• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    RuneScape It's been almost 15 years since Falador had their Statue of Saradomin rolled away by an adventurer, why has the city taken no steps to replace it?

    RuneScape It's been almost 15 years since Falador had their Statue of Saradomin rolled away by an adventurer, why has the city taken no steps to replace it?

    It's been almost 15 years since Falador had their Statue of Saradomin rolled away by an adventurer, why has the city taken no steps to replace it?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Falador, the gorgeous city of white stone walls was victim of a heinous crime in August of 2005, an adventurer placed the town's centerpiece statue of Saradomin, and wheeled it right away out of the city.

    Since then Falador's main entrance and central square is without a statue. Only an empty plinth to remind the city of what once stood there.

    I think it's shocking that in 15 years Falador has not managed to put anything in its place. With the city expanding more and more recently, it's about time the city took care of itself and put a new statue in place.

    Please add a replacement statue to the plinth in Falador or give us the option to build one, maybe scaling to our Construction level (i.e. Wood - Stone - Ornate - etc.)

    I realize content is at all time lows and the team is stretch thin, and that this is an extreme waste of resources, but I get extremely bothered every time I teleport to Falador and arrive in a city square with no central piece. I therefore think this is of utmost importance and priority.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Trevorghost
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    Solak Obama

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I searched all over the place for a big game hunter map that showed pathways of what dino gives bait for another. i gave up and made my own edit to the map on the wiki. 2 min of work, tons of payoff

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    This is actually a great idea for rs3 too!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Another reminder that Archeology needs a baseline req to start doing.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    So many level 3 throwaway accounts are being made by real players (to multi-log) as well as by botters.

    Caches are heavily farmed by these accounts and it's quite disgusting that it's so easy to create a blank account and make easy 2mill+ gp/hr.

    submitted by /u/PennStater3
    [link] [comments]

    Suggestion: You should be able to pickpocket the 99 thieving cape.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Like a true sneaky beaky thief :3

    submitted by /u/KripperinoArcherino
    [link] [comments]

    Today I received my first 99. In Attack. :)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    I bought the 'Sir Owen Pack' from Solomon's Store

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Hmm to pay or not to pay......

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Is the Mac client crashing going to be addressed, or even acknowledged?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Within the last few weeks a lot of Mac players have been experiencing lots of crashing and freezing. Sometimes this occurs when loading the client but more frustratingly also when playing, commonly doing pvm. This is definitely a recent issue as it's only started occuring within the last 3-4 weeks along with the complaints about it all being recent. There has been no word from jagex on this issue and players are unsure if they even know of the existence of this issue. Although the Mac player base is small it makes the game almost unplayable for those players. Even just an acknowledgment of this would be great.

    Other Reddit posts and comments about the issue arising

    My personal crash logs

    Other players crash logs

    Gif of crash

    submitted by /u/PupRS
    [link] [comments]

    Cursed Energy Collecting Bots. Why haven't these accounts been banned?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    It is common knowledge these bots are on almost every world. I go to collect Cursed Energy on my main so I can level my divination. On worlds you continuously see the same people. Obviously bots, low levels, they NEVER speak to you if you say anything, the moment you attack them (just to find out if they're a bot) a combat bot comes to save them and kill you.

    Seriously this is a huge bot farm are, it is common knowledge, yet I see these people continuously. I mean if they are able to get to high div levels, they clearly are not being tracked or banned....

    submitted by /u/DefensiveHuman
    [link] [comments]

    removing wildy pvp and restoring kingdom of forinthry

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    last year players heavily supported reclaiming the wilderness, by removing pvp and restoring the landscape to pre god wars era scenery or as close as possible. as it stands wilderness is the largest piece of dead content in game, and if pvp is removed from it, and the land restored, it could provide the most potential for content such as quests, pvm, and skilling. like in the survey they could do a massive world event, where we restore forinthry using all support and gatherer and artisan skills as well as combat skills. post some ideas, and help get this the support it deserves, its time to slay the largest piece of dead content in game

    submitted by /u/prometheius
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    Are you okay? (I made another silly animation)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Corporeal wrath - A corporeal beast hard mode update

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    The corp is remembered fondly by many vets as one of the hardest bosses of RS2, and why wouldn't they, until the release of gandodermic armor few armors could withstand his magic attacks and those that could often severely compromised your defense to his lethal melee attacks. Being one of the rare pre eoc bosses capable of healing and with the at the time relatively high price of guthans and the zamorakian spear, it made for quite a challenge to summit pre eoc often requiring extensive planning and a team of at least 4-5 players.

