• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 14, 2020

    RuneScape Increase the rotation speed of the Fairy ring code wheels

    RuneScape Increase the rotation speed of the Fairy ring code wheels

    Increase the rotation speed of the Fairy ring code wheels

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Back to work or off to a Slayer task?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one...

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Poor Sir Owen, where are you?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Typing these specific words renders the user unable to talk

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Typing these specific words renders the user unable to talk

    I typed it in, and it happened. Is this a bug?

    (Try at your own risk...or not its your choice)


    submitted by /u/aroughrock
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    Loot from 200m Thieving by Pickpocketing Elven Workers in Priffdinas (775,760,532 GP) Took exactly 600 hours from June 8 - July 13, 2020. My route was just looting all 8 clans in a circle.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Today I completed my archeology journal

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    What actually happened during RotM

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Jagex, every time you feel like designing a new zone, you should instead use that time and resource to completely rework a city that's become outdated and useless. Get into that habit.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Got 200M Farming! But now Farming still advances the xp cap on my Wise perk. Can we change that?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Imagine if Corporeal Components actually had a use.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Runemetrics pro is STILL broken (day 7/8)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Last week Jagex said looking for a fix before weekend. It's now Tuesday after the weekend. Can we get some news on when it will work?

    submitted by /u/Blackbird_V
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    Suggestion: Add the Greater Flurry codex to Astellarn's drop table

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    FEB 1 2011; Tried to login when the wildy came back. Enjoy that art.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    I am trying to make supreme ovls and have to do this everytime is there any fix? I've heard from players they've had the same with unfinished potions

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Sweet surprise from chaos elemental ! this was hard to get.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    ED3 Trash Mob nerf inbound. (Completed but unknown release date).

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Elite Clue Scroll Rework Ideas

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone! With Jagex announcing last week that they were looking to make some updates to elite clue scrolls, I thought that I would pitch some ideas for improving QOL as well as introducing brand new content to make elites feel more fresh, as well as fun, to do.

    Introduction: Why Rework Elites?

    Since their release a decade ago in August 2010, Elites served as the "step-up" from hard clues. In order to do this, Elite clues were comprised of two brand new clue types: Scans and Compass. Additionally, these clues introduced a puzzle known as the Celtic Knot.

    Since the Release of the clue scroll overhaul update in February of 2018, elite clues have shown many issues when doing multiple clues back to back. With only scans and compass types, elites quickly become stale and tedious after only a few. Compared to their hard and master siblings, Elites (on average) take the longest to complete out of each tier. Finally, as a result of only having scans/compass clue steps, puzzle boxes/Celtic knots appear much too frequently and will quickly irritate unlucky players.

    Pt. 1: Changes to existing content

    I do believe that both scan and compass clues should be kept in game. In moderation, these clue types can be engaging and fun, while also serving as a great "step-up" from the hard tier.

    Regarding Scans, I propose, removing one scan area, while modifying other scan areas.

    Remove Completely: Isafdar/Lletya - Similar to the tediousness of the chaos tunnels before they were removed, this area is a pain in the neck for players of all skill levels to traverse. The elven lands are not a large, single open world plane a la the Kharidian Desert. The Elven lands are already represented in clue scrolls with Priffdinas via Master clues.


    Freminnik Isles: Cut out the dig spots north of Jatizo and Neitznot. The dig spot will be in the village areas, not ice troll country.

    East Kharidian Desert: Either Remove the dig spots in the northern area of the desert and keep the ones north of nardah but below the ruins of Uzer, or vice versa.

    Why modify these two areas? If unlucky, players can take 3-5 minutes trying to find their dig spot. IMO, scan clues shouldn't take more than 2 minutes to find the location.

    Regarding Compass clues, While they are neat content, I propose making these less common than they currently are (Maybe a player will see one of these per clue, on average).

    -Keep Wilderness compass clues, but make these compass arrows have a red arrow; this way, if the player wants to skip/reroll their clue, they can do so immediately without having to triangulate.

    Regarding both Scans/Compass clues:

    -Remove Puzzle Boxes completely, making them unique to Hard clues. (Masters are the exception, as those serve as a culmination of all clue scroll types.)

    -Keep Celtic Knots, making them unique to elites.

