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    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 487 - Player Advocacy Group Breakdown

    RuneScape TL;DW 487 - Player Advocacy Group Breakdown

    TL;DW 487 - Player Advocacy Group Breakdown

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Vod | Meet the Ninja Team PAG

    Player Advocacy Groups (PAG)


    The Idea Behind It

    • Create a system where someone experienced can explain nuanced issues in a way where developers can make changes.
      • This would be done in a way that will be trusted so they can have clear expectations of the outcome.
      • The community can get an insight into the conversations that are happening.
    • Not meant to replace getting general community feedback, surveys, or newsposts.

    Designing the 1st PAG - The RS Guy

    • The starting point was scattered and everyone had a different idea but it came together as it progressed.
    • Needed to figure out:
      • How to collect information?
      • How will we display it?
      • How are we going to present it?
    • First thing was to form a team then have calls and meetings with them and Jagex.

    The Team

    Finding a Leader

    • This was a paid position since it would require a lot of work.
    • This person needed to be:
      • A good leader, a player expert, and could handle the scrutiny of the wider community.

    Selecting a Leader (The RS Guy) - Jagex

    • We needed someone who was conscientious about the selection process.
      • If we see someone is forming a biased team we would scrap it and try again.
      • All nominees were in a position to claim expertise and advocate for the playerbase.
    • Great organization skills needed to be an interfaces between the players and Jagex.
      • Insight into the development process and strong leadership skills.
    • The RS Guy was also partly chosen partly due to the great discussions at and following Runefest.

    Forming the team - The RS Guy

    • Important Criteria:
      • Knowledgeable players who were representative of a community.
      • Someone who could understand a topic clearly and get involved and fight for the things they cared about.
      • Knowledgeable about 1 subject but willing to learn more about the game.
    • Process:
      • Reached out to a number of discord communities for nominations.
      • Interviewed and spoke with 20-30 people and read applications of 50-60 more just in 1 week.


    Themes: PvM Bossing, PvM Slayer, Clue Scroll, Skilling, Ironman, Other

    • 1 Initial Meeting, 4 Team Meetings, 1 Retrospective Meeting.
    • Meetings occurred weekly, where different categories were tackled on different days.
    • 10+ hours a week just on calls going through every item we wanted to bring up for all aspects of the game.
      • Everyone participated even if the discussion wasn't about their expertise.



    • PAG effectiveness:
      • Are we on the right track?
      • How much investment is required on both sides?
      • What sort of results do we get?
    • Find all the little changes that are so spread-out with the level of knowledge required to make a strong change.

    Determining to do a Ninja PAG

    • Due to the existence of the Dojo we could see how effective the PAG was compared to general community feedback:

      • Does it provided a different value, perspective, deeper information or ideas on how things could be different?
      • Is the amount of time invested to get to those conclusions less or more?
    • By allowing a broad PAG focus it allows us to get a deeper focus on future ones without players wanting to bring up additional issues alongside the primary focus.


    Process wise that was the rundown of the project. It was different from but it was a good challenge. It was a lot of work but I'm really proud of what we got done.


    • We were hitting on all those metrics/goals
      • Doing things the Dojo wasn't doing but was still in agreement with it.
    • Obtained 2 years worth of work for the Ninja team as well as passing some off the other teams.
    • Despite this PAG being over, we have documentation we can reference back to at any point.

    Future Updates

    • PAG strike coming up in July and another later in the year.
    • They may also be sprinkled into other strikes depending on their themes just like we do with the Dojo.

    Determining to do Future PAGs

    • Future PAGs will require an NDA which may result in some players not being able to participate.
    • PAGs are done at the developer's request and they must have a clear goal and timetable.
      • There will likely be more as the model grows.
    • The charter process will be made more visible and will be live updated for players to refer to.
      • It will contain a working agreement with the PAG and their criteria.
    • Make plans and procedures in advance so those involved know what to expect going into it.

