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    Monday, June 8, 2020

    RuneScape Game Update: World Cup of Quests and Forum Spotlight - Monday Feedback

    RuneScape Game Update: World Cup of Quests and Forum Spotlight - Monday Feedback

    Game Update: World Cup of Quests and Forum Spotlight - Monday Feedback

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Alright then, Keep your secrets...

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Commissioned Character Art.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    The fact that a multi-million dollar developer like Jagex can't even provide a roadmap for new content is beyond pathetic.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Raid: Shadow Legends has a content roadmap. No Man's Sky has a content Roadmap. Fucking ANTHEM has a content roadmap. We don't even get an acknowledgement of how fucking fed up we are with this? You can't just release one major update in a year and expect people to stick around.

    Do you even have a community manager anymore, Jagex? Or do you just have people who you lower into the pit of lions to get mauled half to death before pulling them out for it to happen again next week? Considering the last four weeks of patch notes have a 25% upvote:downvote ratio, I'm willing to bet it's the latter.

    submitted by /u/ih8pkmn
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    Fix warpriest drop rates for completing world events compared to not completing them pls

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Relic system needs a rework - divide relics into combat, skilling, and QoL/misc categories and let us use 3 of each with a total pool of 500 energy per category

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    The current system has 2 major design problems:

    1. It punishes players for switching activities like AFK skilling between PvM hours
    2. It makes QoL perks essentially useless for anyone serious about PvM

    For ages we have requested adrenaline stalling to be obsolete as a QoL update, and instead of implementing it as a reward you could get and forget about forever, they went ahead and made it compete with damage boosts. What kind of design is this? There is nothing difficult or challenging about adrenaline stalling. It is a relic (no pun intended) of outdated game design and unforeseen emergent gameplay. The game would be better off without it wholesale. Ideally, it would be a patch note that gave us a toggle in the combat options whether adrenaline drains out of combat or not.

    Making damage boosts compete with each other for relic spaces makes sense because you can choose situationally per encounter, but there is no reason we shouldn't also be able to use LotD and adren stalling relic on top of them because there is no power increase. The meta for Solak and Telos, for example, is literally to grab your LotD after the fight (very challenging mechanic to teleport to the bank). Both of those perks should be changed to QoL/Misc category since they do not grant any power increases.

    No serious PvMer is going to sacrifice a DPS increase for QoL.

    Additionally, if someone does clues or herb runs in between their PvM, they should be able to just have pharm ecology (for example) because the PvM perks don't impact the herb runs and the herb perk doesn't impact their PvM.

    I know some people will push back on this idea with all sorts of really bad arguments like that "it encourages choice" or that it's fine because you CAN just choose not to use the QoL perks but it really defeats the purpose of reward spaces and QoL if you make them de facto useless for their very target demographic and nothing about this game design is either fun or challenging. It's just frustrating. It doesn't encourage choice; it just encourages you not to use perks you would otherwise love to use if it was worth it.

    The solution proposed in the title solves all these problems and still makes sure the relic system does't allow any more power creep than it was originally intended to.

    Edit: An increase in the energy pool alone is simply not enough, as the problem would persist. You'd use a third or fourth DPS perk. The root of the problem is that DPS/power relics compete with QoL relics and that is what has to be solved.

    Edit2: People are worried about chronote sinks. As a compromise, I'm fine with a weekly upkeep cost if it would let us have these separate categories. That would sink more chronotes than we do now, because the system encourages you to just pick the 3 best relics suited to what you do and not switch.

    submitted by /u/ldvgvnbtvn
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    Divine-O-Matic Update

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    From the official Patchnotes:"The Divine-O-Matic Vacuum was over-performing when siphoning energy, and has therefore been adjusted. From now on it has a 50% chance to destroy memories both when siphoning just energy and also when siphoning both energy and memories together."

    in what crazy world is the device overperforming? first the nerf at cursed energy where bots on every world runnig the economy to death, second the archeology relic power that was already faster as the Divine-O-Matic and now this ?!

    I pay Premium Membership for QUALITY Updates and NEW content but not for things like this..

    submitted by /u/Unperfektion
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    Jagex you had one job...

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Archaeology and War's Retreat have been the only real new updates so far in 2020.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Prior to Archaeology, the only major piece of new content in 2020 had been War's Retreat. You could argue Once Upon a Slime, as well, but it is quite literally a 5 minute quest. There were a couple events, such as Master Crafting, the two Winter events, and the second Yak Track, but they aren't permanent content updates. Add in about 2 months of patch weeks since Archaeology and that's it for 2020 so far. And we're nearly halfway through.