    -Reduce the frequency of finding celtic knots: Finding the dig location IS the puzzle itself!

    Pt. 2: New Content!

    The main goal here is to bring elites more in line with the other clue tiers by introducing emote, anagram, and Map clues, while also introducing a new clue type.

    Emotes: Here are five examples of what i would imagine an elite emote clue to look like. Expect a middle ground between Hard and Master item requirements.

    A) Shrug by the Entrance to Edgar's cave!

    Items Needed: Dragon Chainbody, Dragon Platelegs, and Dragon Med helm

    B) Beckon in Lletya's Center

    Items Needed: Kurask Boots, Red D'hide top, Diamond Bracelet

    C) Cry in the Warrior's guild Lobby

    Items Needed: Granite Maul, Grifolic Visor, Rune Plateskirt

    D) Jump for Joy in the Crafting Guild

    Items Needed: Onyx Amulet, Black D'hide Body, Black D'hide Legs

    E) Raspberry at the Oo'gloog Pier

    Items Needed: Dragon Staff, Fremennik Robe Top and Bottoms

    these locations and item requirements will require certain quests as well as monster drops to compete. While not as tedious as the Yatwee stick from Masters, these items will still require some gold to purchase from the G.E., or a minor grind for iron players. Uri can be scaled between his hard and Master difficulty, perhaps like 15k lp?

    Map Clues: Nothing too special, just make some more map clues based on newer areas in runescape. Some Ideas could be:

    -Anachronia Base Camp

    -Memorial to Guthix

    -Port Phasmateys


    -Shiloh Village

    -South Feldip Hills, near the Ascension dungeon

    Anagrams: Again, nothing too special. I apologize in advance because I tried really hard to come up with some decent anagrams, but maybe jagex can do better!

    Lapalok: A Lap Olk (Requires completion of WGS)

    Crondis: Sin-Droc (Requires Crocodile Tears)

    Zenevivia: A Zen Vivie (Requires Love Story)

    Bryll Thoksdottir: Til Lods Brott York (No requirements, but yeah this is pretty bad. I tried!)

    Finally, I thought it would be cool to introduce a brand new clue type unique to elites: Combat Clues. Each clue gives a cryptic hint of what monster you need to kill. Upon slaying said monster, the next step is revealed!

    A) Within these cold castle walls, these stone demons crawl. (Kill a Gargoyle)

    B) Large and Green, these Kreepy brutes make adventurers scream. (Kill a Kurask)

    C) Defeat a towering black Alyaroth from the plane of Infernus. (Kill a Black Demon).

    These are just a few ideas for Jagex to update elites. Let me know what you think!

    Tl;Dr: Add some desperately needed QOL to scan and compass clues, while introducing new anagram, map, and emote clues, as well as a brand new clue type to make elites feel fresh.

    submitted by /u/RavenRises
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    New unlocks at Wars Retreat

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    1) Place to repair degraded gear

    2) Boss pet menagerie

    3) Ability to buy deathtouched dart with significant amount of marks of war

    4) Ability to separate group and solo timers.

    5) Ability to sacrifice a set of ancient ceremonial and 20M which allows direct access to nex bank permanently without the ancient robes and key via the portal.

    6) Allow you to select which elite dungeon you end up at via the fateful portal

    7) DPS Counter when you are attacking the dummies

    submitted by /u/Radyi
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    Loved the mod event with mod Poerkie (as Solak) after the stream today! From Lummy market all the way to the GE. Thx for the streams Jagex!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Today I received my first premier club token that I cannot redeem.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    To be honest, this felt like a slowly growing problem with the reduction of premier- or prepaid card exclusive promo's, but today I received my first Premier Club token that I cannot redeem, because I already own all cosmetics it can give.

    Without a doubt I am not the only one who has hit this point, or would be in the next few handouts. Is this the right time to address this issue and maybe give the Premier Club tokens some new purposes or content/cosmetics to unlock?

    submitted by /u/NeloriIsTheCutest
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    A needed bow/arrow buff

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I thought of a way to buff bow/arrows to make them more on par with crossbow/bolts that can be implemented with the anachronia/orthen updates that are coming up.

