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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    RuneScape Rant Wednesday - 01 July

    RuneScape Rant Wednesday - 01 July

    Rant Wednesday - 01 July

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Rant Wednesday is a monthly thread for exactly what you might think it's for. Rant, vent, complain, comment, speak your mind and air your grievances with anything concerning RuneScape, Jagex, or even the subreddit itself! This is your time to get whatever you want off your chest, so make it count!

    You might find that having constructive elements to your comment be received and embraced better by others, but it is by no means required. Think of "keep it constructive" more as a suggestion, than a requirement. The only real requirement is that you follow our subreddit rules, which includes no personal attacks, personally identifiable information, harassement, or anything that can be reasonably considered excessive.

    Have fun, and (try to) play nice!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Had to scrounge and save but I was able to get my little brother a Masuta’s Warspear for his birthday today! Lookin good!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Bring back the Month Ahead/Behind the Scenes news articles so we can be disappointed once a month rather than weekly

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    It's tiring to have your hope crushed every week, not knowing if a miracle may happen.

    submitted by /u/Snesley
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    POF dinosaurs should be able to eat fish

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    The bait for three of the dinosaurs is raw sailfish, raw shark, and raw rocktail. Yet the POF versions can't eat either of those? They can only eat meat? This doesn't make sense when they prefer fish over meat in BGH.

    submitted by /u/firepanda11
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    Ninja Recon - Crowded skilling areas

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Hello everyone

    We've seen a lot of mentions of people not wanting to see other players familiars in the Halls of Memories just like how it has been done to the Lumbridge market/Combat academy.

    Are there any other locations you think we can apply this fix to? Are there any areas where you want to block cannons, flowers or any other annoying objects?

    Reply here with the location and if it is familiars or annoying objects and we will go over the locations and see what we can do.

    Mod Shogun of the Ninja team.

    submitted by /u/Shogun-san
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    Add skull timer to debuff bar

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    43s Ambassador trio (Night Eyes, Nummy Tacos and PUP)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Let us overcharge Big Book O' Piracy.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    For clue scrolls I run out of charges very often. Even an increase to like 100 would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Axiomatic_RS
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    TL;DW 487 - Player Advocacy Group Breakdown

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Vod | Meet the Ninja Team PAG

    Player Advocacy Groups (PAG)


    The Idea Behind It

    • Create a system where someone experienced can explain nuanced issues in a way where developers can make changes.
      • This would be done in a way that will be trusted so they can have clear expectations of the outcome.
      • The community can get an insight into the conversations that are happening.
    • Not meant to replace getting general community feedback, surveys, or newsposts.

    Designing the 1st PAG - The RS Guy

    • The starting point was scattered and everyone had a different idea but it came together as it progressed.
    • Needed to figure out:
      • How to collect information?
      • How will we display it?
      • How are we going to present it?
    • First thing was to form a team then have calls and meetings with them and Jagex.

    The Team

    Finding a Leader

    • This was a paid position since it would require a lot of work.
    • This person needed to be:
      • A good leader, a player expert, and could handle the scrutiny of the wider community.

    Selecting a Leader (The RS Guy) - Jagex

    • We needed someone who was conscientious about the selection process.
      • If we see someone is forming a biased team we would scrap it and try again.
      • All nominees were in a position to claim expertise and advocate for the playerbase.
    • Great organization skills needed to be an interfaces between the players and Jagex.
      • Insight into the development process and strong leadership skills.
    • The RS Guy was also partly chosen partly due to the great discussions at and following Runefest.

    Forming the team - The RS Guy

    • Important Criteria:
      • Knowledgeable players who were representative of a community.
      • Someone who could understand a topic clearly and get involved and fight for the things they cared about.
      • Knowledgeable about 1 subject but willing to learn more about the game.
    • Process:
      • Reached out to a number of discord communities for nominations.
      • Interviewed and spoke with 20-30 people and read applications of 50-60 more just in 1 week.


    Themes: PvM Bossing, PvM Slayer, Clue Scroll, Skilling, Ironman, Other

    • 1 Initial Meeting, 4 Team Meetings, 1 Retrospective Meeting.
    • Meetings occurred weekly, where different categories were tackled on different days.
    • 10+ hours a week just on calls going through every item we wanted to bring up for all aspects of the game.
      • Everyone participated even if the discussion wasn't about their expertise.



    • PAG effectiveness:
      • Are we on the right track?
      • How much investment is required on both sides?
      • What sort of results do we get?
    • Find all the little changes that are so spread-out with the level of knowledge required to make a strong change.

    Determining to do a Ninja PAG

    • Due to the existence of the Dojo we could see how effective the PAG was compared to general community feedback:

      • Does it provided a different value, perspective, deeper information or ideas on how things could be different?
      • Is the amount of time invested to get to those conclusions less or more?
    • By allowing a broad PAG focus it allows us to get a deeper focus on future ones without players wanting to bring up additional issues alongside the primary focus.


    Process wise that was the rundown of the project. It was different from but it was a good challenge. It was a lot of work but I'm really proud of what we got done.