    If there's no new content update by the end of June, we will have gone an entire quarter with no new content, since Archaeology was released on the second-to-last day of the first quarter.

    Do you really expect that we'll get the other Runefest items before the next Runefest? I know at least one or two of these have already been canceled, but...

    • Desperate Measures
    • New pets for Ports, Minigames, Clue Scrolls, etc.
    • City of Senntisten
    • Elder God Wars Dungeon (GWD3)
    • Managing Miscellania rework
    • Azzanadra quest

    If Runefest takes place around late September to early November (based on previous ones), we have anywhere from about 3.5 to 5 months for these updates to come. That's not a lot of time for a shit ton of updates.

    Honestly, at this point I expect Desperate Measures and GWD3 to come out at the same time, and for them to be the final updates added until Runefest 2020. I fully expect the rest of these items to disappear into obscurity or be added to next year's to do list.


    Just a quick note. I'm not complaining about the quality of updates or the quantity of updates. I think Arch and War's Retreat have been great additions. My complaint is with the lack of communication. They overpromised in Runefest 2019, as they normally do. They failed to deliver a roadmap, which Mod Warden promised was coming in early 2020. They haven't publicly announced which of these updates have been canceled, only in some Discord chat.

    The point of this post is to note that we are almost done with 3/4 of the year since Runefest 2019 and half of the list remains in obscurity. It's time to accept the reality that we'd be lucky to get 1 or 2 of these updates by Runefest 2020, where they'll once again overpromise for the 2020-2021 year.

    I can manage an entire quarter of a year without updates. I can manage one big update every now-and-then with few updates between. But I cannot comprehend the failure to both effectively communicate with your community and to deliver on promises made. It's a repeat offense and it's disappointing as a consumer and a community member. Mod Warden promised they'd do better and failed to deliver on that promise. Par for the course for Jagex.

    submitted by /u/Coltrainer1
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    Since when are Improvements NERFS ? WTF JAMFLEX

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:24 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    This "Game Update" is nothing more than a nerf to Vacuum

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    And you have the audacity to still call it a game update? I'm honestly wondering what's going through your minds Jagex.

    At least be honest enough to NOT call it a game update. You're doing more harm than good by calling it an "update", when ALL this week is giving us, is a nerf which wasn't required in the first place. Nice.

    Edit: Just noticed my membership ended today. Won't be renewing. It's like even the fucking universe is giving me a sign.

    submitted by /u/Draeghar
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    We already know next weeks update! More Patches!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    So please tell me its time to get our pitchforks out and demand some fucking answers!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    10 weeks of patches in a row, next week literally confirmed as another patch weak, Jagex are now joking about the patch note show as if its something worth laughing at, There has been radio silence now for almost 3 months.

    This is fucked, everytime they claim they will do better and communicate ect ect, theres been zilch, fucking zero communication, minimal jmod interaction or answers, they keep ignoring it, the same as they did with the MTX outrage ect.

    Players bought premier for a year of membership and 'content' we have had 2 pieces of content, (3 if you include pvm hub TAPP project).

    You can blame 'rona' all you want now, but that ship has sailed, its been 10 fucking weeks, either jmods are severly slacking off at home and not doing any actual work or i dont know, every other company in the world seems to be function just fine after the shift to work from home but somehow Jagex went full incompetent?

    Yet the MTX team still seems to pushing out promos on time as always, how come content was severly crippled but their predatory mtx wasnt?

    At first sure blame rona, but after 10 weeks, and a shift to allow work to be done at home, Coronavirus is not the blame here anymore, How long can they honestly keep milking that dead cow.

    At this point, no BTS, no word, nothing, no statement, no apologies, this has hit the point where something needs to be said and it needs to be done now, This is an absolute joke, and I can't be the only one this pissed off and disappointed by it..

    Honestly at this point, I really do miss Shauny, he went quite from time to time, but eventually we got an answer from him even if it wasnt what we wanted or the basic PR "we are looking into it", the current CM is shit we hear jack shit from him, he doesnt invent any time into us or the players, overglorified rs player that gets paid at this point.

    submitted by /u/Nolifedemon
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    Clarification Regarding the Divine-o-Matic change (since Jagex's CM Team doesn't want to make a statement).

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Credit to /u/vamo_elysian and their comment

    This is how the Patch note should be read:

    • The Divine-O-Matic Vacuum was over-performing when siphoning energy, and has therefore been adjusted.
      • From now on it has a 50% chance to destroy memories both when siphoning just energy [nerf]
      • and also when siphoning both energy and memories together [was already this way].

