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    Saturday, July 25, 2020

    RuneScape This was more of an accomplishment to me than 99 Dungeoneering...

    RuneScape This was more of an accomplishment to me than 99 Dungeoneering...

    This was more of an accomplishment to me than 99 Dungeoneering...

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    The math behind why tank armour is awful.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:08 AM PDT


    Please let me know if this isn't the right formula

    We're calculating your chance of being hit by a monster with this formula -

    H = Aff X (a/d)

    H = enemy's hit chance on you, Aff = your affinity, a = enemy's accuracy, d = your armour rating

    Loadout A - (T92 power):

    • Trimmed masterwork helm, body, legs, boots, gloves, kiln cape - amulet/ring/pocket not applicable since good options offer 0 armour.

    This is a total of 1759.1 armour from the armour itself.

    Loadout B - (T90 tank, semi-reasonable):

    • Achto teralith helm, body, legs, gloves, boots, kiln cape, rest non-applicable since good options offer 0 armour.

    This is just 1840 armour from the armour itself. Just 80.9 armour gained, despite losing 121 damage bonus.

    Loadout C - (T90 tank, comically-tanky):

    • Achto teralith helm, body, legs, gloves, boots, superior reefwalker's cape, malevolent kiteshield, amulet of defense, superior leviathan ring, defender's insignia (full charge)

    This is 2745.6 armour from the armour itself. This is a far more significant boost in armour, but it requires not only giving up all the damage bonuses that B does but forces you to waste your pocket slot and give up your off-hand/2H, not to mention your cape/amulet/ring is way worse in this setup.

    Lets get all those numbers in an easier to look at table:

    Set Armour bonus PVM damage reduction
    A 1759.1 0%
    B 1840 9%
    C 2745.6 18% (+effectively 2.5% from superior levi)

    But you also get a lot of armour from your base level, and from boosting that base level.

    At level 99 defense you're getting 9.9% PVM damage reduction and 1827 armour while under the effects of a supreme overload (yes I know there's better overloads now, but I'm going to go with this because I figure it's still more common anyway).

    Set Armour bonus (total) PVM damage reduction
    A 3586.1 9.9%
    B 3667 18.9%
    C 4572.6 27.9%(+effectively 2.5% from superior levi)

    Note that the majority of the additional armour in 'c' is from giving up your pocket slot and off-hand slot. This represents a gigantic DPS loss. Whatever benefit we can garner from this, it won't be enough.

    Meanwhile, B is still a massive DPS loss and is barely a noticeably higher amount of armour.

    Granted - these numbers aren't what really matters, what matters is how they translate into avoiding more hits. Lets explore that now.

    How these sets hold up vs. various accuracies.


    • The number in the "VS" columns represents your % chance of being hit VS. that amount of accuracy

    • All values are rounded down to he nearest tenth

    • The highest accuracy monster/boss I can find is ripper demon/slayer demon/wildywyrm/mammoths, all at just 3031, thus 4000 is included more for theoretical purposes. Please let me know if you know of any higher accuracy monsters.

    Table 1, where you are at full advantage against the attack (your affinity is 45):

    Gear setup Armour VS. 1000 accuracy VS. 2000 accuracy VS. 3000 accuracy VS. 4000 accuracy
    A (T92 power) 3586.1 12.54 25.09 37.64 50.19
    B (T90 tank, reasonable) 3667 12.27 24.54 36.81 49.08
    C (T90 tank, comical) 4572.6 9.84 19.68 29.52 39.36

    Table 2, where you are neutral (your affinity is 55):

    Gear setup Armour VS. 1000 accuracy VS. 2000 accuracy VS. 3000 accuracy VS. 4000 accuracy
    A (T92 power) 3586.1 15.33 30.67 46.01 61.34
    B (T90 tank, reasonable) 3667 14.99 29.99 44.99 59.99
    C (T90 tank, comical) 4572.6 12.02 24.05 36.08 48.11

    Table 3, where you are at a full disadvantage against the attack (your affinity is 65):

    Gear setup Armour VS. 1000 accuracy VS. 2000 accuracy VS. 3000 accuracy VS. 4000 accuracy
    A (T92 power) 3586.1 18.12 36.25 54.37 72.50
    B (T90 tank, reasonable) 3667 17.72 35.45 53.17 70.90
    C (T90 tank, comical) 4572.6 14.21 28.43 42.64 56.86

    As you can see from the charts, wearing full tank armour (helm, body, legs, gloves, boots) does almost nothing to change the amount of times you're hit, and even combined with the 9% PVM damage reduction it isn't better than the damage bonus from power armour unless you need the set effect it offers.

