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    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    RuneScape Is it too late to hop on the MTX drama?

    RuneScape Is it too late to hop on the MTX drama?

    Is it too late to hop on the MTX drama?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    How construction, and certain other things feel like.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Increase the base time of zerk auras to 1 hour

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Gentle reminder to look out for one another and be kind

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Kind of an out of nowhere post but one I hope will have a positive impact on everyone.

    Recently I was made aware that my clan leader had passed away. I remember maybe 5 years ago she found me at a low point in the game and helped me get back into the swing of things and got me back into liking and appreciating the game. She was a very sweet lady who was thoughtful and considerate and driven to make her clan successful, and happily I obliged to the invitation to return the favor and help her out.

    Today we have achieved a nearly maxed out citadel and have a pretty awesome, active, friendly clan, and it was awesome to be a part of that journey with her.

    I don't quite recall the last time I talked with her, as I've been pretty inactive lately due to a job change that has me working more than I used to and demands more of my time. I wish I had another chance to let her know how much I appreciated her and let her know how amazing she was, even though she likely already knew that. She was funny that way taking compliments like "tell me something I don't already know"

    The take away I hope is that you all might let talk with that pvm duo partner, or clan member, the one person you bank stand with and talk to all the time, maybe its that older veteran player giving solid advice to a newby, let them know you appreciate them. Let them know they're awesome. Hell maybe if you're crazy like that and yall have a crazy bond let them know you love them. Once might be enough, but just let them know.

    Because who knows what tomorrow might bring or if you'll ever have that chance again.

    Stay safe scapers, and continue to be kind to one another.

    submitted by /u/ShadyDingo
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    I diagnose you with ban

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    I got full Daemonheim log but never got a broadcast and can't use the title

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Chillin w/My Best Friend Enzo

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Holiday events should be held in Ashdale

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Think about it. Other than when you make a new account, there is almost never a reason to return to Ashdale, despite it being one of the most visually and aesthetically pleasing places in the game. It also makes sense, a nice little town that celebrates the holidays.

    submitted by /u/personlost
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    So I was taking proper fashionscape images as all of my previous images were bad, and to me this one stood out from the rest. Super happy with this one!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Learning Solo Ambi

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Autoswap spellbook after loading a preset

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    This is PvM | Fan made trailer

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    So OSRS just released their Roadmap for the next year on stream. Can we expect something like this for RS3?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Cursed Energy Bots: Add a skulled Mr Ex to wander around the cursed energy wisps

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Cursed Energy Bots constantly scan the screen for overhead skulls from pkers (or bot hunters). When a skull is detected, the bots will usually run a short distance and try to log to lobby, or just straight up run to the nearest cape banker. A really easy way to make it tougher on these bot owners is adding a skulled npc (such as Mr Ex) who can wander around a small area in cursed energy. Since Mr Ex has the power to skull players in safe zone edgeville, why not the power to walk around and skull/ unskull himself to mess with the bots? Benefits for this idea include easier cursed bot kills to hinder their collection process, bot owners would have to start ignoring skull images if they want bots to keep working, and most importantly, pissed off bot owners!

    submitted by /u/Ocean_Beast
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    When you were prepared, but not for Crackling

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    0s corp (not mine but one of the boys)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    daily reminder that support cape and other "skill shard capes" are still broken. its been atleast a year since i first noticed its broken

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Managed my first Rax kill after thousands of hours of playing

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I've played on and off for years and years and I've never really had the balls to try any bosses with any kind of mechanics but set my sights on Rax earlier this week. After many deaths on practice mode, I finally pulled off a kill on the minion path in practice mode which gave me the confidence to go in to a proper encounter and kill the eight-legged beast. It took me 8 minutes and that loot wasn't the best but I'm glad to have finally done it.