    \minor edit, calling this a hardmode update in hind sight is incorrect, more a re-imagining like nex AoD. Sorry for any confusion.*

    Now, not so much. He can still be a fair bit of a challenge to the uninitiated just due to some of his unorthodox quirks but is easily manageable solo with some investment into gear, or just wearing TMW. So, i had an idea, a new battle with the beast, one worthy of being considered a challenge in EoC, one that will require a mix of combat prowess and wit to overcome, with rewards for those strong enough to best him.

    *keep in mind this is more of a rough draft, and would need a lot more work before implementation*


    1. basics and starting the fight
    2. phase 1
    3. phase 2
    4. phase 3
    5. phase 4
    6. Loot and rewards
    7. conclusion

    Basics and starting the fight

    Before we begin, the recommended group size is 8, but teams may be comprised of 1-20 players (solo duo and 3+ modes). health however, scales with player count (i'm thinking past 3, but over 8 is probably more balanced, i've written it though with 3 as the base hitpoint count)

    this fight would work similarly to how Araxxor works with an enrage % that goes up for each successful kill. The fight will be broken into 3 phases with a 4th phase unlocking after 100% enrage similarly to telos. Loot will drop similarly to the qbd from a chest appearing after the beast's defeat.

    Unlike the normal corp spears would not be mandatory HOWEVER spears will deal an additional 35% damage to the corp, as a homage to its original form.

    To begin the fight players will need to interact with a spirit portal (visible to all) that will appear by the well of good will. From here players will be transported to an empty version of the final room from the normal corporeal beast's lair, except, there will be a tear in reality to the spirit plane. From here you may chose to go solo, be matchmade into a team (you may input the maximum size team you wish to be placed in), or with a premade group.

    You'll be placed within the void with an intractable singularity of energy in the middle, and it is from here the fight begins...

    *note in all phases deflect summoning reduces damage taken by 15%\*

    Phase 1 - the spirit plane

    Phase one is simple up to 200% enrage. The beast will emerge in its spirit beast form angry and ready to unleash its wrath upon those who would defile its lair. In this phase the beast will have 1,000,000 points of health (with an extra million added per player), to beat this phase players will need to coordinate in order to drain its health and move to phase 2. For every 50% enrage this phase gains 2m extra points of health to deplete

    • starting enrage is voted on, with the highest enrage available being an average of all players highest reached enrage, 0% enrages will not be counted
    • in this phase 4 wellsprings will open and close, one colored black, one colored red, one colored yellow, and one colored blue. For solo players only blue and red will open. up to 3 players may stand in a well at once and gain its effects
      • black will boost player damage by 10,000% BUT drain the player's health at 200 points a tick ramping up the longer for every 15 seconds they remain inside, this wellspring is always open.
      • blue will heal a player by 100 points a tick, scaling up over time but adding a point of "overloaded" that decreases 1 point per minuet. be mindful though, stand too long in a blue wellspring and accumulate 60 ticks and it will explode dealing 9000 damage to yourself and near by players.
      • red will boost the player's damage by 10,000% this wellspring opens for 10 seconds at a time and has no negitive drawbacks, it will open for 30 seconds and close for 15 seconds in solo, as well as deal an additional
      • Yellow will drain a player's health by 200 points a tick but, will nullify tick damage to a player in the black wellspring. this wellspring turns on and off in minuet intervals
    • wells will remain closed as long as the beast is "focused" the beast needs to be distracted in order to use the wells and drain its spiritual energy to force it back to its corporeal form, one player will need to provoke the beast in order for the blue red and yellow wells to start opening doing so will incur the beasts wrath and it will focus all attacks on it, you will have 40 seconds before someone needs to take its attention or else that player faces certain death. a charge bar will appear below the beast's health bar once provoked that takes 40 seconds to charge so all players know when they need to tag out
      • In solo "orbs of spiritual energy" will be provided to activate and distract the beast for 30 seconds at a time, once destroyed they will take 40 seconds to respawn, 5 will be provided.
    • once all health points have been depleted the beast will be forced to retreat to the physical plane, depositing players back in the starting room and advancing to phase 2.

