• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    RuneScape When you complain that it is too hot and you receive a refreshing drink

    RuneScape When you complain that it is too hot and you receive a refreshing drink

    When you complain that it is too hot and you receive a refreshing drink

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Ah yes. Me. My girlfriend. And her 200lb Blood reaver.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Why Isn't My Boy Max Re-Maxed Yet? It's Been 85 Days Since Archaeology Release and 41,288 People Have 99 Already

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    With how far it wanders, I don't think the Seren Spirit is THAT interested in what I am doing.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Gotta teach 'em young

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    When you think they can't find extra ways to sell yak skips

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Chaos Theory Feat Accomplished!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:10 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Please make Solak untargetable during P1 Arms, Legs and Core

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Mod Ramen, or Ninjas, pretty please with a cherry on top, could you implement a fix to make Solak untargetable during Arms, Legs and Core on P1.

    I've lost count of the number of times that I have kept attacking the boss after he phases to arms, and then barge the boss instead of the core. He's invulnerable, why would I want to target him??

    Please make it like during Vorago Waterfall or Teamsplit or something where you physically cannot attack him.

    Thank you:)

    submitted by /u/Astralouuu
    [link] [comments]

    They must have been truly desperate

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    Yak to the Shadows - Task 38 is bugged. Thieving options of Task A do not count towards completion.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Tried with multiple types of Elven Workers and Dwarf Traders.

    Very frustrating, as this is the preferred task option between burning Elder Logs (expensive and slow), or sifting through Sediment or Clay (GE trade limits, slow, AND expensive). Forced my hand to use a skip token.

    submitted by /u/VoidAdept
    [link] [comments]

    So, is this how good RNG feels like?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    The Deep Crypts, a shades of mort'ton expansion

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    shades and by extension burning vyrewatch is one of the most unique forms of looting in runescape, if not one of the more unique minigames in runescape. The only problem? the loot... kinda sucks. Even the gold key barely offers appropriate loot for its level requirements making gold keys barely worthwhile to those not farming necromancer equipment.

    To remedy this a new area to the catacombs has opened, but.. beware.. the dead keep what is theirs, and they suffer not intruders in their domain....

    \please note like the last 3 or so posts i've made like this, this is more of a rough draft designed to be used as a springboard for an update, and as such will be subjected to many reworks and changes if adopted by jagex if you missed the last two and are interested, i'll link them at the end**


    1. the basics (an introduction summary)
    2. reworked old content and drop tables
    3. the new catacombs.
      1. Basic Mechanics
      2. Room types
      3. New Shade types
      4. Expulsion
    4. New armor and weapons (Rewards)
      1. armor
      2. weapons
      3. suggested loot table for chests
    5. conclusion.

    The basics

    \Before we begin please note unlike normal shades of mort'ton this minigame is designed to be accessed at 128-138 combat level, and have at least t80+ armor and weapons under equipping and under leveled stats may lead to your death, or an inability to access this minigame expansion\**

    Begining the expanded minigame isnt hard, pick up some shade remains, burn them, get a key. Simple isn't it? well the shades have long grown tired of their worldly posessions being looted, and have now moved the most valuble of their belongings to the deep crypts. The deep crypts are a series of 3 new shades of mort'ton catacombs areas primarily accessed by doors that will be opened via special keys sourced from 3 new shades, Wold Holi and Stoub shades or by combining 10 of either steel, silver or black keys of each type to create a key capable of entering the lower reaches.

    Unlike the original shades minigame, the lower reaches are instanced and you have a set time before you'll be ejected. You'll need to solve puzzles and clear traps in order to pass through alive, and *hopefully* gain enough loot to make the trip worthwhile.

    Players will need a minimum of 55 firemaking (35 if you combine keys) to access this minigame, and will include a new t85 set of hybrid armor, an upgraded t90 set of magic armor and a new type of log sourced only from the minigame that provides a gorgeous 10% bonfire lifepoint bonus if burned on a bonfire. These are the new keys, keep in mind you will be limited to combining 10 keys a day, the rest must be earned from burning, all keys will shatter once they open a locked chest.

