology).
      • 'Show Completed' toggle will affect sub-categories.
    • Hidden achievements within achievement chains are no longer hidden.

    Achievement Categories [x/2,929]

    To Be Fixed

    These features will need to be reworked to work with the new system.

    • The Grace category will no longer have sub-categories.
    • The 'Full Comparison' button has been disabled.


    • Achievements no longer duplicate which ensures the tallies and Runescore are tracked more accurately.
    • There may be some fluctuation in your Runescore following the update due to previous miscalculations.
    • There are other changes which could be made to improve the interface but we wanted to get the new system out as soon as possible.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Happy H'ween! Death's look over the years.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    reality vs expectation

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Just unlocked lunar Isle lodestone.... Just one more to go! Slowly getting the req skills for priff

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    When you’re 14,276 Rune Dragon kills in (with several dozen Visages and Kethsi Rings) and you get your first Kethsi Outfit Scroll...then realize you have to do this 4 more times.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I am in no way complaining, but this is getting a little ridiculous

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Neon Spectral shield Ive made

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    That's not an egg. This is an egg.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    I'm having a heartache 20.5k kc

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    200 killstreak at Telos starting at 1000% enrage

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    What are the most important quests to do?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Came back to RS3 when the mining/smithing rework was launched after not playing for several years. I'm going to get back into quests soon and wanted to know what are the important quests. I know I need to do Plagues End to unlock Prif, but what other quests should I prioritize?

    submitted by /u/garebear36
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    I've seen several people lately, advocating for just straight up selling level packs instead of TH. Are you people insane? That'd break the entire game overnight.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    The ENTIRE econemy relies almost exclusively on the econemy of resources. That is completely gone if people can just straight up buy levels packs for a reasonable price.

    TH prevents this by making it random, and having most of their rewards still require you to play the content and consume SOME resources. That is not rhe case with these peoples horrible idea of selling levels outright. It also makes it way more expensive and unreasonable to try to use keys to directly buy max.

    It really really worries me when people agree with ideas like this. I don't like TH as much as the next guy, but it is factually better for the game than just straight up selling levels. Period. Full stop. The game relies so heavily on time commitments. Yes, treasure hunter makes those much easier. But say a new slayer mob comes out with a crazy good drop that requires a certain high level. If everyonneeee can just instantly drop 20-30 bucks or whatever and buy 120 slayer and go farm the item, guess what? That new item is now far far far less valuable.

    The idea is just insane and would instantly destroy the game.

    Edit: to people still not understanding. People would start equating the value of an item based on the xp it gives, relative to what it costs to just buy the xp or items outright. That's horrible lol. That changes it from supply and demand IN GAME to what xp costs in real world dollars.

    submitted by /u/YeahhhhhWhateverrrr
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    Jagex Staff member gives up on offering me mod really quickly.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Dragonhide Ranger Lady

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    The penguins are upping their spycraft game

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    How Unfortunate xD

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Any interest in a "new player experience" series?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I'm returning after several years of not playing, and after setting new rules for myself I was struck by how clueless I am, and how little information is given to you inside of the game still today. I'm considering editing my first few forays into episodes showing how painful - and amusing - the game can be without using the wiki. The Halloween event alone I wandered for about 45 minutes around Draynor manor looking for Pestilence and Famine, and that was only because I knew from the "This Week in Runescape" release that they existed.

    submitted by /u/TheEasterbasket
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    My friend just might be the luckiest person ever ~1982 Soulgazer KC

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Just started to get the hang of arrax, after 70+ kills dry jagex blessed me with the b2b

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Wholesome Game!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Wholesome Game!

    Well, this friendship started a couple of days ago. I was lost doing the Halloween mini game where you had to find the bones, me being stupid, forgot there was a ladder a at the top of Draynor Manor, 10 minutes later, still no success. I went outside and asked where the last bone was, a lvl 70ish player told me where it was and me being so glad I found it gave the guy 5m, He was ecstatic that I gave him 5m and was saying he's never had so much money and was saving up 2m for a fury. I then took him to g.e bought him a full Armour set, fury and anything else he needed. fast forward a few days, i'm teaching him how to boss and doing ed3 with him. Talking all the time and bantering as mates! I LOVE THIS GAME!!!