    at 200% + enrage the fight becomes more difficult, yellow wellsprings will be disabled and replaced with black ones, blue wellsprings will heal 1000 points a tick but add 5 overloaded debuffs a second. and red will no longer spawn in either mode, being replaced with black wellsprings. as well as the beast gaining new attacks

    for this table, hard mode will refer to 200% enrage or higher

    attack effect mode specific?
    swipe basic claw swipe to targets in melee range, deals between 1000-5000 damage depending on prayer/armor no
    Charge charged spiritual beam attack that takes 40 seconds to charge to full power, once charged it will be unleashed upon the current provoker dealing 50,000 points of damage to the target instantly killing them. no
    claw breath standard magic attack of the corporeal beast yes, normal mode
    drain hardmode version of claw breath, instead of fracturing where the target stands and bouncing it will chain to up to 5 players dealing between 1000-3000 damage yes, hard mode
    smash standing in an inactive well for too long will invoke this attack, smashing the player for 3000 flat damage and draining 500 prayer points. no
    Revenant familiars Summons a random revenant familiar to battle players yes/no, normal mode summons mid level combat familiars like terror birds or Minotaur, hard mode summons titans
    core charge activates if players have not advanced phase in 12 minuets heals the player 500,000 life points per player present. this attack drains 3000 lifepoints per player. yes, hardmode
    Expunge if the fight has not progressed within 30 minuets the beast "Expunges" players from the fight, removing them from the instance and placing them back in the lobby. you have 40 minuets to advance phase in hard mode. no

    Phase 2 - the rapids

    The beast has bored a deep tunnel from the original cavern, pursuing your party finds it has broken through to an ancient underground river with a wooden smuggling raft dating back to the godwars in place, armed with ballista, repair supplies, and even a helm with which to steer. Phase 2 does not feature direct conflict with the boss, but rather, with angry lava strykewyrms who are more than a little irritated with the beast's tunneling.

    • phase 2 will be split into 4 roles, pilot who needs to like the lava falls in children of mah pilot the raft away from rocks, gunners who will use the mounted balistae to scare off wyrms, restockers who need to supply the ballista with ammo, and engineers who need to use provided supplies to fix the raft.
      • in solo only the pilot job and repair job are available, wyrms will not spawn but rapids rocks are more frequent.
      • in duo players will need to work together to perform all roles
      • for groups exceeding 8 multiple rafts will spawn behind one another.
      • rafts are limited to 100 supplies (100 repairs) wyrms deal 1000 damage to start and the raft has 100,000 lifepoints
        • the higher the enrage the less supplies you have, and the more damage the wyrms deal
      • hitting rocks will deal damage to the entire team and subtract 10,000 lifepoints from the boat. on 200% + enrage they will deal 80,000 leaving the boat open to be killed in moments by wyrms.
    • players will need to navigate to the end of the river section alive, players who die during the raft will be in a downed state and will remain so until the end of the section where they will respawn with half hp
    • if the raft sinks the fight is over and players are sent to edgevile's canoe station via underground currents. with 10 lp remaining

    Upon reaching the other shore they will find the beast has quickly clawed its way into a secret hideaway, The Core.

    Phase 3, part 1- the core.

    Arriving in the final cavern the team will find the beast has cocooned itself in a shadowy substance similar to the core except, it has grown nearly 10x in size, leaving only the dark core and the beasts head exposed. Enraged at the continued pursuit the beast will shake the cavern dropping the battlements of some forgotten fortress above, miraculously a ballista has survived the fall! but... it has no ammo.. and to make matters worse the beast has 500,000,000 health. at 200% enrage this health pool is doubled.

    This fight is broken into 2 teams, a ballista team and a distraction team. In solo mode the spiritual orbs from phase 1 will return that must be primed while you run ballista.

    ballista team

    Springs of dark energy will begin to collect around the arena (similar to divination springs) gather them and quickly turn them into spiritual rifts to create "spiritual spears" these must be loaded into the ballista and fired at the core to damage it, each ballista will deal 10,000,000 health (so a total of 50 must be fired) and 10 may be fired in succession before the beast will directly attack the ballista team, so time it carefully with your distraction team. A counter will be placed below the beast's health bar to show how many shots have been fired.