    • We were hitting on all those metrics/goals
      • Doing things the Dojo wasn't doing but was still in agreement with it.
    • Obtained 2 years worth of work for the Ninja team as well as passing some off the other teams.
    • Despite this PAG being over, we have documentation we can reference back to at any point.

    Future Updates

    • PAG strike coming up in July and another later in the year.
    • They may also be sprinkled into other strikes depending on their themes just like we do with the Dojo.

    Determining to do Future PAGs

    • Future PAGs will require an NDA which may result in some players not being able to participate.
    • PAGs are done at the developer's request and they must have a clear goal and timetable.
      • There will likely be more as the model grows.
    • The charter process will be made more visible and will be live updated for players to refer to.
      • It will contain a working agreement with the PAG and their criteria.
    • Make plans and procedures in advance so those involved know what to expect going into it.

    Current Plans

    • There are no current plans of a specific PAG however there are discussions.
      • We will notify the community when a future PAG is planned.
    • Current plans include: Making a logo, making sure the presence is easier to find.


    Sharing with the Community

    • In the future there will always be a charter and a retrospective provided to the community.
    • We aren't sharing the actual submission list as there can be a feedback loop that where it can create biases on player needs.
      • We also want to leave people open to surprises.
    • Ninja PAG Meeting minutes will be pushed out in a retroactive post around the July strike.
      • For future PAGs that may show results much later it would be posted immediately.

    Updates in General

    • Updates that came from PAG will NOT be marked as such.
      • The goal of PAG is to bring up problems not implement them. They don't do development/balancing.
      • The PAG team is also unaware of any of what they brought up would or when it would be implemented.
    • There are check put in place to make sure no one takes advantage of the economy based on internal knowledge.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Rumbling components are currently useless

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    Currently, rumbling components are only used for obtaining the equilibrium perk (for which there are far cheaper combinations anyways) but come from some high value items such as Drygores, Tectonic, and raids armor. It would be interesting to see an update that makes these components more useful in some way, as it would potentially make Kalphite King more worth doing and allow Tectonic to regain some of the value it lost with the T92 update.

    submitted by /u/Prevails
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    In-game Metronome

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Simple metronome widget would be amazing addition to the game.

    It would be a small Interface that would convey game's tick rate by visual/audio cues every 1/2/4 ticks.


    Ticks are backbone of Runescape and utilizing them is very beneficial for any intensive activity (e.g. Bossing, PvP) or skilling (e.g. Hall of Memories, Mining). Ability to track ticks greatly reduces perceived lag, which makes the game feel more responsive.

    You can easily set up 3rd party metronome but it's likely that it won't match with game's tick rate (game's tick rate is not exactly 0.6 seconds and even if you get the exact frequency it will probably not get exact match due to delay).

    Additionally, some people have "beat deafness" which makes it difficult to track the tick rate.

    Finally, in-game metronome would aid learners with prayer switching/flicking, ability cancellation and similar mechanical skills that are pretty much required for modern PvM

    submitted by /u/mporubca
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    Petition to move this horde of hungry bears away from my poor yak

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Drop log from 1000 Solak

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Little bit of MTX information about the first 6 months of this year

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    this gem

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    2020 feeling like...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    IDEA: Use currupt statius warhammer to repair statius warhammer?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    So, I've come to understand that the statius warhammer is an amazing tool but, in my opinion, quite rare for a necessary item in end game pvm.

    Drop chances1/28,000 from Chaos elemental1/9,000+ From rev drags ect

    So I've considered a possible relief (not solution), perhaps we can make it a bit more reasonable by allowing superior wilderness items to be repaired* by currupt items.

    Potenetially, this may breathe more life into the wilderness and to the ancient wilderness items...

    Thoughts? Let's keep this non-toxic. If you disagree, I feel you, but please explain and keep things cordial.

    submitted by /u/nevorchi
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    Yak Trak needs to have some serious rebalancing before the next release

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Hi Scapers,

    Last week, the third Yak Trak, 'Yak to the Shadows' was released. Previously there have been complaints about the nature of some of the tasks involved in the Yak Trak. Most notable among these complaints are the Summoning, Construction and Herblore tasks.

    This Yak Trak, there is one specific task that caught my eye, specifically Task 45A.

    At level 99 Construction (My level) you will see that you will need to construct 2,025 of one of the following: Marble Cape Rack, Marble Magic Wardrobe or Magic Cape rack.

    The key point here is that these require at least 1 of either a marble block or a magic stone. These items can only be bought from the construction supplies store (there is no way to make these items in game) and respectively cost 325,000 and 975,000gp to buy. So, in order to complete this particular task at level 99 construction a player would need to spend 658m gp if using marble blocks, or 1.95B gp if using magic stones.

    I hope I shouldn't have to explain to anyone how unreasonable this is for a single task. And this isn't even talking about the fact that these items have an extremely limited stock in store. Marble blocks have a total stock of 50 blocks per day using all stores. This means that in order to complete this task a player would need to spend 41 days buying out each store every day in order to finish this task.