    Using gear setup C makes you dodge a rather significant amount of additional hits - going from 54.37 to 42.65 (table 3, 3000 accuracy, gear A vs. gear C) . . . Is it worth it? Even with the additional 18% PVM damage reduction, is it worth it? No. It isn't.

    Want to see a table that shows you just how inconsequential the damage change is?

    Here's a table where you're taking 50,000 damage (pre-mitigation, pre-dodges) in auto attack damage (3000 enemey accuracy, 45 player affinity).

    Gear setup Armour Damage reduction VS. 50,000 damage (just armour calc'd in) (just damage reduc calc'd in) (Both)
    A (T92 power) 3586.1 9.9% 18,820 45,050 16,956.82
    B (T90 tank, reasonable) 3667 18.9% 18,405 40,550 14,926.455
    C (T90 tank, comical) 4572.6 27.9%(+effectively 2.5% form superior levi) 14,760 34,800 10,272.96

    (The math works out such that whatever your affinity is it's roughly the same differences anyway.)

    As you can see, the vast majority of damage mitigation you're getting against auto attacks is (who would have guessed it) from armour rating - so any damage reduction beyond that is far less important.

    "Just damage reduc" column is a stand-in for situations where it's not even auto attack damage to begin with, and also shows that damage reduction is generally not going to do much. Even with the comical tank gear setup where you sacrifice tens of % DPS - it's not an amount of damage reduction that really means anything. What does it matter if, over 50,000 potential damage you eat an extra 4-5 blue blubbers? The way the fight will drag on from camping a shield makes it far, far worse even in terms of damage reduction.

    Even if we look towards spirit shields (30% damage reduction from the passive, 7.5% from being a T75 shield) this is perpetually going to be a switch that you abuse, not something that you camp in any current scenarios because things don't just hammer you 24/7 with damage anyway.

    Tank armour is not "good for learners". Tank armour is barely, barely better at tanking than power armour despite being leagues worse in terms of dealing damage.

    One thing we haven't went over is lifepoint bonus - the tank armour (shield included) offers 2,625 LP bonus, and there's another 300 from the reefwalker cape. Atrocious rogue gloves could be used for another 250 LP, and bonfire boosts can further augment your LP by another 5%. But is that suddenly making tank gear worthwhile? No, and here's why -

    Lets say you are enchanted with the above numbers - you think, "Whoa, wait, that's meaningfully better damage reduction!" Okay, but that's so far ignored the crux of defensive power in the game: defensive abilities.

    Here's another table (assume you're using a T90 shield in setup A and B for abilities that require it, each column represents the % effectiveness of the ability relative to the highest possible effectiveness):

    Gear setup Devotion Barricade Reflect Debilitate* Resonance Revenge
    A (T92 power) 100% 100% 100% 56.5%/100% 100% 100%
    B (T90 tank, reasonable) 100% 100% 100% 56.5%/100% 100% 100%
    C (T90 tank, comical) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

    *Debilitate. Without a shield, the duration of debilitate is 56.5% that of with a T90 shield, but the effectiveness of the damage reduction is just as effective with or without a shield. Isn't impacted by power/tank armour.

    So, in other words, defensive abilities never rely on tank armour. In fact, defensive abilities make tank armour redundant. Why would you need tank armour's meager additional damage reduction when you're getting shitloads of damage reduction from your defensive abilities?

    It's just shields, if anything, that are giving you massive defensive prowess - and they're usually just for the duration of the the ability being used - some abilities (devotion, debilitate) don't even require a shield at that!

    Raids gear is the only thing that makes your defensive abilities better, but even then - only sort of because there's practically no situations where having defensives really matter.