    Distraction team

    Distraction team has a similar role to the provokers from phase 1 provoke the beast by attacking dark tendrils found in the front of the arena, each tendril slain will instantly gain the beast's attention towards all players within a 4x4 area around the tendril, it will begin charging the core charge attack as before this time taking 60 seconds to charge but an attack that will wipe the entire arena, players on the distraction team need to time as best they can the destruction of tendrils with the 10th balista shot to reset the timer. A timer will be placed below the phase's health bar to inform players how long they have until the attack fires.

    Phase 3 part 2

    This part is straight forward, a damage check. After depleting the beast's health the large core will unceremoniously fall from the cocoon to the floor unable to attack...for now. players need to deplete 1m (500k solo, 1m added for every player past 2) health as quickly as possible using the red wellsprings (black on 200% + enrage) to deplete the core's remaining health before the expunge ability is used.. if below 100% enrage this will be the end of the fight. The core will melt to nothingness, the beast will be cast back to the spirit realm. And the players will be able to loot a shadowy chest left by the deceased core.

    all new attacks are listed below

    attack effect mode exclusive?
    shadow blast fires an attack similar to seryiu's dark energy attack that converges on last known tendril attacker's location dealing 1000 damage a tick if stood in no
    core harvest fires a small draining blast of energy that if it hits a player drains life points and heals the beast by 1m lifepoints for every 5000 health drained no
    shadow swipe slain tendril locations lash out at any near by players dealing 500 damage yes hard mode
    roar causes stalagmites to fall dealing 2500 damage each, they will track all players last known location no
    revenant call lures revenants from the forithany dungeon to aid the beast. revenants not slain within 1 minuet heal the beast by (Remaining lifepoints)x4 no
    Chaotic call lures the chaos elemental for 40 seconds to attack players in the arena yes. hard mode
    metaphysical bleed blood from the core leaks onto the stage locking down small areas for a time dealing initially 50 damage a tick rapidly scaling to 3000 damage a tick if stood in too long no, only occurs in phase 3 part 2 to block wells.

    Phase 4 - finale

    Should you best the beast to 100% enrage, it will have learned from past encounters, it knows how the pursuit ends should it leave its real core exposed. Instead, it creates a fake core for phase 3 to gather energy from your team. Now freed of its cocoon and roughly the size of vorago, the beast is ready to end this, with one defiant energy blast it collapses the rest of the cave ceiling bringing down the rest of the battlements. and with them multiple ballistas.

    phase 4 is split into 3 teams. In solo, the spiritual orbs will appear once more, as well as "unstable" orbs, used in lieu of other players. In duo players must split time between teams 2 and 3. in this phase the beast has 10,000,000 health points (scales up based on players, not sure how much it should scale though) or 30m health above 200% enrage. This health pool is split between the "shell" which has a base of 7m health, and core which has 3m health. you must deplete both to win.

    Ballista team

    your job is a little different, there will be 6 total ballistas overcharged with energy, 2 at any given time will glow white, 2 will glow black, and 2 will glow red. every 60 seconds (30 200%+ enrage) the beast will glow one of the three colors, using the corresponding ballista will stun the beast and deal 500,000 lifepoints, incorrect colored ballistas will either increase the beast's damage by 200% temporarily or heal the beast 1 million lifepoints. Ideally you'll be able to fire 2 ballistas matching its colors to deal 1m hp. upon firing the ballistas wellsprings will appear for 60 seconds, the ballistas deal health primarily to the shell but will also deal 5% of the damage to the core.

    Spring team

    for 30 seconds the entire area around the beast (a 16X16 area) will need to deal damage to the shell via the spring which boosts all damage the deal by 100%. This job is relatively simple however, you must kill the core and shell together. Which ever one runs out first will be healed 200k life points till the point both are slain together.

    Core team

    your job is to deplete the remaining health the core has, do not let up on it, every second the core is not being harmed it is healing the shell. you must deplete the core's health simultaneously with the shells to finish the fight, so keep harming it until the spring team has depleted the shells health and both die together.

    wrapping up (ballista team)

    upon depleting both core and shells lifepoints it will turn to face a random ballista, ballista team must quickly (60 seconds normal mode, 30 hard) reach the ballista and fire a final, fatal blow killing the beast for now. if the ballista team fails to fire the shot, core and shell will heal to 100k lifepoints (with a subsequent 100k added for each faliure) until either 10 attempts fail or it is slain. If 10 attempts pass (5 200%+) the team will be expunged.

