• Breaking News

    Friday, June 19, 2020

    RuneScape First this sub asks Jagex to take a break from making major updates to focus on fixing the game. Now that Jagex is doing so, this sub is complaining about the lack of PvM content. Make up your minds.

    RuneScape First this sub asks Jagex to take a break from making major updates to focus on fixing the game. Now that Jagex is doing so, this sub is complaining about the lack of PvM content. Make up your minds.

    First this sub asks Jagex to take a break from making major updates to focus on fixing the game. Now that Jagex is doing so, this sub is complaining about the lack of PvM content. Make up your minds.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    I feel sorry for the jmods. All this sub does is complain. If I were them, I wouldn't even browse this sub.

    We literally just got

    • A new skill
    • New weapons
    • New invention perks
    • New familiars
    • New potions
    • Relics
    • War's Retreat
    • Araxxor bottom path fixed
    • Amazing mobile improvements
    • Small bottle quest
    • Bank Rework

    ... and a million other patches and it's still not enough. I must be the only one in the game who hasn't completed everything and still loves to play.

    If you've completed all the content in the game, and achieved 200m arch in a month, maybe it's time to stop playing 16 hours a day and do something with your life

    Edit: I just want to take this moment to ask Jagex to please bring back RuneScape: Chronicle Legends. Please.

    Edit 2: I'm done replying here. Enjoy the thread. I'm going to.. go outside. Away from this subreddit. Then come back in a few hours and enjoy this wonderful game called RuneScape.

    submitted by /u/Lordgede
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    Best 30 min of Barrows

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Loot from 2k 4000% claims at Telos

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT


    decided to start tracking to test out the 1/9 player theories of the drop rate at 4000% claims. Ended on a 1/17 overall drop rate for uniques and it is now believed the drop rate is 1/15 and caps at 2500% so i decided to stop at 2000 as it's a good number and move on to doing 2.5k claims.

    Was averaging 7 kills/hr so around 100m/hr

    submitted by /u/Arfyy
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    Can we have the in game abilites updated to be more reflective of what they actually do? For a seasoned veteran its not a big deal, but for newer players in matters a ton

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I've compiled a list of descriptions which I think aren't accurate or don't give enough information.

    TL;DR Change weapon to ability, show damage range on all abilities, show accurate numbers when talking about time (10 seconds equals 16 ticks which is actually 9.6s)


    Ability Current Description Proposed Change
    Backhand Smack your target with the back of your hand, stunning them for 1.2 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage Smack your target with the back of your hand, stunning them for 1.2 seconds and dealing 20-100% ability damage
    Havoc Instantly attack with both weapons up to 157% weapon damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP Instantly attack with both weapons dealing 31.4%-157% ability damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP
    Forceful Backhand Smack your target with the back of your hand, stunning them for 3.6 seconds and dealing 200% weapon damage Smack your target with the back of your hand, stunning them for 3.6 seconds and dealing 40-200% ability damage
    Smash Smash your target for up to 157% weapon damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP Shams your target dealing 31.4%-157% ability damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP
    Sever Sever a tendon, dealing up to 188% weapon damage and reducing any damage they deal by 10% for 5 seconds Sever a tendon, dealing 37.6%-188% ability damage and reducing any damage they deal by 10% for 5 seconds
    Massacre Rend your target, dealing up to 188% of both weapons damage instantly and causing and additional 313% of weapon damage over 6 seconds Rend your target dealing 37.6%-188% ability damage instantly and causing an additional 313.33% ability damage over the 6 seconds