    Lifepoint bonus means very little if you're able to just reduce every hit massively anyway, plus we can combo eat for like 4K health instantly these days anyway.

    submitted by /u/HashTagDeeperino
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    I think my loot beam limit is set too low...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    The Worst Way To Play Runescape

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Started as a random joke in my head while staring at the Dungeoneering Hole after too many hours. Feel free to add your own rules, limitations, and challenges but please, for the sake of your own sanity, don't try any of these.


    1. Worried about clones: Never teleport.
    2. Someone has a grudge: Kill 100,000 of every creature
    3. Stand firm: Stand, not walk or run, on every tile in Runescape.
    4. Last man standing: Kill every single possible NPC in the game, without dying. Includes quest bosses, does not include scripted deaths.
    5. Sauron's ally: Cut down every tree in the elf forest. Start a fire on every available tile. Then laugh emote in Lletya.
    6. BXP/DXP objector: Never use bxp or train during dxp.
    7. Determined: Max every F2P skill before you become a member.
    8. Classic Player: No daily challenges, no minigame spotlights. Only play in Legacy.
    9. Fearless: Blow a raspberry in every God's face, including Guthix's.
    10. Fine, I'll read it: Actually read the quest dialogue, books, notes, etc. Oh, and you can't use online guides anymore to do quests.
    11. 9-5 Grind: When it's time to become a member, only do it through bonds. And pay for that bond without using combat skills. (No pvm, bossing, elite dungeons, etc)
    12. Haven't got a hope, clue, or chance: All clue scrolls, magic dice, and other quest rewards must be destroyed without use.
    13. All alone in the universe: Pick one world, and that's the only world you'll ever play on. Ever.
    14. The world is flat: Walk around the edges of the map. Of every map.
    15. Chatty: Talk to every possible npc, exhaust every possible dialogue option.
    16. Some men just want to watch the world burn: Cut down every tree in Runescape, one by one, and burn them to ash. No bonfires allowed.
    17. Yolo: Bury a max cash stack in the wild using the Treasure Chest from Carnillean Rising. Never dig it back up.
    18. Because cardio is the worst: Walk, never run, everywhere in the game.
    19. Are you playing on an Apple?: Never use your right click button.
    20. Social butterfly: Pose with the selfie emote in front of every boss.
    21. Empty the mountains: Fill up an ore box at every single mining spot in the game once.

    F2P Skills:

    1. I am a human weapon: Get 99 attack without a weapon or shield
    2. Wake up on island, punch.....: Get 99 strength by only punching.
    3. Pacifist: Get 99 defence without attacking.
    4. Short temper: Get 99 range using a shortbow and one arrow. You must pick up the arrow after every shot, and if it breaks you must make a new one.
    5. Haven't got a Prayer: You can only bury the bones of what you kill. Get 99 prayer by only burying normal bones.
    6. Gandalf's foe: Get 99 magic without using a weapon/autocasting. Cannot use any item that is a source of infinite runes.
    7. Heartless: Never regenerate, never eat. If you want to heal, you do it over time or you die and respawn. Reach 99 Hitpoints without dying.
    8. Throwing away my happiness: Get 99 crafting by only making gold rings.... that you then throw away.
    9. Turn it into rubble: Mine 1,000,000 rune essence
    10. Stuck on the Tutorial: Get 99 smithing by only making bronze daggers
    11. Catch and release: Get 99 fishing, by catching only shrimps, that you then drop. They can't even flop back into the water because you're a cruel monster.
    12. Baker's dozen, and dozen, and dozen...: Get 99 cooking by only baking bread with ingredients you've gathered yourself.
    13. Even Paul Bunyan had an ox....: Reach 99 woodcutting by only using a bronze hatchet and cutting down regular trees.
    14. Cultist Initiate: Fill the ritual circle south of Varrock with fire. Do this until you reach level 99 Firemaking and descend to a new level to hell.
    15. Left at the altar: Reach 99 runecrafting, but every time you use a talisman, you have to leave it behind in the altar.
    16. Scared of the Dark: Reach 120 dungeoneering without prestiging, and only using complexity one. No sinkholes, elite dungeons, or special events allowed.
    17. Splinter: Reach 99 fletching by only making arrow shafts. And since you can't burn them, that's right, drop them.