    • Bronze intricate key - created by combining 10 bronze keys of the same color type, can be used when clicking on chests you've looted in the catacombs to open extra compartments revealing extra loot!
    • Steel intricate key - reward from burning Stoub shade remains (uncommon) or by combining 10 steel keys with a matching paint
    • Black intricate key - reward from Holi Shades (uncommon), or by combining 10 matching black keys
    • Silver intricate key - reward from Wold shades or by combining 10 keys of a matching silver paint type
    • Gold intricate keys - universal skeleton key, very rare drop from wold shades (1/100) or by combining 10 golden keys. unlocks any door or chest, but is the only key that may unlock gold chests in the deep catacombs.

    Reworked old content and drop tables

    First, lets address the elephant in the room black, gold, and silver shade keys. ever since M/s rework these have been kinda devalued due to salvage. here's the basic updates for these;

    • black keys - remove mithril salvage, replace only with adamant
    • silver keys- remove adamant salvage, only rune but in lower quantities
    • gold keys- remove adamant salvage, only rune and replace rune stone spirits with orik and dracolith stone spirits
    • Gold keys may now open any chest in the minigame, or provide one time access to the deep catacombs in any area. As before, useage of any key in the main minigame for loot will break the key.

    Second, all shades that drop keys above bronze (fyir, asyn and riyl) will now have a very rare chance to drop a "intricate (metal) key (trim)" in about a 1/90 (1/45 with elite mory). This chance is about the same as a gold key.

    Third, the old shades of mort'ton minigame should be given a facelift, just cosmically, the mechanics are fine.

    Finally to all shade drop tables an ultra rare chance for their chests to contain "White birch" logs, a highly flammable log from trees once native to morytaniya that went extinct with the vampyre conquest of Hallowveil. these logs require 85 firemaking to burn, but will grant a 10% health boost from bonfires and give xp somewhere between magic and elder logs. They may be fletched into a new kind of shaft for arrows and bolts as well, which when combined with enchanted bolts or (The few) arrows that exist in the game boost their passive effects by 3%, they are level 90 ranged ammo.

    The New Catacombs

    You'll need a key, not just a drawing of a key (which is much better but i digress) to enter. once you've got your new key or a gold key, it's off to the new catacombs we go! And remember, as before, you may combine 10 of the same key type to create one intricate key.

    Base mechanics

    Entrances can be found in at least 2 rooms containing chests of the matching key type, your key is required to open the door, for users of gold keys it will shatter in the lock after allowing entry, don't worry though, the main key is only needed for the "final chest" should you make it that far. Each entry into the depths below will randomly generate your experience from a number of preset "tiles" so no two runs will be alike.

    Players will have a set amount of time to loot, and or rush as fast as they can through the catacombs, some rooms will contain traps or puzzles designed to impede process, so efficiency is key.

    New keys and shades will be discussed later on, for now as established, the dead do not like uninvited guests. The deep catacombs contains undead so powerful that you will find yourself unable to enter without the right tools. because of this three new offhand tools have been invented for this proposal. This is probably the most vital of core mechanics as once this tools time is up you will be removed from the catacombs and placed back in mort'ton.

    These tools are "Sturdy torches", each torch will dictate how long you may stay in the deep catacombs, and how much extra damage you do to shades within. Torches do not disintegrate when time runs out, however, they do limit you to 1h abilities adding to the challenge. a (t) will denote tradeable and (u) for untradeable, you must have the torch equipped the entire run.