    Ability Current Description Proposed Change
    Kick Kick your target, knocking them back and stunning them for 1.2 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage Kick your target, knocking them back and stunning the for 1.2 seconds and dealing 20%-100% ability damage
    Stomp Kick your target, knocking them back and stunning them for 3.6 seconds and dealing 200% weapon damage Kick your target, knocking them back and stunning the for 1.2 seconds and dealing 40%-200% ability damage
    Punish Punish your target's mistakes, dealing up to 94% weapon damage, or up to 188% weapon damage if they're stunned or bound Punish your target's mistakes, dealing 18.8%-94% ability damage, or 37.6%-188% ability damage if they're stunned or bound
    Dismember Main description is fine but the Malletops perk shows up here for some reason Move the perk to barricade
    Greater Fury Unleash your fury instantly, dealing up to 157% weapon damage and increasing the critical hit chance of your next abiility by 10%. If Greater Fury is a critical hit then your next ability has a 100% critical hit chance Unleash your fury instantly, dealing 31.4%-157% ability damage and increasing the critical hit chance of your next abiility by 10%. If Greater Fury is a critical hit then your next ability within 30 seconds has a 100% critical hit chance
    Quake Smash your weapon into the ground beneath you, dealing up to 219% weapon damage to your main target and up to 188% ability damage to all adjacent targets. All targets that get hit will have their defense and armour lowered for 1 minute Smash your weapon into the ground beneath you, dealing 43.8%-219% ability damage to your main target and up to 37.6%-188% ability damage to all adjacent targets. All targets that get hit will have their defense and armour lowered for 1 minute (Its technically an affinity increase but that would just confuse people more, while false it really means the same thing)
    Destroy Perform a destructive attack 4 times against your target for 3.6 seconds hitting once every 1.2 seconds. Each attack dealing damage up to 188% weapon damage. Initially stunning the target for 3.6 seconds. Combo Attack Perform a destructive attack 4 times against your target for 3.6 seconds hitting once every 1.2 seconds. Each attack dealing damage up to 37.6%-188% ability damage. Initially stunning the target for 1.8 seconds, the target will be stunned a second time for a further 1.8 seconds. Channeled Ability
    Cleave Cleave through your foes, dealing 188% weapon damage to all targets in a frontal cone Cleave through your foes, dealing 37.6-188% ability damage to all targets in a frontal cone
    Assault Assault your target 4 times for 3.6 seconds, once every 1.2 seconds dealing damage equal to 219% of weapon damage each strike. Combo attack Assault your target 4 times for 3.6 seconds, once every 1.2 seconds, dealing 43.8-219% ability damage each strike. Channeled Ability
    Decimate Decimate your target's defences, dealing up to 188% weaon damage, or up to 244% weapon damage if they are bearing a shield Decimate your target's defences, dealing 37.6%-188% ability damage, or 48.8%-244% ability damage if they are bearing a shield in PvP.


    Ability Current Description Proposed Change
    Piercing Shot Shoot your target with a shot dealing up to 94% weapon damage, or up to 188% weapon damage if they're stunned or bound. Shoot your target with a shot dealing 18.8%-94% ability damage, or 37.6%-188% ability damage if they're stunned or bound
    Binding Shot Fire a shot which stuns your target for 1.2 seconds and binds them in place for up to 10 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage Fire a shot which stuns your target for 1.2 seconds, binds them in place for 9.6 seconds and deals 20%-100% ability damage
    Deadshot Boom! Fire a deadly shot at your target which deals 188% weapon damage instantly and a further 313% weapon damage over 6 seconds Boom! Fire a deadly shot at your target which deals 37.6%-188% ability damage instantly and a further 313.33% ability damage over 6 seconds
    Tight Bindings Fire a shot which stuns your target for 3.6 seconds and binds them in place for up to 10 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage Fire a shot which stuns your target for 3.6 seconds, binds them in place for 9.6 seconds and deals 40%-200% ability damage
    Snipe Take aim at your target, dealing 125%-219% weapon damage after 1.8 seconds, disabling protection prayers in PvP. Combo Attack Take aim at your target, dealing 125%-219% ability damage after 2.4 seconds, disabling protection prayers in PvP. Channeled Ability
    Greater Dazing Shot Shoot an arrow that detonates on contact with the target, dazing them. Deals 157% weapon damage. Target suffers a 10% decrease to accuracy on their next attack. This applies Puncture to the enemy for 9 seconds Shoot an arrow that detonantes on contact with the target, dazing them. Deals 31.4%-157% ability damage. Target suffers a 10% decrease to accuracy on their next attack. This applies Puncture to the enemy for 9 seconds
    Needle Strike Launch painful needles at your target that reduce their resistance to critical hits. Target takes 157% weapon damage. Your next attack against the target has a flat 7% increase to damage dealt Launch painful needles at your target that reduce their resistance to damage. Target takes 31.4%-157% ability damage. Your next attack against the target has a flat 7% increase to damage dealt
    Rapid Fire Rapidly Fire at your target dealing damage equal to 94% of weapon damage every 0.6 seconds for 4.2 seconds, initially binding the target for 6 seconds Rapidly Fire at your target dealing 18.8%-94% ability damage every 0.6 seconds for 4.2 seconds, initially binding the target for 6 seconds
    Ricochet Fire a shot which ricochets off your target, hitting 2 additional nearby targets for 100% weapon damage each Fire a shot which ricochets off your target, hitting 2 additional nearby targets for 20%-100% ability damage each
    Bombardment Fire a volley of shots into the air, which come raining down dealing 219% weapon damage to your target and all adjacent enemies Fire a volley of shots into the air, which come raining down dealing 43.8%-219% ability damage to your target and all adjacent enemies