    P2P Skills:

    1. As quick as a flash!: Reach 99 agility by completing agility courses normally. This skill is already horrible, and the only way to make it worse would be to reach 99 agility by only using a Toy Mouse. Not even I am that cruel.
    2. Mr. Janitor: Reach 120 Herblore by only cleaning Herbs that you've grown yourself, that you then throw away.
    3. He's got a party hat in here somewhere, I swear: Reach 99 thieving by only pickpocketing the same NPC repeatedly.
    4. Exterminator: Reach 120 Slayer by squashing corrupted beetles in Menaphos. And no, you can't use the friendchat, nor can you world hop. Pick one world, and that's the world you're stuck with.
    5. Small fries: Reach 120 Farming by only growing potatoes. Drop them in the Karmaja volcano to fry them.
    6. Building the perfect throne: Build, and destroy, the same wooden chair, all the way to 99 Construction.
    7. Gotta Catch'em All!: Get to 99 Hunter by catching the animals one by one on a list, that you repeat. (Go to first hunting area, catch one animal, go to second hunting area, catch second animal, go to third hunting area, catch third animal, repeat until you reach the end of the list, then start over) At 99 capture 151 of every single Hunting animal. Or 251. 635? Better go for 896, no, might as well catch 1000 of each, just to be safe.
    8. Cheapskate: Get 99 Summoning by only using Pikkupstix's free supplies.
    9. Divining the unknown: Get 99 Divination without using energy or converting memories. Just throw it all away.
    10. Saving the world, one recycled item at a time: Get 120 invention by disassembling unnoted items.
    11. These belong in a museum!: Reach 120 Archeaology without restoring a single artifact, or using one of the main digsites. This also means no screening.

    If you do try some of these, good luck and godspeed. If you try all of them? You unlock the hidden achievement: Masochist.

    submitted by /u/Spare_Neighborhood23
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    Did you hear about the player who found the perfect angle to kill Nex from?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    It was the angle of death

    submitted by /u/AnastasiousRS
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    Loot from 20m farming xp at turoths with scavenging 4

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Loot from 20m farming xp at turoths with scavenging 4

    I have been afking turoths for the last couple of weeks to get 120 farming. I was running 72-minute trips as this was how long it took to fill the upgraded herb bag. When its not dxp weekend you can get away with running shorter trips as there is plenty of open worlds.

    This took approximately 85 hours to complete, getting 230k xp per hour.

    average xp of 2.5 hours with banking

    Set up:


    SoL - Precise 6 Ruthless 1, Caroming 4 Planted feet

    GoS - Scavenging 4, Biting 4


    I was using advanced gold accumulator, upgraded herbicides with herb bag and dwarf weed intense sticks to collect the loot.


    Item Used Value Cost
    Aggression potion 146 156172 22801112
    Charming potion 146 15266 2228836
    Weapon poison 73 42167 3078191
    Incense sticks 546 20673 11287458
    Dust devil scrolls 40842 976 39861792
    Dust devil pouch 146 9852 1438392
    Springs 25080 3000 75240000
    Air rune 11685 67 782895
    Death rune 3895 210 817950
    Divine charges 280 108901 30492280
    Total cost 188,028,906

    Coins 106152299
    Spring cleaner 102442000
    Price check 210532837
    Total made 419,127,136

    Total profit = 419,127,136 – 188,028,906 = 231,098,230

    Profit per hour = 2,718,802

    This resulted in 238,221kills, which equate to 2800 kills per hour.

    Scavenging 4 procs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HXvftsL8oHg3wv7WICYus8u94MEcBjsxPeWcP3NQU_w/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/A_pinkshrimp
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    Not even my kidnapper stares me like that :3

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Its been 8 years since EOC was released and they still haven't figured out what to do with tank armor. Perhaps it is time to respect your source material? There is a whole MMO industry that knows how to do it right. Please take notes.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    Double Drop on one kill. Guess I'm out of luck now

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Smooth out these acid tiles

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    "Everyone" but me, apparently.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    my first 99

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:29 AM PDT

    my first 99

    This is my first time using reddit so bear with me haha. The quality of the pic probably isn't great either, but oh well haha.