    Upon victory conditions being met, a shadowy chest will appear where the beast once stood, if you die and your team sucseeded don't worry! your loot share (minus a cut based on when you died scaling from 10%-90% based on how early it was) will be automatically deposited in a TT like chest in your inventory you can claim upon their success.

    from here you may either teleport out, or right click on the chest and hit "return to varrock" to be deposited at the well of good will.

    phase 4 unique attacks

    please note that revenant call, revenant familiar, swipe, claw breath, and drain also return in this phase.

    attack effect mode exclusive?
    lockdown locks down a benifical ballista dealing 500 lifepoints when attempting to use, players may still use the ballista if desired at this 500 point cost yes
    snare wraps a random target in energy and attempts to drain them of up to 4000 health and all adrenaline, players must free the trapped player by attacking that player and dealing 5000 damage. no, does not occur in solo
    lunge lunges at a player not on the battlements dealing 3000 damage if contact is made, surge away! no
    spirit fire breaths a stream of spirit fire to attempt to disrupt the ballista team, dealing 1500 damage a tick, behaves similarly to the qbd firebreath attack. to avoid simply surge through or get behind intact wall bits. no
    wrath Focuses one player dealing 20% of their current lifepoints then uses that attack to lock down a random ballista, lasts 30 seconds, this attack may only occur once the beast is down to its last 10% total lifepoints yes
    core blast unleashes a 50x50 aoe blast from the core dealing 3000 typeless damage, deflect summoning will nullify this attack entirely, has a 3 second windup. no

    Loot and rewards

    one hell of a boss idea no? but now you're wondering, what's in it for me? well my friends worry not! Such a challenge will feature 3, yes that's right, 3 new t90 weapons and a new t60, and t90 hybrid set of armor. all of which can be augmented, as well as a new threshold healing ability, as well as other valuable drops from both the classic beast as well as loot that can help you outside of the fight.

    looting factors

    your loot is based on 3 factors, party size (+10% for solo, +5% for teams up to 8), enrage (+5% end loot gains per 20% enrage), and total phases, (25% extra loot). you may rejoin a fight any time UNLESS the team is expunged.

    this loot is then totaled then subtracted from the following factors

    phase 2 knockouts (-.5% total cut per player downed if players down exceeds half the team, -2.5% if you go down), your personal death (-5%) and phase you died in if you died (-5% if you die in phase 4, - 70% if in phase 1, -10% if you died in phase 3).

    weapon components and codex's are not factored into this, and roll separately based on your performance, team time, and is then compared to team mates performances (similarly to AoD) before randomly distributing.

    So what this would look like is the following. RIPHaWTSamXo1 survives phase 1 in a 8 man team, but he is downed on phase 2, he survives to near the end of phase 3 but alas, he didn't see a core wrath charging and he had only 2000 lifepoints before he could heal. But, his team managed to snag the kill a few minuets after, his chest will be delivered to him. in his chest of goodies RIPHaWTSamXo1 would have gotten originally 5m as his total reward after other modifiers however, due to his death at the end and down during phase 2, sam lost 875,000 worth of loot from his total loot pool because of this leaving him with 4,125,000 worth of reward items, but! he rolled a weapon part which was not factored into his total loot cut as it rolls separately. all is good in the world.

    OR it could look like the following. Wannnareaper36, is a bit of a lazy deadweight. He considers himself a "top tier" pvmer despite only ever having done the qbd and leeching raids. somehow he's managed to buy his way into Corporeal wrath as a carry. During this time he dies every wave, he died standing like a moron in a blue wellspring for too long, he died during the rapids, he died during phase 3 and since the team is all 300%ers they started at 100% enrage which means phase 4 was reached, and you guessed it, he died. after his team a man short finishes up, Wannareaper36's chest would have contained 8m gp after modifiers, but, because he didnt help at all and actively made the fight harder by filling a slot an 8th could have taken, he gets 960,000 and, as he performed so badly, 6 of the team managed to get their hands on weapon parts, he would have gotten one but, due to his leeching, did not receive a rare drop

    at least, that's the idea of how it'd work, the idea needs refinement but i'd like it to be something like this.