    Flaming and poison arrows

    just as the name suggests its a revamped version of those useless flame arrows you make during the underground pass along with a special poison type arrow. All which can be made using herblore with ingredients from some old, unused content + anachronia herblore ingredients. The idea is you make special types of oil and poison that you can soak your arrows in and would have a chance to proc their special effects just like enchanted bolt tips, with the ranged master cape and elite seer's tasks boosting proc chance as well.

    1. The Container- this is where you would store the oils/poison after you made them with herblore. Since these would be dangerous chemicals youd be storing; you'd need a tough container made from dinosaur hide, dinosaur scales, and a piece of robust glass. each oil/poison "potion" would add x amount of charges to the containers. 1 type of oil/poison per container. it can only be fully charged with a certain amount of charges once and will break when depleted. youd have to activate the container to use it and only one can be active at a time. You would also be able to learn how to make them from the orthen site as theyd be the the flasks the dragonkin used for various chemicals in their expirements. To save inventory space a new unlock from the hunter mark store would grant you a primal quiver, which goes in the ammo slot and can hold one container and one type of ammunition.
    2. Arrow flame Oil- this would be the basic, cheap option that gives only a small dps boost. it would be made just like lamp oil, by distilling swamp tar at the chemist in rimmington, by having an empty container to place it in. When procced the arrows will burn and cause a small bleed attack on the enemy. This would be already available to make with having to do anything to learn how.
    3. Draconic Essence- made from crushed dragonstone, bottled dinosaur roar, and primal extract. Youd find the recipe excavating in the new orthensite and youd see it was used by the dragonkin in creating the dragons. when procced a huge fire blast would deal damage. this would be stronger than the dragonstone bakriminel bolts and would also do a lower amount of aoe damage around the target. This would be the best choice for most consistent damage out of all the oils/poison.
    4. Sacred Flame Oil- this would be made from sacred oil, spark chitin, and primal extract. Youd also find this from excavating in the orthen site and where it was used in an offshoot expirement by the dragonkin to use prayer energy to fight the curse. when procced it will light a holy flame on the target and would drain a percentage of your prayer and deal damage based on how much prayer was drained. This damage is meant to be RNG based as it would randomly take between 1-10% of your total prayer points but if it crits the damage would be 15k (more if using grimoire) and youd lose a big chunk of prayer points. Even with the damage being RNG based it should still be able to be close in damage terms to the Draconic Essence (not in aoe though) and could possibly out dps ruby brakiminel bolts only if you end up getting lucky with the crits.
    5. Debilitating Poison- this would be made by fugu, poison karabwan paste, and primal extract. After helping Lainakea with a new task in the Anachronia update she finally decides how to teach you to how to use the fugu poison, the most deadly poison in RS. When used it will also have the same effect as weapon poison+++ but with its added proc as well. when procced it will deal however much damage your poison+++ would normally do once as typeless damage and it would debilitate your target reducing their damage by 10% for a few seconds. this effect wont stack with the defensive ability debilitate and only one could be active at a time with the defensive ability taking priority. The proc would be typeless so it would affect poison immune bosses but the normal weapon poison +++ part of it wont . This one is meant to be a more utility based one that also does damage so its doesnt end up useless
    6. Anti-coagulating poison- this would be made from fugu, bloodwood syrup, and a primal extract. bloodwood syrup would be made by using a pestle and mortar on bloodwood logs while youre next to a bloodwood tree. Youd also learn this recipe from Lainakea with the debilitating posion. When procced it will cause bleed damage on the target and if the target moves after the getting the bleed it will take bonus damage. The damage should be between fragmentation shots and slaughters. This proc will require a lot of attention and movement to make the most of it as the you cant predict the procs but could out dps ruby bolts if the boss is walkable and you are sweaty enough move the target during the bleeds everytime. This wont count as a normal poison but as a bleed so it will work on monsters immune to poison.

    Let me know what you think and how it could be balanced more


    submitted by /u/ToadallyChaotic
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    Elite Charms

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Please allow us to unlock the ability to combine charms into elite charms (for elite dungeons) and/or the ability to purchase them.

    I know we can currently convert them. But with presets and whatnot it would be very ideal to have an Elite Charm that works for all elite dungeons. I'd legit pay 1M tokens to be able to do this.

    submitted by /u/Lit_Flash
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