    I used to play runescape as a kid, never really knowing what I was doing, and never really accomplished much (besides having a boat-load of fun) skill or combat wise

    I decided to return to runescape around 2015/2016, on a new account, but never did much with it and as life went on, I stopped playing.

    fast forward to Quarantine boredom, I decided to redownload the game that defined my childhood and really focus on getting a 99 skillcape, something my childhood self could only dream of having.

    after a week of 'no-lifing' , I am the proud owner of a 99 fletching cape! :) I know it's not much compared to others, but I'm proud of it.

    Anyway. I hope everyone is having a wonderful time with the game!

    TL;DR: I got my first ever 99 and am super excited about it.

    99 fletching cape! woo ah!

    submitted by /u/kimpetrasfan
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    Can't see own character change color in Nex and Kalphite king boss fights

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Since i reinstalled the RS3 client a couple months ago, i can no longer see my character change color in the Nex blood phase or Kalphite king stun.

    This same issue has appeared on my mates' clients when they had to reinstall due to pc replacements.

    While we see each other change color, we do not see ourself change.

    Any idea how we might be able to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Deuxan
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    Construction came out 14 years ago, and we still don't have any new Portal Room teleports since release.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    This is kind of ridiculous. Old School Runescape has THIRTY portal options. Hell, they now even have a Portal Nexus, which can store every single teleport within the same room.

    Yet, in RS3, there hasn't been a single new teleport added since the skill was released?!? It has been 14 years, what's the deal? I feel like I'm using the Lodestone way more often than I should. I have a maxed house with 3 portal rooms, and two of my nine teleports are duplicates...because this game only has SEVEN total portal room teleport options!!

    There is no excuse for the old school remake of this game to have over 4x the amount of portal room options. By this point, I should AT LEAST be able to fill three portal rooms with unique teleports. The fact that I still can't is an absolute joke.

    submitted by /u/FellowNiceGuy
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    NPC's when they realize multilogging is allowed pt. 2

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    2 button clicks to set your active prayers as quick prayers

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Appreciation for wiki team and contributors

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    I just wanted to say how much I really appreciate all the work that has gone into the new wiki. I've been playing some other games lately, and it's made me realize how the wiki is a one-stop shop for all kinds of information. Other games require you to search various forums, videos, and out-dated or ad-ridden wikis. The rs wiki keeps adding a ton of great new features, providing guides and calculators that we used to seek out on discord servers or Google Docs. So thanks to everyone who has worked on it!

    submitted by /u/DoItForTheProbiotic
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    Runecrafting Guild Bug

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    There was an oversight when the crafting guild was changed. The master crafter no longer exchanges summoning focus components. Please fix this.

    If you right click the master crafter he will offer to swap components, but the dialogue never leads to the trade...

    submitted by /u/ToonzNCereal_
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    Seiryu was nice to me today

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Looking for a Clan

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm pretty much just looking for a clan that talks.

    submitted by /u/UnhappiestCamperEver
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    Threshold shared for Legions and DKs?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I noticed that in the collection logs, the kill counts are grouped together for DKs and Legions. So does that mean if I kill like 10k rex, my threshold for pet will also increase for supremes?

    submitted by /u/switchitup_lets
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    Vindicta Mage Solo Question

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so what spells do you recommend using against Vindy?

    I tend to stick to air spells but wondering if using other spells would increase my damage?


    My gear set up:

    Virtus mask, chest & legs, celestial wraps & hailfire boots. Noxious staff, amulet of souls. I do use overloads :)


    submitted by /u/xGrangerx
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    Random Dxp question

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Say for example I need 30m XP in Herblore, and I've got 10m bonus XP do I only need to buy 10m XP worth of ingredients? Basically what I'm asking is does a super restore get doubled, and doubled again? 142.5, 285 with bonus XP and then because of DXP does it go to 427.5 XP per potion?

    submitted by /u/Houltonj
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