• Breaking News

    Friday, October 9, 2020

    RuneScape Ceremonial swords like these should be handed immediately once you finish, because even though it isn't perfect i cannot make it better than this

    RuneScape Ceremonial swords like these should be handed immediately once you finish, because even though it isn't perfect i cannot make it better than this

    Ceremonial swords like these should be handed immediately once you finish, because even though it isn't perfect i cannot make it better than this

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    PvMT: Quality and General Teamforming

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    PvME, the massively successful PvM resource, has recently branched out to the teamforming department and created a teamforming discord, Players versus Monster Teamforming (PvMT): https://discord.gg/zHZmHZj

    Here you can expect team forming for pretty much all bosses, as well as a tier system for most high level bosses to allow for some quality control in your team forming.

    submitted by /u/TheMemeScrub
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    Thank god they noticed my maturity

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    The OSRS GE Database has graphs for the quantity of items traded - can this be added for RS3 too?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    The OSRS GE database tracks quantity for every single item, whereas the RS3 GE database only does this for the top 100 most traded items. For example, here is the page on OSRS for a saradomin godsword, a relatively infrequently traded item, yet the quantities are still tracked.

    In comparison, the RS3 GE database doesn't even have any sort of graph over time for the few items that quantity is tracked for. We are only given a min, max, and median value for quantity traded each day over a time period, as well as the total traded over the time period. The time periods are limited to only 4 options (7 days, 1 month, 3 month, and 6 months) and we don't even know when these minimum or maximum values occurred.

    I know that Jagex has said website work is difficult in the past, but surely if this can be done for OSRS, it should be possible for RS3, right? This would be really beneficial information to have.

    thank u for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/XTL_
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    Let Dragon Halberd Spec not share a cool down with Cleave

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    That is all

    submitted by /u/Certified_Lawyer
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    Instead of us destroying our arch exp books, please let us disassemble them for ancient materials.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    For an item that used to be very valuable, imo a strong dopamine hit when randomly found, it now sucks finding them at max level archaeology as it just causes a few extra clicks to destroy for nothing.

    And there's a decent chunck of us farming at max level archaeology, and that number is growing each day and faster now that the Orthen digsite is closing in.

    submitted by /u/My_Little_Foxy
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    Yeah I wonder too what happens if I find the 14th out of 13 ravens

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Ice dye on my 36th master clue ever!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Is he cosplaying as "Shrek" or "Dende"?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    The UI sometimes doesn't recognise killing Linza as a 'brother slained'. But it reverts back when inside the tunnels. Happens about 3 out of 10 kills. I hope it doesn't screw up the chest rewards for Linza.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Erethdor's Grimoire is literally 6.2m/hr to use, Jagex please do something about this.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Inb4 "hurr durr you're not required to use it" yeah and I'm not required to use any other PvM gear but it sure does help yeah?

    1. Let grimoires be disassembled into x number of pages.

    2. Make pages a guaranteed or much more common drop.

    3. Make Solak more popular somehow.

    submitted by /u/lyzaros
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    Too real. The most hilarious answer to the game design question: "When and why is smelting fun?"

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    I spent 3 bonds so you don't have to!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:08 PM PDT


    This mental health awareness event is an absolute monstrosity when it comes to being an event.

    3 whole bonds can be exchanged for 20k patches, which took me from lvl 1 to 16 going through the cosmetic/pet unlocks. 3. Whole. Bonds. For 2 incomplete cosmetic sets (Guardian of Fortitude and Bastion of Fortitude)

    Previously I've been able to obtain the Defender and Warden of the Mind outfits, so that was AWESOME to HAVE to unlock again in order to progress forward.

    Jagex, this is NOT how to run a fun, mental health awareness event. On top of when Yak Track is running. Honestly, I love this game, I go for the year long memberships and I go for the cosmetics I love and that appeal to me personally, but this just feels so absolutely wrong in all the worst ways.

    Do better next time, and offer means of getting patches (gold, oddments, etc) that aren't SUPER PREDATORY AND FORCES PLAYERS TO SPEND BONDS.

    I just threw 45 days of membership for 2 half cosmetic sets. I feel like an idiot. Don't do it. It isn't worth it.

    Edit - I received a bit of criticism for this post and rightly so. I feel its necessary to provide some extra context to this situation and myself; I am working a new job that for the first time feels like a career position and demands more time and energy from me than anywhere else I previously worked. I am a father of two, a newborn should be here sometime in the next week or so. I'm spending more and more time with my family and working on making improvements in my life that ultimately take away from amy down time for gaming.

    I love cosmetics and support ing the game as its brought me more hours of enjoyment over the last 15 years of my life since I started playing. I wanted to see what I could get/achieve with the provided methods available for those who don't have the time to grind out or play for the patches normally, and the return, in my opinion, isn't worth the cost.

    Thankfully I didn't spend any irl money on the 3 bonds, but despite that what I got in return for the bonds just doesn't make sense or match my expectations. I can probably go more in depth to previous solomon store bundles and prices to give a better example of what $20/3 bonds could earn me, but for some people commenting I don't know if that'd make any difference.

    I won't stop playing (even though my activity in this game has dropped significantly lately) and I still believe this game and it's developers are capable of turning future events and occasions around for the better that'll benefit everyone across the board, but this specific encounter felt worthwhile making a post about and trying to bring more attention to it, because it just isn't right.