    Current Plans

    • There are no current plans of a specific PAG however there are discussions.
      • We will notify the community when a future PAG is planned.
    • Current plans include: Making a logo, making sure the presence is easier to find.


    Sharing with the Community

    • In the future there will always be a charter and a retrospective provided to the community.
    • We aren't sharing the actual submission list as there can be a feedback loop that where it can create biases on player needs.
      • We also want to leave people open to surprises.
    • Ninja PAG Meeting minutes will be pushed out in a retroactive post around the July strike.
      • For future PAGs that may show results much later it would be posted immediately.

    Updates in General

    • Updates that came from PAG will NOT be marked as such.
      • The goal of PAG is to bring up problems not implement them. They don't do development/balancing.
      • The PAG team is also unaware of any of what they brought up would or when it would be implemented.
    • There are checks put in place to make sure no one takes advantage of the economy based on internal knowledge.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    B2B dyes. Best day on runescape.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Has anyone at Jagex ever though about how useless Farm Hand rewards are?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    @Mod warden we are over halfway through the year, wheres our roadmap?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Wheres that roadmap, all these big things, you pop in and comment once or twice here and there about how rs is thriving, best game ever, we are doing so good.

    how about some COMMUNICATION to back all this dribble, over half a year of silence, after all your big claims about how it was priority 1 and more transparancy and all the rubbish the other jmods have given over the years.

    tl;dr communication and roadmap kgo

    submitted by /u/Nolifedemon
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    Loot From 100 Hours of Nex

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    How I feel about yak tracks..

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    New Censors

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Can a mod go through and make sure innocent things aren't caught by the censor just because they're close to the intended censored word? For example, "put a" is a very normal part of a sentence when describing where to place things but is censored because of the word "puta" that censor wants to catch, a word that effectively refers to someone being a prostitute (which is itself not a censored word). I'm not aware of other censor slips like this yet but I'm sure they exist so another once over would be nice; it reminds me of back when Dragon Pickaxes came out and it would censor "d pick" because of the obvious reason despite becoming an innocuous thing in-game, or the issues with selling "black male" dragons with PoF triggering automutes.

    I've flagged it as bug, but it's not really a bug so much as a contextual issue.

    submitted by /u/Denkir-the-Filtiarn
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    I made a death rune desk light/night light

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Allow us to attune up to 3 extra "perk loadouts" for archaeology and switch between them for a modest chronote fee

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:02 AM PDT


    Maybe an unlock or a perk for advancing through archaeology? It'd be a really great idea if we added an unlock perk to be able to set up extra "perk loadouts" that cost a percentage of the total attunement cost (Say if you have 3 5k+ note perks it'd cost 2.5k to swap to that loadout) for the utility of once set up and having paid initial attunement fees, you can swap to that loadout for that fractional cost any time allowing greater flexibility with your perk loadouts.

    I'm thinking it should go something like this granting a total of 4 loadout slots total. and each extra loadout requires the monolith research as a prerequisite (so the first round of it for extra slot 1, second round for 2, etc)

    Default loadout unlocked at start.

    extra loadout 1 at 60 archaeology

    extra lodaout 2 at 99 archaeology

    extra loadout 3 at 120 + 5% cost reduction to swap loadouts

    kind of a short idea but not one i felt that needed a ton of elaborating on.

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    New chat filter FLAW

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Look I support improving chat filters to remove truly hateful words, and we all know what those words are.

    But Jagex has now blocked the phrase "put a". Are you kidding? Do you know how often players use that phrase? "I want to put a GE offer in" "You have to put a shield on for that phase" and a million more. Without a space that phrase is clearly offensive, but WITH a space it should not be filtered.