    Tool Source use
    large torch(u) buy in mort'ton, 5m gp (base) or down to 1m gp with elite morytanyia tasks. you will be provided with a "torch box" that may store useful herbs for torches that extend torch time, and it may also store your torch when not in use as well as automatically add herbs to the torch by left clicking on it. provides 1:30 (all time measured in minuets) inside a crypt, unfortunately this torch can not be restoked by herbs and will lose its potency and be extinguished by the spirits after a minuet and 30 seconds, ejecting you from the catacombs. This torch may be extended with clean guam up to 3x per run (5 seconds each)
    Sturdy torch (t) Upgraded from the large torch, requires 3 white birch logs, 1 blamish oil, and 3 warforged bronze (70 archeology, 50 crafting) allows 3:00 inside the catacombs, 1x damage multiplier to shades. may be extended by 30 seconds with clean marrentill (35 herblore and prayer), maximum of 3x per run
    Sanctified torch (t) Upgrade the sturdy torch with 20 everlight silvrthil and by using 1 prayer renewal potion on it (80 archeology, 60 prayer, 50 smithing) allows 6:00 inside the deep catacombs, may be extended by 30 seconds with clean ranarr. and applies a 2x damage multiplier to shades. you may extend this torch a maximum of 3 times.
    Defender's torch (u) Defender's cage + 1 sanctified torch, this is an ultra rare drop from the final chest. allows 10:00 inside the deep catacombs, may be extended with clean fellstalk by 1:00 and proivides a 3x damage bonus against shades. See weapons however for a tradeable weapon version of this torch you may create. you may extend the timer on this torch a maximum of 4 times

    Room types

    your run will be comprised of 5-15 different rooms, depending on key quality (aka shade types) and will have a preset of 30 total different rooms each one with unique mechanics or enemy spawns designed to make this replayable like dungeoneering (At least early on). Some rooms are locked to higher tiers but all lower tiers may spawn in higher tier rooms scaled up. New shade types will be discussed in the next section as they're unique from normal shades. Some rooms will contain unlocked chests you may loot for loot without an intricate key. All rooms will contain up to 5 total chests scattered about the walls that may be unlocked with intricate keys, chests that are unlocked will be slightly open and have no colored lock providing loot but feature less lucrative loot.

    Stoub catacombs

    Weak, but still powerful, Stoub Catacombs are recommended for level 128s with at least level 70-75 equipment. they are the most simplistic rooms but feature the most combat. After completing the room's objectives (if applicable) players may proceed via an exit door at the other end of the room. This catacomb features primarily Stoub shades and are 5 rooms maximum, and require a steel intricate or gold intricate key to enter.

    room name objective enemy spawns? has unlocked chest?
    round burial chamber Kill all enemies to advance yes, 1-10 at a time, single way combat, maximum of 20 total will spawn in the end yes, up to 2
    flooded chamber skip across stones to proceed no no
    deep chasm cross the bridge and slay shades on each side yes 6 total (3 per side) sometimes
    burial forge smith burial armor, bury in open grave yes 3 shades who will drop a helmet, chestplate, and greaves to smith together and bury yes
    root swing swing over roots to cross a room with a deep pit no no
    storage chamber proceed onward yes, up to 5 shades yes, up to 4, you may loot 2 before the other two lock (can be opened with appropriate key)
    Ceremonial cremation chamber logs provided on pyre, cremate all shades yes, 4 shades to cremate no, shades will spawn a key guarenteed to unlock the chest in the room if this room spawns.
    straight hallway proceed onward quickly yes, infinite spawn. sometimes
    underground river (I) proceed to the next room, you have 30 seconds to cross the bridge before it is washed away, entering the water will take 5 seconds from your torch. no sometimes
    Chest room (I) defeat all enemies. Leave the chamber once you're done or if time expires yes, 2 shades with 2x health. yes, 2 unlocked chests (After all enemies die) and 1 locked chest which has a higher chance at rare loot.

    Holi catacombs

    dangerous catacombs featuring some of the oldest shades in mort'ton. These catacombs are often 5-10 rooms in length and feature Holi Shades. These rooms require a black intricate key or gold intricate key. these rooms tend to be more objective and trap oriented