    Ability Current Description Proposed Change
    Wrack A powerful attack that deals up to 94% active spell damage, inflicts up to 188% damage against stunned or bound opponents A powerful attack that deals 18.8%-94% ability damage, inflicts 37.6%-188% ability damage if the target is stunned or bound
    Impact Blast your target with a burst of magical energy, stunning and binding them for 1.2 seconds and dealing 100% of your active spells damage Blast your target with a burst of magical energy, stunning and binding them for 1.2 seconds and dealing 20%-100% ability damage
    Asphyxiate Reach out with magical forces and choke the life from your target over 3.6 seconds dealing up to 188% damage every 1.2 seconds, initially stunning the target for 3.6 seconds. Combo Attack Reach out with magical forces and choke the life from your target over 3.6 seconds dealing 37.6-188% ability damage every 1.2 seconds. Initially stunning the target for 1.8 seconds, the target will be stunned a second time for a further 1.8 seconds. Channeled Ability
    Deep Impact Blast your target with a burst of magical energy, stunning and binding them for 1.2 seconds and dealing 200% of your active spells damage Blast your target with a burst of magical energy, stunning and binding them for 1.2 seconds and dealing 40%-200% ability damage
    Dragon Breath Breathe a magical cloud of fire in a line, hitting all targets between you and your target and around your target for up to 188% of active spell damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP Breathe a magical could of fire, hitting all targets in a frontal cone for 37.6%-188% ability damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP
    Sonic Wave A focused Blast of magic that pummels your target, damaging and knocking them off balance. Deals 157% of your active spells damage. Your next attack has a 6% bonus to accuracy against the affected target. A focused blast of magic that pummels your target, damaging and knock them off balance. Deals 31.4%-157% ability damage. Your next attack has its **hit chance boosted by +6% against the affected target
    Concentrated Blast Blast your target with beams of concentrated energy 3 times for 2.4 seconds, hitting once every 1.2 seconds. Each beams deals 75% of your active spells damage and increased by 7% with each beam. Each beam will also increase your next attacks chance to critical hit by 5% per beam up to a maximum of 15%. The critical hit bonus also affects each beak of concentrated blast. Combo Attack Blast your target with beams of concentrated energy 3 times for 2.4 seconds, hitting once every 1.2 seconds. Each beams deals 15-75% ability damage and increased by 1.4%-7% with each beam. Each beam will also increase your next attacks chance to critical hit by 5% per beam up to a maximum of 15%. The critical hit bonus also affects each beak of concentrated blast. Channeled Ability
    Chain A Magical spell that chains between nearby targets, hitting 2 additional nearby targets for 100% of your active spell damage each A Magical spell that chains between nearby targets, hitting 2 additional nearby targets for 20%-100% ability damage each
    Smoke Tendrils Tendrils of smoke whip at your opponents feet for 6 seconds. The firsthit causes 100% weapon damage. The second, third and fourth cause 125%, 150% and 200% damage, but also hit you for 25%, 50% and 100% weapon damage. Combo Attack Tendrils of smoke whip at your opponents feet for 6 seconds. The first hit causes 20-100% ability damage. The second, third and fourth cause 25%-125%, 30%-150% and 40%-200% ability damage, but as hit you for 1/5th, 1/3rd and half of the damage dealt. If the target moves the later hits will not land. Channeled Ability

    I'm not going to go into the defensive/HP abilites as you can kind of see where this is going. The abilities aren't standardized and filled with information that could be misused (and partly the reason why ability rotations are not intuitive)

    EDIT: I didn't include the abilites that only needed to have weapon damage/spell damage to ability damage as that was overkill for an already long ass post

    submitted by /u/WasV3
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    Wh, an owner of the popular PVM Encyclopedia discord, has stepped down due to losing interest in RS (Cites lack of new content).