    Now, with the loot, all loot from the boss with the exception of the pet and crystallized energy are tradeable

    *Please note these are just the unique drops, there will ofc be standard drops but ill leave that up to jagex as i feel i'd probably be biased and say "light and dark aninimca spirits and gold for days!" if i made the standard drops, this is a t90 boss so that should probably dictate regular loot*

    unique non weapon/armor drops

    name use rarity (quantity)
    spectral elixir enhances the spectral spirit shield to t90 and turns it hybrid very rare (1)
    Core husk unlocks the dark core pet very rare (1)
    Corrupted varnish applied to corrupted dragon equipment boosting its tier to t75 and making it hybrid extending its time to 2 hours in p2p, this armor may still be used in f2p. uncommon (1)
    Holy decanter special crystal flask, can store any 6 dose combination booster potion and adds a small crystal sheild well to the player that absorbs up to 1000 damage. lasts 36 uses before shattering rare (1)
    Spiritual flakes required to enhance corporeal armor to t90 spirit armor rare (50-100)
    Reave (codex) viciously attack your opponent 3 times with this threshold attack, healing 80% of the highest hitting strike and decreasing the cooldown of resonance by 1 second for every 1000 damage dealt by the other two strikes. (couldnt decide on weapon damage boosts for this strike) very rare (1)
    Onyx dust you know what its used for, making onyx uncommon (5-20)
    Crystallized energy similar to a rare elite dungeon relic, alch for 2m gp or scrap for rare components uncommon (2-5 usually)
    holy elixr spirit shield blessing, holy flasks rare (1)
    spirit sigils (all types) spirit sigils for blessed spirit shields rare (1)
    spiritual leg bone see weapons very rare (1)
    spiritual spikes see weapons very rare (1)
    spiritual crest see weapons very rare (1)
    dark essence see weapons very rare (1)
    spiritual ribcage see weapons very rare (1)
    spiritual spines see weapons very rare (1)


    all weapons are split into 3 parts which are very rare drops. Each however will require a "physical augur" to anchor themselves to. in this case, a spider leg. these would be 3 of the most unique hybrid type weapons in rs and fill a niche a gap between defenders, shields and dual wield.

    all 3 weapons share the effect "dark harvest" which is a sustained plunge attack that deals 3 hits of up to 150% weapon damage that then takes 50% of the damage dealt and deals it as a typeless aoe

    name weapon type components variants
    Corporeal lance 2h weapon and shield spiritual leg bone, spiritual spikes, 1 spider leg, blessed spirit shield divine lance, add a divine spirit shield after construction, this provides its passives BUT consumes the shield
    Corporeal guard staff 2h staff and shield spiritual crest, dark essence, 1 spider leg, blessed spirit shield arcane guardstaff, add an arcane spirit shield to the staff, consuming the shield but adding its benefits
    Corporeal shield bow shield bow spiritual ribcage, spiritual spines, 1 spider leg, blessed spirit shield elysian bow, combine an elysian spirit shield after construction, consumes the shield but adds its passives.


    T60- Corporeal armor

    t60 hybrid armor dropped as a very rare drop containing boots gloves helmet chestplate and greaves, this armor enhances the effect of spirit shields by 50% and makes them 10% more efficient.

    spirit armor t90 hybrid armor

    Requiring 1 t90 armor part per piece + 1 corporeal armor part and spiritual flakes, players may upgrade corporeal armor to t90 armor that may be repaired 10% per corporeal part, or 100% for a complete unused t90 armor piece. it retains its prior special effect but now has the passive "adaptation" which will grant 5% damage resistance (up to a maximum of 20%) against a specific target every minuet so long as the fight continues.

    • i'm thinking maybe 450 spiritual flakes total? the inclusion of a t90 armor piece already puts the cost up fairly high so 450 sounds fair for the flakes
    • spiritual armor may be sigiled creating either a divine, Elysian, spectral, or arcane version, you must sigil each part of the armor to gain the full effect.
      • elysian boosts defense by an invisible +5 and boosts prayer restoration effects by 3%
      • arcane boosts offensive stats by an invisible +5, and boosts combat potions by 3%
      • Spectral boosts health by 500 and increases maximum bonfire boosts by 10%
      • Divine boosts healing by 2.5% and lowers the cooldown of all healing abilities by 5%


    Hey, you made it to the end! Thanks for reading through this overly long rough draft of a boss proposal, i hope you liked it and i'm curious what you think? something to underpowered? something too overpowered? let me know i'd be happy to share my thought process and perhaps potential revisions!

