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    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    RuneScape Happy Independence Day!

    RuneScape Happy Independence Day!

    Happy Independence Day!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Ninja Request: Skill mastery tool tip should include the location of the cape vendor

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    [OC] Abandoned 2

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Did first jad in 2 hours time back in 2016, was my worst fear. Just got this, conquer your pvm goals lads!!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    PSA for Ironmen: The bank chest is back after years come get your easy air runes!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    What have I done...

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Came back to this game about 2 years ago, was never really big on quests or PvM, but loved skilling for some reason. Played off and on but really started to get excited for Archaeology on release.

    Me enjoying my time doing some archaeology on release until I realized I need two dragon mattocks for my Space and Time (at the time D Mattocks were probably around 200m).

    My poor soul instead decided to do BGH to get my own.

    421kc later I got 2 D Mattocks, I return to archaeology. Most of the top players are around 99 at the time but enjoyed BGH so I didn't mind.

    I get to level 60 and augment my mattock, realizing I should put some good perks on them. My invention level is relatively low so my odds of getting the optimal perks were half of what they could be, potentially costing me a lot of money.

    I had extreme foresight and saw that I should just push to 98 and get ancient invention so I don't waste money on trash regular perks (I'm not paying someone for one of those blueprints either, thats ridiculous).

    I push through to 98 and ready to go level up invention to better my perk chances, when I realize I also should get the Ring of Whispers instead of LoTD, since you can have LoTD as a relic now. I am petrified of boss fights but I began questing away. I can't just skip recommended quests because I became invested in the story too!

    I get the Ring of Whispers and come to find the best way to level invention is probably ED trash mobs. This means I need Curse of the Black Stone for the 10% damage reduction. I'm to scared to even try story mode because I'm a big baby.

    What I have learned: BGH is really fun. I love Guthix. Sliske did nothing wrong. I'm still not even level 99 arch...

    Edit: Thanks for all the advice! Thanks to a friendly person, we managed to complete all the EDs in about an hour and a half. Super fun! I appreciate all the offers. This game is a lot better when playing with friends. If anyone else needs to go through the EDs for the quest, it is SUPER easy. I barely used any food for all three. Don't be afraid of it!

    submitted by /u/Shacolicious2448
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    1:01 Duo Nex

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Thanks for the Mega Duckling event! Wanted to share a screenshot using a romantic skybox filter I made just for the two of them :)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Today, having never learned full manual, I finally achieved Revolution Warden.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Boston tea party, 1776 (colorized)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Add "The Trade Parade" back to the mix of songs that auto-plays at the GE

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    We must return this song to its rightful place in the world.


    submitted by /u/Zaneriss
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    After many failed practice attempts I finally reached my first major PvM goal of soloing nex, now i just need to learn not to power munch food in ice phase and upgrade to ascensions.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    My nex log at about 1800 kc (more duplicates were gotten in duos that I missed drop)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    After losing my shit over losing millions on death, i finally got my first win :(

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    The hardest Runescape quest is the quest for friendship

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I'm a veteran player, but all of my old friends have moved on by now. Decided today I was going to do something about it and spent the last couple of hours just trying to talk to people, but no one even said hello back. I went to places like the deep sea fishing hub, manor farm, Burthorpe bank, and Catherby. I get some people just don't want to make friends in-game, since sometimes I really just want to afk while doing something else, but I'm feeling pretty discouraged. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better place to go to make friends? Sorry if this sounds whiny, just not sure where to go from here.

    submitted by /u/LadyOwlnine
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    Dear Runescape RNG

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    I hate you

    submitted by /u/tonytone9
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    Nex done me dirty .-.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Elite Dungeon 3 Trios Gp / Hr

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    I have been solo grinding ED3 to work towards 120 Ranged and am curious about the gp per hour of trios once I knock out my goal. Anyone got a rough estimate on how much money Icould make on trio-ing ED3? I am too nooby to learn to solo the Ambassador right now, so I would love to trio him until I have a good grasp on his mechanics.

    About how much money can I expect to make from this, though?

    submitted by /u/The_Honor_Marked
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    We did 11 hours of Kalphite King mass so you didn't have to

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Today me and a friend hosted a 11 hour Kalphite King marathon mass and i would like to share some of the statistics.
    === Statistics for Kalphite King Marathon ===
    Mass Active for 11 hours.
    Kills gained and tracked: 875
    Group Size: 25 - 35 during the entire 11 hours
    Total Loot: 690.100.000
    GP Average GP per hour: 62.8m
    Average GP per kill: 788k
    Our Drygore droprate: 1/51
    Rares seen: 17x Drygores, 10x Perfect Chitins, 1x Kalphite Claw (PET)
    40x Inert adrenaline crystal = 400
    24x grimy torstol = 720
    41x grimy dwarf weed = 1230
    41x grimy lanta = 1230
    43x grimy snaps = 1290
    41x grimy kwuarm = 1230
    29x lanta seed = 290
    29x dwarf weed seed = 290
    31x snap seed = 310
    35x magic seed = 175
    23x palm tree seed = 115
    30x yew seed = 300
    290x sharks = 14500
    30x banite stone spirits = 600
    29x onyx bolts = 5800
    22x black dragonhide = 2200
    42x super restore = 1680
    9x earth talisman = 450
    32x coins
    3x drygore rapier
    4x drygore longsword
    3x drygore mace
    3x off-hand drygore longsword
    0x off-hand drygore rapier
    4x off-hand drygore mace
    22x rdt = (Unknown Value)
    10x Perfect Chitin
    1x Kalphite Claw

    submitted by /u/DontKillMeDK
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    Can the Farming track please be fixed. No matter what is done, pretty much 50% of harvests just do not count towards it.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Loot from 47 minutes of Mech Chinning ripper demons on task

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Small slayer QOL - display whether or not you have a creatures soul when receiving a task.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Title. I think it would be nice to see if i have a creatures soul in the slayer master dialogue when i get to choose the task you get (reg vs. slayer token task). I cant always remember what creatures i have and obv closing the menu to check with the slayer codex auto chooses the default task.

    submitted by /u/godlycereal
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    (Ignore the garpage msp job) Ninja Request- Give us the ability to store multiples and partial sets into our POH to save precious bank space. It doesn't make sense to have to have the ENTIRE set to put it in our house.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    How's my Linza luck?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:42 AM PDT

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