    room name objective Enemy spawn? has unlocked chest?
    Underground river (II) fend off shades while repairing the bridge to cross, shades will stop spawning after the bridge is fixed, takes 30 seconds to fix, and will be interrupted if attacked yes, staggered yes, 1
    mass burial site grave for those that were unable to be cremated, pick between one of 3 balancing boards (like agility) and try to cross. failed boards (ie ones that look broken but will be harder to see in the dark) will reset you to your last safe platform no sometimes
    natural cave system large open cave with scattered unlit torch sconce, light all torches to open the door yes, infinitely spawning but staggered till the door opens no
    Narrow hallway hallway with wall spikes, cross carefuly, contains several antichamber rooms you may optionally loot no sometimes
    forgotten antichamber empty room containing two unlocked chests only one has loot the other will gas the player for 1000 damage, pick one or move on no yes
    weighted door room containing several boulders of various weights, find the correct weight to balance the scales by the door to move on yes, every wrong guess will spawn 2 shades sometimes
    Digsite Move on if wished, contains 4 archaeology hotspots that (with 50-80 archaeology) can uncover saradominist and zamorakian materials and artifacts, caches may uncover locked chests as well no no
    Boss (I) slay an exceptionally powerful shade no Yes
    trapped adventurer free another adventurer who is trapped, or move along. Freeing the adventurer sometimes rewards a key of the same or higher tier yes, must slay 6 shades to free the adventurer no
    Chest room (II) similar to before, there are 3 doors one with 2 locked chests, 2 unlocked, and one locked and unlocked. Players must guess the correct weight to open the door they chose, locking the other two forever. yes, incorrect guesses spawns shades. yes

    Wold catacombs

    Home of the deadliest and most ancient shades, Wolds. Wold rooms can draw rooms from any of the 3 and features the most traps of the 3. these rooms are meant to be exceptionally difficult, for maxed players, and will feature unforgiving traps that will greedily eat your torch's timer if allowed. In light of this and the need for silver and gold keys, it features the best loot but the most infrequent chest spawns, requiring both a great torch and efficient build/mindset to traverse. (note annex rooms spawn with their main room and are not considered separate for this)

    Name objective enemy spawn? has unlocked chest?
    The rock run! a giant boulder will chase you lava falls style (children of mah) escape to the end of the room before it crushes you! get crushed and you'll be expelled from the dungeon. hit 4 obstacle of the 12 to fail this event. no zero chests period
    dart paths navigate through a tunnel filled with poison blowdarts no yes
    The Rock (annex) proceed, claim your loot after escaping the boulder, only spawns when the rock spawns yes (1-2 shades) sometimes
    Pitch black paths navigate a short maze without your map, maze will be a simple one with 4 branches that simply dead end into rooms that lock, if you end up in one of these rooms kill the shade within to get the key to unlock the door. locking rooms may contain chests yes, in false paths (1 per room) sometimes
    Pendulum room Don't get caught! giant bladed pendulums move back and forth to block your paths. up to 8 may spawn to block the narrow path yes, in between blades no
    Underground River (III) kill shades to get logs to repair a boat to traverse the river into the next room, you have 1 minuet before a water surge washes you and the boat away reducing your torch by 3 minuets. yes infinitely no chests period
    Underground river III (annex) loot room if you succeed in fixing the boat, grab your loot and go no yes
    River bottom fail to complete the river and have time left? you'll have to kill 5 shades minimum to leave the room. yes up to 12 no, 1 locked chest
    Boss (II) slay an exceptionally powerful shade yes (1 boss 2 minions) yes
    Hotspring 50% chance to spawn when hotspring spawns, restores players health and prayer fully and gives a 5% health boost for 2 minuets, also miraculously extends torch life by 2 minuets. with 90 herblore you have a 50% chance to identify this spring as safe, so it's a gamble. no no
    Hotspring (trap) players with 90 herblore have a 50% chance to identify it as a trap, this spring is poisoned and will knock you out, reducing your torch time by 2 minuets yes, after coming to, up to 3 shades will attack no
    riddle floors 3 patterns will be identified on the wall, using a stick (obtained via temple trekking events) you may try to identify the right path by poking suspect floor tiles to progress. failure to guess correctly 3 times will lead to expulsion. yes, up to 3. no
    Chest room (III) one final trial remains, each chest once opened will have an estimated weight, using provided bags around the room and sand, players need to estimate the weight of the former loot of the chest (hint it'll be it's actual inventory kg weight). you have 6 guesses total before the trap activates and removes you from the room, and 50 seconds once a chest is looted to replace its approximate weight to deactivate the trap yes up to 3 yes