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Please post items you feel have the wrong G.E. buy limit

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:23 AM PDT


    As the title suggests, I am currently looking to compile a list of items that, in your opinion, have the wrong buy limit on the Grand Exchange. The only thing I ask is to please include a reason why you feel it is wrong. For example, the reason could be purely illogical (masterwork being 1k/4hrs) or some gameplay reason which means you're using more than the buy limit per 4 hours.

    NOTE: There is no guarantee that any buy limits will change as each item will be assessed on a case by case basis.

    Thank you for your time!

    Mod Erator

    submitted by /u/JagexErator
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    I was admiring the art style of the Ogre as I gathered some materials when this happened...��

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Seeing that many people benefited from my last Menaphos post, here is another tip: You can eat your food from the skill bar, without interrupting the interaction with the obelisk.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Do we have confirmation on what happened to the 3 quests proposed for this year?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    3 weeks ago i got taught how to nex, now im done :D

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    New Lawsuit over Jagex ownership

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Now, walk into the club like, "What up, I got a..."

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    That immortality activation couldnt have been closer

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    It's been over 3 years since 120 slayer was released, and in the 40 million exp between 115 and 120, there's still only one thing that you unlock

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Is this ever going to be adressed? The only thing you get is the Warrior/Mage/Ranger Akhs which aren't even their own task, they're a part of a group task. I guess it's just another way to stretch out player engagement as thin as possible without actually adding content to go with it.

    submitted by /u/CoolBananas69
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    Thank goodness it’s Friday! ��

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    June 19, 2005, a young 12 year old starts his journey to what would be one of the best he has ever done, here's my stats/setup just getting the 15 year cape.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Runescape Fanart - A Night with Friends in Menaphos

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Can we get an actual one-month payment option that doesn't repeat? (Besides SMS payment)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    can we get an option for quick refresh aura?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    currently if you're in combat and need to reset an aura you have to click a dialog box, can we get an option to right click the aura refresh for a quick reset?

    submitted by /u/iputtheflexinreflex
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    Allow us to "Dismantle" Erathdor's grimoire for X Amount of Torn Grimoire Pages.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Grim value is just going to keep crashing and torn pages are already through the roof. I believe this will stabalise pages in a decent price range and not have grim become the next SOS.

    submitted by /u/Teamemb99
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    World 23 Grand Exchange Behaviour.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So i'm sure some of you have recently viewed or read a recent post regarding some disgusting behaviour at the Grand Exchange in World 23 in Runescape 3 regarding some select players being racist/sexist and soliciting/threatening other Runescape players. Also, the same group of players crashed and harassed a Castle Wars event with the same type of behaviour.

    It's been 2 weeks now since the original incident occurred and still nothing has been done, with the tons of reports, mutes coming from myself and other PMods in hopes to discourage this behaviour and making the community a safer place to be. I honestly feel like this has fallen on deaf ears. I will post the link following this message: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/gx99iw/this_needs_to_stop/

    I take responsibility for what may happen to me after I make this post but Jagex preaches about Player Security and especially about Mental Health every year in a yearly post and in-game events.

    A JMod in the last post actually had the courage to step in and help out by posting in the thread having everyone with any screenshots and information regarding the issue to send it to him through Reddit DM's.

    I thank you for actually caring about this situation calling it "Absolutely unacceptable and not tolerated in-game" and making the effort to making Runescape a safer place. I won't name you for obvious reasons unless you post in this thread.

    As a community, we should really shake the tree on this situation ESPECIALLY with the current events going on in the world today. This behaviour is what is being fought against. It is hypocritical to say you support Mental Health and the safety of the players when you can't even handle a group of players doing specifically that to others in your game.

    I will post a link with a short amount of information regarding some of the screenshots taken. https://imgur.com/a/fhx1Wvr

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/SiriusXM_RS
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    Running Mega Duck on World 134 on 20th June 15:00GT!.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Running Mega Duck on World 134 on 20th June 15:00GT!
    Feel free to afk/skill at Warforge if u still need pet.

    World: W134
    Friends chat: Ascensus
    Location : Warforge Div Spot

    submitted by /u/Nastyfruit
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    Unable to change password for weeks..

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Isn't this guy supposed to look a little more intimidating? Why did he look like the one on the left for me?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:12 AM PDT

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