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    3 Tick Snipe... very overpowered

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Huge Arch bot farm W34 F2P

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Incendiary shot should be 5x5 AoE

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    This just seems obvious to me

    submitted by /u/chi_pa_pa
    [link] [comments]

    Could we please fix the Exam Centres table. I can walk through it, this is the only table at fault in the centre.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    First post max goal - 120 attack! Did 118-120 at corrupt scorpions, about 5.5k KC afk on mobile!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    This Should Be Fixed lol

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Ultimate Slayer Album + Feedback

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Album: https://imgur.com/a/2VAvTZD

    Over the past 2 months I've been working on the Ultimate slayer title after I lucked out on Edimmu and Ripper pet. While there's definitely many people who have already obtained this title or are actively grinding for it, I think it's one of those things that people don't give much feedback on after finishing it. So while I was grinding it, I tried to write down some of the things that stood out to me for each log.


    Asgarnia & Misthalin

    • Make off-hand rubber chicken beam. I only knew I got it because of RuneMetrics/quickchat.


    • Soulgazer's common drops are notoriously underwhelming, but otherwise no real issues. I think buffing the elite gazer's drop table while keeping the regular gazer's table the same is fair.
    • Maybe if you rolled the pet when already owning it, you can instead offer extra soulgazer charms to the portal for 1000 charges?

    Feldip Hills

    • Given that other logs contain random items kind of unrelated to slayer (see: shade robes, goblin book, etc.), I feel like the Ogress unique should be added (ogre club). They can be killed for an ogre slayer task anyways.

    Fremennik Province

    • Maybe make a melee weapon effective against turoth/kurask. Ranged has ascension bolts, mage has staff of darkness (although admittedly idk how the spell scales). The best for melee is literally tier 50 weps.


    • Abomination boss needs to be easier/quicker to start the fight with. Add a right click "quick start" to the fight. It just feels a bit clunky to rebattle.


    • Why do TzHaar-Xil have 10 affinity to mage, when the others have 45 against the style they're strong against? Just seems like an inconsistency/bug.
    • Fight cauldron wave transitions should happen much faster. Additionally, they should start transitioning as soon as the last monster dies.
    • Personally I don't see why ring of stone has to be 1/5k. Seems like it just screws over irons going for MQC. If anything they should at least be more common from TokHaar creatures.


    • Chaos giants having a terrible drop rate for dragon pick makes little sense as they definitely take longer to kill and require the entire questline to fight.
    • Otherwise I think this log highlights an issue for future logs. Arguably, this log could have just as easily been fit into lost lands and dungeons. On the other hand it's like they could've made "Mos Le'Harmless" its own log with cave horrors and the lore drop in the same fashion as a separate Keldagrim log. In the future, I think a small log is only justified if there is clearly space for added drops. The Feldip Hills, in my opinion, justifies a small log because it can easily be added on. I don't really see how Keldagrim can be added on.


    • Add summoning focus to the log, possibly soul talisman as well. These are both uniques to the area.

    Lost Lands and Dungeons

    • On a note of positive feedback, I enjoyed this log the most by far. That's because this log is undoubtedly the most varied. There's all sorts of different creatures with different mechanics. This in my opinion is what other slayer logs should strive to be in the future. It doesn't have it's flaws though, because even though you have different ways of fighting for example dinosaurs or vile blooms for the same uniques, that isn't necessarily meaningful if you're really much better off camping the same one thing anyways. See below:
    • Blowpipe RNG can really screw you over and I think there's a missed opportunity. There's four dinosaurs, and four pieces to the blowpipe. I'd like it more if each dino either exclusively dropped one of the pieces or had a bigger chance scaling to the slayer level req. That way you wouldn't be sitting just at venomous dinos the entire time. If you made each dino drop only one piece then yeah it'd be locked behind 114 Slayer, but you're be well past that level anyways with the current mechanics (assuming you kill them on-task).
    • Please just let us add dinos to the player owned slayer dungeon. Would it really be that broken to not have to travel around anachronia? The souls are rare anyways.
    • I don't think dragon claws should broadcast anymore, they're at alch price (~70k).


    • When using a prayer renewal in the terror dog room, once you run out of prayer points you get constantly spammed with "You have run out of prayer points. You can recharge at an altar" even when you don't have a prayer activated or try to activate one. This is extremely annoying (admittedly, only an issue if you're using overload salves).
    • Any reason why dragon rider equipment isn't affected by luck rings? Other seemingly random pieces like mystic equipment are.