    Pretty pointless post to be honest but maybe it will give somebody who's been putting off giving it a try to have a go themselves and get their first kill. Good night.

    submitted by /u/DragonfiredRS
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    Free trip to deaths office ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Move all 120 broadcast messages to tier 2

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Following the great day of "you get a veteran cape and you get a veteran cape", I guess it's fair timing to mention that global broadcasts still fill up the chat too much.

    A few years ago, getting 120 dung was removed as a global broadcast, and changed to a world broadcast. The same should be the case for the rest of the 120 skills.

    submitted by /u/Kerse-
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    Hey Jagex, Thanks for the Runescore Pet, where is my other half of my reward that I was promised?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Hey Jagex, Thanks for the Runescore Pet, where is my other half of my reward that I was promised?

    I haven't heard back since February about that LARP Godsword that I was promised. I had chosen the Armadyl godsword and was told via email that it was already made and just needed to be shipped. Can I get an update on this?


    submitted by /u/Babystepsx
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    Early-Mid Game Easy Cash on Dailies

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    So for newer players and people looking for some free cash I made a list of daily stuff that takes a few minutes in total to run through but can leave you some spending cash . Did the list for my newer friend, and the (cost) +profit is accurate as to today 9/3/2020

    If anyone has something else that I may have overlooked please comment!

    Buys - Runes - Edgeville/Wildy Abyss Wizard - Buy 1k of each Elemental/Mind Rune. (85K) +190K - Ape Atoll Monkey - Buy 1k of each Elemental Rune. (68K) +190K - Mage Arena Shop - Buy 1K of each Elemental Rune. (68K) +190K - Yanille Magic Guild - Buy 1k of each Elemental Rune/Mind Rune + All Soul Runes. (126K) +487K Added By Jthess13 - Al Kharid Ali Shop - Buy 300 of each Elemental Rune + All Soul Runes. (61.4k) +288K - Port Sarim Shop - Buy 300 of each Elemental Rune. (20.4k) +57K

    Buying other runes may prove profitable but are more likely to change as being close to G.E. Sale Price. May differ on day to day

    Buys - Food - Oo'Glog Shop - Buy Boxed Food in Raw Rabbit/Raw Bird Meat/Raw Beef. (43.3K) +450K - Canifis Shop - Buy Raw Beef and Raw Chicken individually. (7.7K) +85K - Lumbridge Castle Basement - Buy Chocolate Bars And Grapes. (6K) +85K

    Buys - Misc. - Taverly/Priff Herb Shops - Buy Limpwurts/Whiteberries and Vials of Waters (Boxed). (340Gp) +45K / (9.6k) +335k - Taverly Summoning Shop - Buy Stack of Flies. (2K) +125K - Port Sarim Fishing Shop - Buy Feathers Indiv/Boxed. (81K) +50K

    Activities - - Oo'Glog/Priff Sandstone (Mining) - Mine 50 of each stone. (Craft) +415K (potion flask only) - Wicked Hood (Runecrafting) - Teleport to Altar of choice and withdraw essence from hood to craft. (Nature Runes 92+RC) +150K - Teleport to RC Guild and make Vis wax with at least 1k Air/Water/Earth runes each. (Possibly Mind/Chaos) W/ 50-100 Wax +600k-+1.25M - Divine Location (Divination) - Make A divine location and gather resources from it in skill of choice.

    submitted by /u/Bruno_Bars
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    Lunar Diplomacy troubles - Pauline missing?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    So doing Lunars on my Ironman(btw) and Pauline seems to just be missing from her house in the city, however present on the farm.

    The chat options on the farm don't allow me to progress with the quest and she just tells me to go help the moonclan.

    I've tried hopping worlds, leaving the area and coming back, interacting with all the things in livid farm and running back through the chat options with Oneiromancer.

    Anyone got suggestions on what to do to try and fix?


    submitted by /u/DoSlayer
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    Tilted so grabbed a Dart from bank (duo)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Happened to me today:) Only at level 51 too :D

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:17 PM PDT

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