    new shade types

    as breifly mentioned multiple times now, there are new shades in this minigame, each is unique from the other and designed to best suit tiles of their dungeon type, all shades would retain their old appearances (unless jagex feels otherwise)

    shade name appearance combat level, health, attack style special abilities
    Stoub Deep crimson with black limbs, face, and white eyes 138, 20,000, melee and magic low but highly accurate damage, low defense, unable to be stunned or bound
    Holi Pale white with a blue face and limbs and orange eyes 200, 25,000, range and magic high damage and accuracy, but very low defense, capable of binding a player in place.
    Wold Jet black with red eyes 350, 50,000, all 3 high defense and capable of stunning, low accuracy and damage per hit.
    Boss shades Gray with black eyes 400, 35,000, all found only as bosses, high defense, accuracy, and health, in exchange for low damage. unable to be bound or stunned, will use whatever style the player is first weak to.


    no matter how you play, no matter how good your build, your time in the dungeon will end. there are a number of defeat and victory conditions each with their own unique flavor.

    removal type condition effect
    victory clear chest room (I,II,III) escape the dungeon you arrive outside the shade catacombs, with a 5-15% chance to receive a key of the same type you used at the end (rarity dependant)
    Death die in the dungeon unlike a normal death you'll actually respawn in mort'ton next to cryeg paddlehorn who pulled you from the river, he wasn't able to take all your gear in one trip though so he bundled it (your grave stone) by the crypt, and will offer to go get it for you for a small fee (death reclaim fee) or you may go get it yourself (how a gravestone usually works). If you fail to do either though you'll have to go talk to death like normal
    Expulsion (timer) get lifted off your feet by angry supernatural energy and be ejected from the catacombs placed at the outside door to the catacombs
    Expulsion (crushed) get crushed by the giant bolder rescued by another adventurer, wake up at the nearest place capable of treating your extensive injuries, varrock.
    Expulsion (river) get washed away by a river event and run out of time. wake up outside of canifis.
    Expulsion (poison spring) jump in a poison spring with too little time left to recover. wake up in the upper catacombs wrapped in linen for cremation. click rapidly to escape. you may re enter the lower catacombs from here or leave.
    Expulsion (spell teleport) escape via teleport cast the teleport will go awry and explode, depositing you in mort'ton regardless of original intended destination.
    Expulsion (lodstone) escape via home teleport the spell misfires, you'll be placed in canifis regardless of intended destination

    New Weapons and armor (rewards)

    Now for what i'm sure you've all been waiting for, what's in it for me? well as breifly detailed in the basics a new t85 hybrid armor, t90 magic armor, log type, a t90-92 staff upgrade and enough loot to fill your pockets with. But i suppose you'll want details, let's start with armor though, save the best for last.


    The catacombs offers 2 armors for those brave enough to plunder it, Enhanced necromancer (t90) and undying splitbark (t85 hybrid) both created from special materials found only inside the dungeon.

    armor creation passive repairable?
    enhanced necromancer (t90 magic) 1x necromancer set + 150 Undying energy + 1 tectonic set every target killed has a chance to be "resurrected" as an ally with 10% of its maximum health for 30 seconds, in which time it will attack your current/next target yes, requires tectonic armor parts to fix
    Undying splitbark 50 undying energy + 10 fine cloth + 10 antique cloth + 1 split bark part binding flesh, hits taken have a 5% chance to heal like resonance instead of damage yes, repaired via undying energy (50 per full repair)


    weapon creation passive
    Birch bolts/arrows birch bolt shaft/arrow shaft + tip of choice and feathers enhances the passive effects of the ammo by 5%
    Necromancer (t90-92) staff add a necromancer phantasm to your staff, adds a floating burning skull to the top of the staff's orb add's a 5% chance for the staff to heal off 10% of a hit's damage
    Defender's torch (t90 melee) combine a defenders cage, stick, and drygore offhand to create this t90 weapon regenerates a small portion of health on kill based on the damage of the final hit (2%)

    Suggested loot table for chests (and also unique loot)

    now, to make this nice as this post is already way to damn long. loot should go like the following