    Jagex, I truly do appreciate the goal of the new chat filters... but please consider making the filter not apply to that phrase if it includes a space in the middle of the two CLEARLY separate and often used words...

    submitted by /u/diwrigh
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    An experience drop like this felt so good, really wanted to share it with more than just myself.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    Can we get rid of this tree in Stormguard by the Destroyed Golem excavation? It forces constant camera angle change to find the time sprite

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I've had this account for well over 10 years. Thanks to discovering the mobile client, I just hit l60 div parked right outside work!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Official Archaeology World?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Looking for the digsites to not be so bare! Does anybody know a world?

    submitted by /u/bob20021
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    The PvP rework - Bringing PvP to RuneScape's endgame in a SAFE, fun and viable manner.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    The PvP rework - Bringing PvP to RuneScape's endgame in a SAFE, fun and viable manner.

    First things first - yes, this is heavily inspired by Guild Wars 2's sPvP system. It's got the best implementation of PvP I've ever seen in an MMO, and I'd be more than happy if we got something similar in RS.


    If you've visited this subreddit recently, you might know that one of the sub's most frequent requests is the removal of Wilderness PvP. There is a plethora of arguments players use to justify removing this mechanic from that specific part of the map, and legitimate arguments that go against that notion, but that discussion isn't the point of this thread.

    Like it or not, PvP is indeed pretty much dead in RuneScape. There are countless bugs, bad implementations, and it isn't a consistent way to get the best gear or good money/h rates. Not to mention that death in the Wilderness is VERY punishing, and the playerbase very clearly dislikes that, usually going to the Wilderness with nothing on them.

    Alright then, it can be true that the PvP Wilderness has no place in RS3 and the audience it caters to. Then, let's talk about PvP as an activity.

    Now, if you followed the PvP updates over the years, you'll see most of them have one thing in common: they were big failures. The game has been through many iterations of Bounty Hunter, for example. Whole areas were designed and subsequently removed from the game. PvP updates have earned such a bad rep that completely abandoning PvP altogether has been a fairly popular suggestion within the community.

    But let's stop there for a minute and give PvP a chance. It doesn't have to automatically equal to a buggy abusable mess in which you lose all your items.

    That's right. What if PvP could - god forbid - be FUN? What if you could play with friends, laugh together and earn very cool, powerful rewards, all that with a very RuneScapey atmosphere while not losing anything on death? What if you didn't have to stop digging up those artifacts while you wait for a match to start? What if you disliked PvM and wanted an alternative?

    The proposal

    ... is exactly what it sounds like from that previous descriptive paragraph.

    The new PvP interface - view your current stats, select a gamemode to play, and queue your group.

    Bear with me as I go over the elements in that interface mockup.

    PvP XP

    In the suggested system, every player would have a PvP Level. Going up to 50, every 10 levels increases the drop chance on rare rewards by 1 in that formula's numerator, and by 2 in the uncommon rewards numerator. These numbers are just an example.

    You gain PvP levels via PvP XP, which you earn by playing PvP matches. The outcome of the match or your performance has little to no impact on PvP XP, meaning you can pretty much go dry in kills and still feel like you didn't waste your time too much.


    Participation is akin to XP - but it's a direct result of your performance in the match. The more players you kill, or the more team objectives you help complete, the more participation XP you earn. Simple as that!

    Participation fills up the rewards meter. Every time that bar fills up to 100%, a roll is performed on a new PvP drop table, containing XP Lamps/Stars, TH utility items such as proteans, small chunks of PvP XP, and the shiny PvP rare rewards, as well as uncommon ones. The higher your PvP Level, the higher the chance of getting such a reward, as explained beforehand.

    Queuing for a game

    That's right, this uses the group system. You can either have a premade group of players or go solo queuing, and the system's matchmaking will look through all the RuneScape worlds to find enough players to play the match with you.

    You can pick and choose how many game modes you would like to queue for. In the mockup, I included Castle Wars (an updated, adapted and trimmed-down version) which would be amazing imo, and and all new Domination mode (You know, dominate certain points in the map for your team, then defend them and gain score for every tick that point is in your team's control) because Conquest was taken. But those are obviously examples.

    The best part is that you can queue from pretty much ANYWHERE in the game. You can do your Arch or whatever while queued, and once a match is found, you'll be given one minute or so to stop what you're doing and accept it, which teleports you and your group to the arena, and then teleports you back to where you were when the game ends.