    Other Worlds

    • Add tarddian crystals so it's possible to keep count how many you've had.


    • The WildyWyrm can get glitched preventing it from attacking you and allowing itself to be killed without taking damage. This has been bugged FOREVER.
    • Why are hand cannon shots tracked, but wild arrows aren't?
    • Add a way to hide worlds but still show online. You know how it just shows "Lobby" in your friend's list when you are instead of the world? I think it'd be neat to hide the exact world you're on, but still show that you're "Online" in a similar fashion. That way, we don't have to turn off our PMs and leave our clans just to go into the Wilderness.
    submitted by /u/Jevaneaux
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    God Wars Dungeon Lore - This was planned to be a PvM series but I've started to really enjoy learning all of the lore behind everything in Runescape. Hope you enjoy the story telling style I've gone for in this video!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Arposandra: If it were ever released, what would you want or expect?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Title essentially says it all. It's doubtful that we will ever get a proper conclusion to the Gnome quest series and access Arposandra, whether it be due to how Jagex doesn't want quest areas to become dead content in a week or a few or some other reason we don't know about. Visiting Arposandra might be just a pipe dream at this point.

    But, if they ever did release the gnome city, what would you expect it to be themed after, look like, or even have after that fabled final Gnome quest came out?

    Well, based on what that one Arposandra gnome said about the city in Priffdinas, I would guess that Arposandra would contrast heavily with Priffdinas, with either a modern and/or futuristic city deep underground. Granted, that would take a lot of assets, but then again, the major cities Priffdinas and Menaphos also took a lot of assets to make, so it doesn't make a difference. (Same could also be said with Falador, and Ardougne and Varrock if they ever get reworked from the ground up). It would also make sense, considering their experiments and them pumping out toxic waste, into the huge lake what we now know as the Poison Waste.

    But what about you? If this quest ever came out, or was planned to come out, what would you want or expect Arposandra to be or have?

    submitted by /u/Falconpunch100
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    Perkbusters - revisiting the Mysterious perk

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I've somewhat obsessed over this perk the last couple of days, and I've noticed a few confirmed facts about this perk that may have been overlooked (thank you rs wiki for the citations);
    Mod Moltare. Mysterious Perk: Tests Inconclusive. reddit.com. 12 April 2017. (Archived from the original on 19 September 2018.) "Those testing it: you may find it helpful to keep some screenshots with timestamps, for later reference."

    -There isn't any obvious chat message, "Your mysterious perk activates, doing something," or we would have found it out immediately. This seems to imply that only by looking back at a large set of timestamps would we be able to figure out what the perk does, so there's a pattern to find.

    Jagex. Mod Moltare's Twitter account. 8 February 2018. (Archived from the original on 19 September 2018.) Mod Moltare: "I'm not going to tell you the in-game effect, but I can tell you that when it triggers (and it triggers under the same conditions as any other perk) it rolls a number between 0 and 19 and compares that to the rank you have the perk at."

    -It seems very odd that they say "any other perk," since perks are incredibly diverse. The only common thread all perks share when trying to trigger is that they try to trigger. This makes me think it affects when other things activate, since it has no obvious effect in and of itself.

    Ultimately I just wanted to share this in case it proved useful to anyone else on the case. I have my own tinfoil theory about how the perk functions, which I will outline below;

    Essentially, I think the perk takes programmed random occurrences (procs) and tries to sort them into a time-based pattern. I've experienced, and others have described, feeling like mysterious affected when/how often things procced. I'm not sure if this means it only increases the chances of something proccing if it will continue the pattern, if it only suppresses procs that would break the pattern, or both. I've barely tested the perk for an hour, so I'm not sure the sample size would be significant enough to deduce a pattern. HOWEVER - at a glance, it seems like procs tended to happen such that the timestamp had a digit exactly one off the corresponding digit in the previous timestamp. IE scavenging goes off at 10:33:25, then again at 10:33:46 - the second digit is exactly one greater than previously (This happened with minutes and seconds, increasing and decreasing). There seemed to be "chains" that formed where a series of procs were linked by their timestamps as such (Quite a few instances of procs happening almost exactly one minute apart in quick succession), although keep in mind this is just from watching the chat scroll by; I have made no attempt to perform any in-depth analysis of timestamps to find a pattern, and I'm probably woefully incorrect.

    submitted by /u/Zanutra
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