• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    RuneScape I worked with RuneScape to make Thok’s Stick!

    RuneScape I worked with RuneScape to make Thok’s Stick!

    I worked with RuneScape to make Thok’s Stick!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Not a major need, but how about a shortcut from the Trollheim teleport area to the Mountain Camp for those who did the quest, so easier for those who constantly do hard clues? (Sorry for the poor quality paint job)

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Early game ironman is really enjoyable. I have never played rs3 as a new player, so far it’s a great time.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Alternative Herblore pet for Herbert.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    TL;DW 489 - Lore Q&A

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:15 PM PDT


    General Lore/Writing

    What can we expect next? Can we see lore updates besides major content updates and quests?

    • We've been trying to incoporate lore into other updates.
    • The next Yak Track will be an example of this.
      • Certain tasks allow you access this lore.
      • Once the Yak Track has concluded, anyone can access it regardless.
      • Lore will be accessed once through conversation/lore books.
      • Some lore will expand upon the Ages, who determines them and details surrounding.

    How far ahead do we plan story plots?

    • In the past it's been unplanned and adaptable but currently we've more been more concrete in locking down a story.
    • We have a general plan up to 5 years in advance but they change to match updates or player interests.
      • Anachronia wasn't part of the plan initially but it was updated to align with Kerapac's storyline.

    What are your thoughts on all the lore theories that get posted on social media? Do you steal them?

    • Obviously we read them, and we do borrow from them such as with Ripper demons.

      • Initially we just had a demon with claws, but a player stated: "What if it wasn't the demon but the bandages taking over a host?"
    • A lot of the theories players make are closed minded, so they are interesting to read but don't work in the big picture.

      • They aren't open for counter-theories.
      • Some players are close with a lack of information and others are widely off.
      • There are some where they wish it to be true even if it doesn't work out.
    • You shouldn't write a story where everything leads to 1 answer as you'd just right yourself into a corner. It's better to having hanging threads where you can pull from later as needed.

      • This allows writers to put their heart into it otherwise it becomes a chore. The lore council helps mold everything into the right direction while retaining the passion.

    Any plans to do <Insert Quest>?

    • There are plans but doesn't mean they are scheduled to be released any time soon.
    • We can't talk about when things will come.

    Quests for <Insert Player Group>?

    • We've been recently releasing novice level quests that are more accessible.
    • Haven't made quests that require level 80/90s for awhile. Usually don't go above 90s for Grandmasters.

    Elder Gods & Desperate Measures

    Why isn't there an aftermath to the Desperate Measure quest? Elder Gods waking up as about as an important event as Guthix's death?

    • Only the quest concluded, the storyline continues.
    • This won't be another Age Break.
    • Most people don't do post quest dialogue so we'd rather put in more time and effort into the quest.
      • Delaying a quest to include isn't an option as it would effect other projects.
      • Dialogue for the quest itself was done about 1.5 weeks before it went live.
    • The cost to do a 2D cutscene is cheaper than a 3D one and the points/emotions come across the same way.

    How did Ful get from Karamja to Anachronia?

    • She swam through the lava. There made planets, so they can travel through them really easily.

    In the Desperate Measures we found out about shadow anima which is apparently poisonous to the Elder Gods. Could we use it to kill them if necessary?

    • You could, if you wanted to kill all life on Gielinor.
    • His plan wasn't to kill the elder gods, he was killing the elder gods eggs by poisoning their food which were being fed to them.
    • There's no evidence in the quest that it's an effective weapon against them.
    • They see it more as an annoyance.

    How did Guthix know about Shadow Anima?

    • The answer is in Desperate Times.

    Jas is a clock, Ful is a wyrm, Mah is a humanoid, can you reveal the forms of Wen and Bik?

    • We have pictures but won't reveal them to you

    Why are Elder gods called their name?

    • It was supposed to be and probably was based upon Java application servers.
    • The destruction of the Stone of Jas aligned with discontinuation of Java is a coincidence.
      • There's no correlation between NXT being called NXT and Xau Tak.
    • They just need names otherwise it's annoying to refer to them.

    Why did the Dragonkin experiment with Black Stone at Ulthven Kreath given what happened to Anachronia?

    • Desperation and fate. Driven by hope.

    How did Zarador squeeze into the 2nd floor of that building in burthorpe?

    • I'd love to have the time to waste to model him being squished in a cramped.
    • Other people are represented because there's a lack of room in the room.

    Other Lore

    Does Zu Zu or John Sturm hold the Horn?

    • John Sturm won't have it because he's dead.
    • Most people in Gielinor probably don't know the Horn is an elder artifact.
    • The mission was to kill Quin because they were terrorizing islands.
      • So, it's probably just sitting there waiting for someone to claim it.

    Are there entities that fulfill the same Role as Amascut and Ichtlarin in other worlds/planes or are their roles exclusive to Gielinor?

    • The afterlife can vary wildly from world to world. Some worlds don't have a guide.
    • Icthlarin/Amascut can be seen as middle management gods, where they aren't necessary.

    Any plans to expand the Queen of Ashes or the Karamja Gods lore in future quests? Those are the only gods that didn't partake in recent events in the sixth age yet, Xau-Tak and the Elder Gods are moving around, the Desert Pantheon is making a plan to revert the damage Amascut has caused, even Brassica Prime and Marimbo have made a move.