    The gameplay

    Well, as Domination and Castle Wars were examples, I'm not here to talk about much of the gameplay itself. Of course, we're looking at team matches (8 v 8?) in which two teams compete to kill each other and complete objectives.

    Safe deaths all around. That's right, no penalty at all for dying, and respawn in a few seconds at your team's base. I also do believe matches should take a maximum of 15 minutes or so. More than that and it gets repetitive and boring, especially for the losing side. I've been there. A lot.

    Weapons, levels and armour

    Yes. The elephant in the room. I believe all players should have all combat skills boosted to 99 at the start of a match. All players should be given access to custom PvP-only potions and food at their team's base zone. But biggest of all: all players must pick and choose their PvP-only gear.

    Yes, that means players get to choose which pieces of PvP-only t92 weaponry and armour they'd like using. Upon entering a match, players are given a choice of one of these presets: Magic 2h, Magic DW, Magic WD, Melee 2h, Melee DW, Melee WD, Ranged 2h, Ranged DW or Ranged WD (WD: Weapon + Defensive item). Another tab in this gear-choice interface would have all the individual items, say, if you want a shield switch for example. Those presets would be customisable.

    In the end - hopefully all that means everyone is on the same ground gear-wise and max participation is earned through PvP skill and teamwork.

    The rewards

    First, I'm no balancing expert, so do excuse me if something massively gamebraking squeezes past this.

    Rare rewards are the new t92 weapons and armour, for use outside the PvP arenas. The caveat being they come pre-augmented, with random perks - and their gizmos cannot be swapped. They are only tradable player-to-player, meaning some could potentially cost billions. Remember, at max PvP level the chance of dropping a random piece of rare weapons/armour is 6%, and you need to fill up the participation bar for a drop.

    Uncommon rewards include PvP participation boosters that double participation gains and last for a game or two, extendable via vis wax; and one item from the Travelling Merchant's stock, not the daily one, all of it. Also, a PvP reward reroll token.

    Other reward ideas are as suggested in prior paragraphs.


    I am aware this may not be received well at all, and that it's no easy task to implement this into RuneScape's engine - I'm a dev myself and know of all the pains we go through.

    But hopefully this post achieves its secondary goal of showing that we shouldn't give up on game modes. They can be made into worthwhile fun.

    Thanks for reading, I would love to hear feedback.

    submitted by /u/Matt_37
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    delete this rock thanks

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    A short clip of me doing Nex since people asked me on my last Nex post (3 weeks late :/)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT


    Feel free to ask for clarification on anything, or go on my profile for my other Nex post

    submitted by /u/lyzaros
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    Got DCD mid rago on w49 and thats what i get...Sick

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Gaming loot boxes are gambling, British Lords say

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    2 months apart, I am certainly happy with my progress

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Ex-Mod Lee (Regicidal) opens up about being let go by Jagex

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    No problem, man. Glad I could help.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    What did it cost? Everything. Finally got 120 Construction.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Solution to Statius Warhammer cost

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Seeing as it's approaching 300m for an item that is a necessity to most high level pvm encounters, think it's about time something changes as it doesn't look like it'll be dropping anytime soon.

    Have revenants drop an item called Revenant Ether 1/20 drop from any revenant the amount dropped can vary from 25-50 or 5-50 (from the lower level revs), require 1000 to create an ancient warrior's repair patch (similar to the t92 repair patches) additional items could be required as well, repair patches recharge ancient warrior's equipment by 50%. Numbers could be adjusted quite easily here anyways.

    Very simple solution and it has the added benefit of breathing new life into revenants in turn revitalizing the wildy (atleast for a short period of time, and really only in one place), as well as decreasing the cost of most revenant items since a lot of people will be farming it short-term, but would also be helpful for ironmen since they wouldn't have to farm multiple 1/9000 drops just to be able to use another hammer after theirs has broken.

    submitted by /u/N4rwha1
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