    • wold shade loot should be on par with araxxor in terms of value
    • holi on par with Nex (normal)
    • and stoub on par with hard mode GWD2 (gregoravich)

    this will make the chests worth looting, as for unique drops, i've prepared a table with all unique drops, their use, quantity dropped and rarity

    unique loot

    name use rarity(quantity) effects?
    necromancer phantasm upgrades t90 and 92 staves ultra rare (1) n/a
    White birch logs used in the creation of new t90 ammo uncommon (1-10) burn for a 10% bonfire boost (5 per boost)
    White birch seed used to grow a white birch tree (117 farming) very rare (1) unlike a normal tree, you can chose to incinerate it once fully grown for firemaking xp, once cut down it will automatically despawn the stump. you'll get 1-10 logs per grown tree.
    undying energy armor production, can be woven into new level 99 codex and products or transmuted into incandecent energy in a 2:1 ratio rare (50-100) can be woven with dragonstone necklaces into sign of the porter VII which banks 40 items, made into divine charges (150 per) or made into a divine hotspot which will store up to 3 of a same divine location and fill your limit at half speed that location normally would.
    (rotted) Undying codex incomplete codex to unlock the new undying ability (Requires 50k undying energy + 20 ancient cloth to fix, with 90 crafting) ultra rare (1) undying "kills" the player reducing lifepoints down to 100, all hits will do 1-10 damage during this time and the player will generate adrenaline at 3x the rate, they can not be healed during this time, if they manage to do 1.5x their healths damage or kill the target before the 30 seconds are up they'll be healed full, if not they'll be signed/killed. Ultimate ability, requires 99 constitution and has a 20 minuet cooldown. not advised to be used when swarmed by enemies.
    Antique cloth upgraded version of fine cloth, used in armor production uncommon (1-2) can be used to "wrap" food items creating (food name here) [wrapped] food that is wrapped will heal 10% more.
    fluidish ectoplasm unlocks ghastly the ghast pet ultra rare (1) displays total temple trekks completed & shade chests looted
    Shade cloth unlocks Spöke the shade pet ultra rare (1) morphable between all shade appearances, displays total clears of the minigame and total corpses cremated
    Defender's cage used to upgrades the sanctified torch to the defenders torch, or a defenders torch (weapon) with stick very rare (1) n/a
    Defender's stick used with a defender's cage to create a weapon defender's torch (offhand) ultra rare (1) see weapons above for creation and use


    Hey you made it! Sorry this one was so long there was a lot to go through. Hopefully this will make an engaging (and profitable) minigame while simultaneously providing a challenge for those seeking it and a good sink for some older items like pyre logs and fine cloth.

    Hope you enjoyed the post, and as promised, links to the prior posts. I've got one more minigame and boss i'd like to make an AoD styled remake for and minigame rework for so i'll link them all together perhaps once i'm done. (hint the next one involves a pyramid)

    the corporeal beast;


    The QBD


    *minor edit for a few corrections in spacing, and referencing columb keys in the opening when i meant gold

    submitted by /u/dark1859
    [link] [comments]

    Got an amazing drop. I wanted to share with everyone at work

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Patch Notes (22/06/20) Run Down

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Is anyone else having problems with keybinds lately?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    Not just actionbar keybinds but really all of the keys bound to an interface too now. For example if you have home teleport bound to T and you press T nothing happens half of the time.. Same with worldhop interface bound to a key sometimes this also does not open up when I press it and many more interfaces.

    submitted by /u/mastercamo123
    [link] [comments]

    Boss & Slayer mob killcount highscores. Boss time highscores?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I feel like this could be a fun and competitive addition to the existing highscores. Everybody's existing killcounts could be carried over and applied to it, so you wouldn't have to start all over. Could also add boss times as well for another highscore tab.

    Has this been discussed before by Jagex?


    submitted by /u/God_of_Pride
    [link] [comments]

    One bad apple spoils the bunch.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I find that in many communities there's varying degrees of toxicity that are accepted, and gaming communities on the whole obviously have a reputation for being more toxic than most.

    I think RuneScape is probably one of the middle ground games. It isn't relatively wholesome like Animal Crossing or something, and it isn't a complete nightmare like League of Legends.