    Now to put this in perspective, Task 45B requires a player to bury 1750 of any type of bone or ashes, from normal bones up until searing ashes. At the current GE price of 215, to complete this task using big bones would cost 435,375Gp. That's less than 1/1000th of the price to complete the construction task, not to mention that in reality someone could just sit in lumbridge catacombs for an hour and finish the task that way instead.

    Now, to clarify, my issue isn't necessarily the disparity between the tasks, my main issue is how the construction task could have possibly gotten through any playtesting or QA at all. (Hint: it didn't).

    Any person that has played runescape and trained construction in any capacity could immediately see that the task is far beyond the point of being reasonable, and should have been flagged as such immediately. The fact that it wasn't shows one or all of a few things:

    • That the Yak Track was not adequately playtested (specifically for people with higher levels)
    • That the people who created the Yak Trak do not play or understand the game
    • That this task was created with the pure intention that a skip token be used on it

    Im not convinced that the last of those is accurate,because if it was than why was such a relatively easy task given as an alternative. The other 2 options are a lot more worrying as well.

    There has recently been a dearth of new content being added to the game. One of the main reasons that has been given (not that much information has been given at all) is that it is all going though extensive QA and palytesting. If such a focus has been put on playtesting and QA, then why are things such as this slipping through the cracks. All you need is a single person who has trained construction at all in the past 15 years to take 1 look at this to say 'This is unreasonable'. It has me worried about the QA that future content would be going through.

    In conclusion, I think its important to state that I am not against the Yak Trak as a concept. I quite like the idea of having tasks to complete as additional things to do as I play the game. I don't even mind that you have to pay extra in order to access it. What I do mind is that things as blatant as this can 'slip though the cracks', and it makes me worried about future content that Jagex will put out, as well as the future of Yak Trak tasks.

    It's probably too late to make much of a change to this one, but in future I would hope that things like this are caught and flagged before they get to live.

    submitted by /u/Methos25
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    Please allow us to teleport on the first try, every time

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    I've noticed it a LOT more when doing clues, but not always clue specific, and not because i'm still in combat.
    When we click to teleport to a lodestone, it would be nice if it would ACTUALLY DO IT on the first try.
    I don't even know how many times it's done that to me. I click to teleport, it closes and acts like i'm going to teleport, but nothing happens and I have to reopen the lodestone teleport screen and click it again.

    submitted by /u/fallior
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    Update on Login Issue - Mobile Client Fix

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Edimmus: Please allow us to pass the barrier even if not on task to reclaim cannon.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Currently if you do not have anymore edimmus to kill you are prohibited from passing the magical barrier into their dungeon area.

    This is frustrating because if you accidentally leave while your cannon is still up, you need to wait 20 or so minutes before reclaiming it.

    Please allow us to reenter the area, but prohibit from attacking any edimmu if they are not the current task.

    submitted by /u/R_a_x_i
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    Ninja Request: Update the Canafis/Gnome Robes

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I have a request for a recoloring of existing models to update the Canafis and Gnome Robes. Prior to the update of the wizard robes all of these robes shared the same model but the blue and black wizard robes were updated into two new models and the other robes were left alone.

    Updated Robe Suggestion

    My suggestion is to recolor the blue wizard robes model to update the Rometti's Fine Fashion) robes and the black wizard robes model to update the Barker's Haberdashery) robes. Alternatively all 10 could be updated to use one or the other model but I think the respective locations fit the blue and black models respectively.

    submitted by /u/Amsowers
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    Reminder not to knee jerk over day 1 market changes after a big update

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    People saying vorago is dead and stuff like nex (although nex will go up long term) but it's important to know that you need to let these things play out instead of KNEE JERKING and calling for changes on day 1.

    If less people are doing vorago because it isn't good gp anymore, it means uniques go up, ens go up, and then people do vorago because it's good to do. That's why it's good to have a lot of bosses so that 1 boss isn't overfarmed to oblivion.

    Also, if more people are using t90-t92 armor due to it being cheaper to maintain, then it means more ens or the same amount are leaving the game. People might still use t90 as they can't afford the upfront cost but want a boost in armor/dps so will buy a set of t90. Instead of people using virtus to save money, they will use t92 armor as it's cheaper. So perhaps the same amount of ens will leave the game long term on average.

    Give it 2-3 months, see what happens. We also don't know if jagex has future plans with tect energies or uniques at vorago.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    QA stream - discuss current bugs that keep getting reported and bug reports that result in not actually a bug (and why).

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I know several times there was a plan to do the QA but the questions that were asked were not what they wanted to answer (usually just a bunch of bug reports). It would be nice to get something based on the existing bug reports and their feelings.

    Pretty much 3 parts of the stream.

    1.) Not bugs - but commonly reported as bugs (and if the issue should be submitted to the dojo)

    2.) Known bugs reported on where there is no longer a need to keep reporting the issue.

    3.) How bug reports are reviewed, tested, and passed to the teams.

    submitted by /u/Narmoth
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    The game is trying to transmit a message...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:58 PM PDT

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