    • Plans, yes. But we aren't going to show them any time soon.
    • We are aware of them and we have our thoughts, they'll have their place when they have it.

    What are your thoughts on creating content that directly features the Abyss?

    • The Abyss really isn't a storyline, it's a world setting element.
    • Would like to do something related to Shattered Worlds but it would be a storyline about the characters not the place.

    Why was Zarosian imagery allowed to remain on the Slayer Tower? Was it just that Zamorak got banished and the Vampyres didn't care?

    • I don't think we established it. I'd like to think it was finished and they were probably about to get to it than it began sinking into the swamp and they had other priorities.

    In Lord of Vampyrium, Polmafi fell through the portal. Is he dead, or is there a chance we and Veliaf can go on one last rescue trip to Vampyrium in some distant future?

    • Strictly he's MIA. Players could go and find out, and if you did find him what happened to him?
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Wizards' Tower at Sunset.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Allow a minimum gp value for Legendary pet Scavenging

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Legendary pets are a useful pet for all levels of players. One issue is they routinely scavenge extremely low value items from dead creatures. It would be great if we could set a monetary value below which a legendary pet would ignore the drop. That is all. :)

    submitted by /u/MrSnugs
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    Please change the order of operations when clicking on a door while auto-retaliate is on in dungeoneering.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    While dungeoneering, if you try to click on a door to open it while a monster is attacking you. Your character will stop trying to open the door and try to attack the monster instead.

    The only way to get around this is so turn off auto-retaliate or spam click the door until you go through it.

    Can Jagex please change the order of operations to complete an action (like running across a room, or opening a door) before the character tries to auto-retaliate?

    submitted by /u/alex6219
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    A thought, bundled gp pouches

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    As a mildly irresponsible clan leader sometimes i like to hold little giveaways for my clanmates, it gets stuff out of my slayer tab and gp pouch, and they enjoy the game a little more. One thing that kind of sucks though is handing out gp from a stack in lesser amounts, especially when doing a drop party at falador we can't really split the gp up into nice little prizes, so, i had a minor idea that might even be useful for traders on the ge. bundled gp pouches.

    Gp pouches would be available for free from the bank interface or ge interface, simply click a new "bundle gp icon" type in the set amount of gp you want to hold in the bag, and the bag will be named "gold pouch (amount)gp/k/m/b" which may be redeemed for the exact amount of gp listed in its examine (or name if it's an even total) by right clicking and hitting "open".

    This would be the best of both worlds for both traders who would get something like OSRS' platinum tokens to trade easily over max with, and mildly irresponsible clan leaders like myself to easily give gold out via drop parties and clan games without the worry of splitting stacks or mixing up prizes.

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    66M ELY Coinshare Split #throwback

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    Orthen Digsite - Ancient Herblore rewards

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Can we have an autoloot chest in Kuradal's dungeon, too?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    currently the only benefit kuradal's dungeon offers (besides some monsters in one place) is the ferocious ring with some minor damage bonuses.

    I think, since we are required to be on task anyways while inside the dungeon, an auto loot chest would not be overpowered.

    submitted by /u/Veracahrim
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    Cleave Bugged At Rax/Telos

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    This video was posted here 3 years ago and received a jmod reply but it has yet to be fixed. The same bug also gives you a null hit with the cleave flurry and quake abilities at telos. The cleave and quake ability do this inconsistently and I was unable to replicate it However on p5 Flurry consistently splashes when you are in back beam. I tested this myself at araxor and the only bugged ability is cleave when used from the Southeast corner but also i learned the Northwest corner makes it bugged. I am unsure what other bosses are affected but given the nature of the spaghetti code theres likely more bosses or enemies that have this happen. Ive been reporting these bugs every other month or so in game and have asked multiple people to do the same so jagex can notice it so im forced to use the actual bug report site (reddit).



    -Cleave does null damage at rax from southeast and northwest corners -Flurry does null damage at telos in p5 backbeam -Quake and Cleave sometimes null throughout the Telos fight

    submitted by /u/Le_Reddit_Soy
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    Divine locations world?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    What ever happened to w2 being the hotspot for divine locations? Did it just die down over time or did some update kill it off?

    submitted by /u/mrgameboy1
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    Little Imp, FashionScape

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    What the hell caused Elder Rune Platebody +5 prices to double this year?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    Suggestion: disassembly equivalent of the golden touch ability

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Instead of alching, automatically disassemble all drops for the next 60 seconds. A lot of drops aren't salvage (so can't spring-cleaner it), aren't worth much money, but could give useful components except disassembly gets interrupted by combat and it's impractical to manually disassemble these drops. Like GWD2 mob drops for example.

    submitted by /u/lol_a_spooky_ghost
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    Finally Nex Pet 1337 kills :)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Does the Dino Tooth even exist?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Been rotating between Vile Blooms and Dinosaurs for the tooth for the past few days doing a couple hundred of each and still nothing. This is the last piece I need to finish the base camp, why is there no bad luck mitigation on this?

    submitted by /u/Jojoejoe
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    Leaked new master quest cape req.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I accomplished my Ironman dream goal today: Completionist Cape and a bunch of 120s!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Thanks I guess

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:25 AM PDT

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