    Solutions could be to make the cosmetics directly purchasable, again offering more ways to obtain the cosmetics and allow players to still support a mental health cause or charity.

    Thank you all for your feedback and discussion on this, and thank you strangers for the awards.

    submitted by /u/ShadyDingo
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    Modern mobile gaming adds be like

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Eldritch Crossbow (ECB) + Essence of Finality (EOF) and necklace swapping [CONFIRMED]

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I made a post a few ago asking about the interaction when using EOF with ECB special stored and swapping necklaces after activating the ECB special.

    I wanted to make a second post to confirm that the ECB special does not get removed when swapping to a different necklace.

    This allows you to use ECB spec on EOF and then switch to another EOF with another spec

    This also is good to note, because repair on the dangt EOF is expensive AF. So you could even use ECB spec on EOF and then swap to reaper necklace to save some upkeep cost.

    submitted by /u/_Raehln_
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    The fascinating theory that explains RuneScape's illogical geography.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Introducing r/RuneScapeDnD, a place for in-depth discussion of games of Dungeons & Dragons set in the world of RuneScape!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Hello there my fellow RuneScapers, Dungeon Masters, and Dungeons & Dragons players!

    Gielinor has such a deep culture and is bursting with interesting environments, characters, and creatures, so it makes for a perfect setting to a game of Dungeons & Dragons. I've made a couple of posts on this subreddit and r/2007scape through the years and many times they caught some significant attention, bringing out from the woodwork a surprising number of people interested in the combination of these two wonderful games. For this reason, I've created r/RuneScapeDnD to be a place where we can share stories, materials, and discussions about all things related to games of Dungeons & Dragons set in the wonderful world of RuneScape. Of course, fans of other TTRPG's are also welcome. It is my intent that some content related to both these games can and should still be posted to the primary RuneScape subreddits for greater visibility, but in this new sub, we can really get into the nitty gritty by sharing detailed stories, statistics, discussions, and other content not as suitable for the wider RuneScape community. I'm looking forward to sharing and discussing content with you!


    submitted by /u/DragonZaid
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    The cannoning

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    To irons who are against irons and mains PvMing together, would be OK with it if it came with the following STRICT restrictions/requirements?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    Any iron, in order to PvM with mains, would have to meet the following conditions:

    • (red) Final boss title
    • Dormant and (green) Warden titles
    • Max cape
    • all quests and diaries completed (must be upkept with new releases)
    • can only do bosses up to max team size where you'd still have an instance timer (7 for AoD, as an example, or 1 for GWD2) or you'd get no loot/kc

    I think it's time to open up the gamemode boundary as it artificially segregates the already-small playerbase and people should be able to play the gamemode they enjoy, rather than feeling forced to play what all their friends play.

    Please bear in mind, these requirements are just a baseline to get the conversation started and the idea out there that this can be done without leeching, and totally open to revision later on if the jmods or the iron community finds them too lax or too strict.

    I know these requirements are high or overshooting but that is intentional to alleviate concerns that early/mid-game irons would be able to leech. Usually, many irons react to this suggestion in a knee jerk way that it would ruin their game mode for leeching/integrity reasons.

    Personally, subjectively, I wouldn't mind significantly lower requirements, but I understand that many irons are very concerned about eary/mid-game leeching so I overdid it a bit just to make sure that this wouldn't be an issue. By the time you have these requirements, you can even carry almost any main if you want to.

    There are also rationales behind them:

    It ensures you have a t92 set (including the spec weapons that are essential for some styles), can do every boss in the game consistently, are an all around competent PvMer including at a staple solo boss where you can't be carried. At the same time, they are also still low enough so that you still have reason to go to endgame group bosses that can be done with your friends. It is also simple enough to implement without being a development nightmare.

    submitted by /u/ldvgvnbtvn
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    Killed 25 celestial dragons for a daily task. Jagex, why?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    World mental health day is tomorrow(and as someone who suffers from mental health badly) runescape has helped me through tough times. i started a series a while ago as i returned to runescape after 8/9years. the end of the video i talk about mental health and i want to help please dont suffer alone.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    Equip your augmented mattock/tools!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    I just got back into RS3 from about six month break and I've been grinding archaeology cause I want my max cape back and eventually to reclaim my comp cape. Anyways, I just made the imcando mattock and was using it from the inventory, without equipping it. My player literally holds the mattock while excavating, they weren't using the bane mattock that I had in my toolbelt, so I assumed that my invention perks were doing stuff.

    Yeah, no. Despite visually using the imcando mattock, I was confused as to why weren't my prayer points going down nor was I getting chat notifications about Imp-souled or fortune perks proccing when my chat is unfiltered. I've been using this mattock for like three days since I boosted to make it at 81 archaeology and it has zero item XP. Equip your augmented mattock or tools, don't make the same mistake I did.

    Still, why was my character using the mattock... without using it? I feel like this should be changed, it feels a bit ambiguous unlike augmented armor and weapons which need to be equipped because you can use tools from the inventory. Either that or I'm just an idiot and this is obvious and I spent too much time on OSRS.

    submitted by /u/Bag440
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    Add Wicked Hood Tokens to Oddments

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    They are so hard to get otherwise.

    submitted by /u/rrwgibson
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