    Partly the whole middleground thing causes an issue because a lot of people just don't even see it - like, it's generally a bit more isolated and infrequent, so plenty of people just don't notice it - which is great, but also means - like in so many other cases - they just don't see the issue as an issue. They're like "Things are fine. What are you talking about?" It's hard to get people excited about fixing a problem they don't even see.

    Then there's the toxic side of the community, and - well, the responses vary. One major issue is that people get drowned out, I've made a fair amount of posts about in-game toxicity and it's just all too common that it ends up with lots of upvotes, but then also a lot of downvotes. There's the old phrase "abusers protect abusers", and it's very true. Reddit isn't some kind of magical meritocracy where if you make a good post about something that's meaningful and important it just instantly does well - the people who have a vested interest in not letting you get a discussion to more people can prevent that. There's enough toxic people in the community to prevent discussing how to help diminish toxicity in the community.

    Beyond even just toxic players - there's many who aren't necessarily trying to be toxic or anything, they have no malice necessarily, but all the same they put forward negative notions.

    Many people will tell you, "Just grow thicker skin." Or some variation of that. Rather than condemning the actions of people who harass and abuse others, they just say . . . You, the person being attacked, should do better. And I will say - if you are being harassed then you should do your best to just ignore, report, move on, stick up for yourself if you like but you're not bad if you can't do that. There's nothing wrong with you if you are a person who can be hurt by another person's words or actions - that's perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with you.

    People will say, "That's the internet for ya," but I've seen so many beautiful corners of the internet where there isn't so much harassment. It's not an issue that is ubiquitous to the internet, and it isn't an issue that can't be solved or at least improved on. Simply giving up on the idea of doing better empowers people to keep being bad to each other.

    They'll say, "We shouldn't have to 'babysit' you." But isn't all the "oh, no, lets not do more about toxicity" talk just babysitting the abusers?

    They'll say, "Oh, you're trying to fix this? Are you a psychologist or something?" As if you can't seek to improve things unless you're some kind of professional. They'll undermine you in any way they can think of.

    Or they'll twist it into some narrative of, "You just want some kind of communist thing? Say one bad word and you're punished?" The nuance is discarded, people take it to weird extremes. People try to make it about something it's not.

    They'll say, "If you can't deal with people joking with you, get off the platform" but why isn't it, "If you can't treat others properly, get off the platform"? Why is accepting abuse prioritized?

    They'll tell you, "Why is everyone so snowflake like? Can't they take responsibility for themselves?" As you try to take care of your fellow players by enacting change, and demand that people be held responsible for when they're harassing others. Y'know, taking responsibility and trying to make others take responsibility.

    Or the old, "I don't mind. I've never had a situation that a report and an ignore can't solve." But not everyone is the same. Some people will be negatively impacted by things that you or I can deal with easily. That doesn't mean it isn't an issue - it just means isn't a problem specifically for ourselves personally. There's still other people, and they matter as well.

    I could go on, there's a million examples of things that people say that just ignore the core of the issue and maintain the status quo - but you get the idea and this post is already long enough that people will not read it in full then respond with something that I already have addressed, so, yeah.

    Long and short of it is - many people in the community have mindsets that are negative, and many drown out these discussions because they have a vested interest in not having things change since they are toxic. As the title suggests, the toxicity we see in the few can cause ripples to the many. This post is intended to be a response to the many negative notions that we see that amount to little more than (sometimes unintentionally, and without malice) blaming victims and protecting the abusers.

    This community, like so many others, can do better. Lets do better together.

    submitted by /u/HashTagDeeperino
    [link] [comments]

    Archaeology comic

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Quintessence are not obtainable from ancient caskets, but the other 34 materials are

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Perhaps this is an oversight and I have reported it as a bug in game, but I just wanted to know why Quintessence is not able to be obtained from ancient caskets. It hasn't been discussed much, but I think it should be added to the material roll for tetra loot.

    submitted by /u/Hollowfires
    [link] [comments]

    Look from 99 RC through abyss (No outfit!)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:23 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Spring Cleaning

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Loot from working a fulltime job at Warforge Digsite

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:34 AM PDT

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