    Sorry if this is annoying to read, failed all my english classes!!! :(


    submitted by /u/heathdavidking
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    Access Quest Item Storage + Metal bank from bank interface

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I would like to see improvement that we would be able access quest item storage + metal bank from bank interface

    Could this be implemented?

    If you agree just drop Support in comments and let's see if something can be done

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Know_to
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    Ainsley surely is spending his time well

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Very minor QoL that you guys could just whisper into the Ninja team's ears before they deploy their next update - Give the compost used a text color, to make it easier to know which compost was used. Thank you Jagex :)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    Breakdown of making 4 Khopeshes at Magister with video (1892 kills)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    So after my last Magister post 2.5 weeks ago, I decided to try and double the amount of khopeshes I make for this breakdown. As I couldn't afford 2k keys at once, I did them in 2 1k increments. I refined my rotation a little bit as well as slightly tweaking my perks to make it easier on myself. Normally I used impatient+mobile combo on my TMW legs for ED runs, bringing a switch for bosses and never really swapped them out for all these Magister kills. So that's fixed now, which actually makes a huge difference as I've found out. I've also bought another EOF and added dclaws as the spec, I've found that it helps burst down the final kill of each trip or if I think I could pb. Anyways, on to the breakdown.

    Starting at 5044 kc, finishing my 11+12 khopeshes only took 950 kills, so already off to a good start. In those 950 kills, I received 57 phylacteries, which makes my average scraps from phylacteries 10.5 and my phylactery drop rate 1 in 16.666, repeating of course. This first set of khopeshes was honestly really lucky, as the average is 10 scraps per phylactery and 1 phylactery every 17 kills (with LoTD).

    I again tracked my supplies used, but made some slight changes from last time; no incense sticks were used as I found that they really didn't do as much to justify their costs, and I was more sparing with my scrimshaw of vampyrism use, only turning it on when I was low health to juice the zerker's fury relic. So in the 11hr40min it took for these 950 kills (81.4 kills per hour btw) it cost me this many supplies. With a total cost of 72m, that means I spent 6.2m per hour just to even be in combat with the Magister.

    You'll notice I used 87 less vuln bombs than kills. While some were not used due to me not noticing I misclicked and didn't throw one, my first hour I tested not using it all to see how much of a difference it makes, and man do they matter. I was only able to get 73 kills that hour, much less than the 82 kph I averaged the rest of the time. But vuln bombs only give 10% more damage, and 82 is more than 10% higher than 73, so what gives? Magister heals a lot towards the end when I'm trying to conserve adren and cooldowns for the next kill, so having that slightly increased hits means I can avoid it happening more consistently.

    And now the loot breakdown; I sold both for 1050m even, making each one 525m. Combined with the normal loot and sold off extra keys, total income was 1293.4m. When you minus the 708.9m on keys, 1.4m on 2 khopeshes, and 72.1m supplies cost, net profit was 440m. Done over the 11hr40min it took, that brings my profit per hour to 37.7m. Not too bad if I say so, 9m/hr better than the last set!

    Ok, so the next loot breakdown will go much quicker for those still interested. Finishing the next set (13+14) in 11hr20min left me at 6936 kc, taking only 942 kc this time, netting me the 600 scraps needed in only 56 phylacteries. That means I averaged a 1/16.8 phylactery drop rate with 10.7 scraps per drop. I sold both khopeshes for 517m each, making total income with normal loot 1221m. Subtracting 685m for keys+khopeshes and 60.5m in supplies, net profit was 472.4m, bringing profit per hour to 41.686m!

    When you combine both sets, I killed 1892 Magisters. In that time, I recieved 113 phylacteries and 1200 scraps, bringing the average to 1 phylactery ever 16.74 kills and 10.62 scraps per phylactery, with a total profit of 912.4m. All that taking exactly 23 hours means I got 82.26 kills an hour for 39.67m profit. These are insane numbers for a solo boss of this level, beaten only by high enrage Telos and AoD to my knowledge. This boss is so consistent and reliable I'm having a hard time moving on to other bosses, but these 7k kills have let me afford so many upgrades for other styles it feels bad not using the gear, so now I'm moving on to Nex, expect a breakdown of that in the very distant future.

    Finally, and thanks if you did make it this far I know it's a lot, here is a short video showing how the kills go for those interested in trying it as well. Feel free to ask any questions or correct me if I made any mistakes!

    submitted by /u/NubbynJr
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