    To get an overall picture:


    Methods under the same rate aren't exactly the same but similar

    Rate Method #1 Method #2
    Highest Rate Normal Divination with Relic Divine-o-matic energy siphon + Relic
    Moderate Rate Divine-o-matic energy & memory siphon Divine-o-matic energy siphon + Normal Divination
    Lowest Rate Normal Divination -


    Methods under the same rate aren't exactly the same but similar

    Rate Method #1 Method #2
    Highest Rate Normal Divination with Relic -
    Moderate Rate Divine-o-matic energy & memory siphon Divine-o-matic energy siphon + Relic
    Low Rate Divine-o-matic energy siphon + Normal Divination -
    Lowest Rate Normal Divination -

    To Note

    Apparently the Relic power does NOT provide overflow into another divine charge when depositing energy.

    If you have a charge at 99% and a full inventory of memories and deposit it, it would only result in 1%. If you have one at 0% then it would increase by the expected amount.

    If something should be changed it should be this.

    EDIT: From /u/AoDude

    To clarify your note, when using the relic there are two "hand-in" events, one for all small memories, and one for all large memories. Having a full inventory of either smalls or larges would result in your note.

    Having a mix of memories would result in the first group of memories (I think the first hand-in is larges) finishing the charge (and dropping overflow energies) and the second hand-in would result in the next charge being charged up until you either run out of memories or complete a max charge (and overflowing if you have enough of those memories to overflow a full charge).

    Jagex's Exact Reasoning



    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    People wouldn't be as upset if there was actual communication

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    If Jagex would be completely open as to whats going on I feel people wouldn't be as angry.

    If there's going to be a lack of updates, please.. just tell the playerbase why we are getting 10 patch weeks in a row, even if it's ugly news. I feel I would rather know what to expect (even if grim) than login every Monday not knowing when the next content update will be.

    Don't mistake this post that I don't like surprises. I do. But I feel that you can communicate when there will be a next content release without mentioning what it will be.

    This overall lack of communication is the polar opposite that Jagex has been building with the players since 2010 when Jagex made the proactive shift to stop being a secretive company.

    submitted by /u/SpookySpooderRS
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    Any plans to make changes to the Inquisitor Staff?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    Last I heard it was only being discussed to perhaps make it humane for ironmen to obtain. Did anything come out of that?

    submitted by /u/Frick_Vonk
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    "Productivity is high" even in the current situation. So what's being produced?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Upcoming updates this month

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    If the rest of June is just patches, we'll have gone the entire second quarter without an update

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    No update quarter would be quite the impressive record /s

    submitted by /u/AssassinAragorn
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    Time to get your gear now

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Overcharge the monolith for extra (temporary) power

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Don't know if this was already suggested but here goes.

    Instead of just increasing the monolith power to enable more relic combinations, I think we should be able to use Chronotes in some way to overcharge the monolith, and make the additional power drain over time.

    This could drive the price of Chronotes up, and make restoration for collections that give Chronotes a viable money maker, which also further increases the demand for materials.

    I believe it could balance QoL vs. cost quite nicely, like some other buffs and QoL features (quick teleports, armor spikes, overloads etc.)

    submitted by /u/nc_s
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    bot farm found on world 4, everytime i kill a few, im attacked by the man account (100+) and theses guys are only skilled in one or two skills, dev and sometimes attack, but never above 30, just enough to use the GE

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Divination/Energy Discussion

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I love how is everyone saying that making 10m gp/h by afking Incan wisps is OP and in turn Divine Conversion Relic is OP, but can we stop ignoring the elephant in the room?

    The Symptoms

    There's about 2-4 Cursed Energy bots @ F2P worlds and about 5-8 bots on P2P worlds. We currently have about 25 F2P and 90 P2P worlds, which means 500-820 bots gathering Cursed Energy at any given moment. These guys aren't as efficient as humans, but they're gathering 24/7.

    Let's say they can gather 5k energy per hour on average (fully geared player can do about 17k). That's at least 3,750,000 Incandescent energy entering the game every hour just from bots.

    Despite this, market is still extremely energy starved and Charges are ridiculously expensive. It's obvious that the demand is huge.

    It has been this way since release of invention and cursed energy almost 4 years ago and nothing has been done about the situation

    The Cause

    It's obvious that the playerbase isn't willing to gather energy. It's also fairly obvious why - the siphoning offers nearly nothing besides the energy and it's in awkward spot, because it's not afk nor it's active gameplay. Because of this many players perceive gathering energies as waste of time and they would rather spend their bank on energy (and support bots/rwt in turn) than to do this atrocious activity on their own.

    To add insult to the injury, Jagex released Archaeology, a skill that is basically impossible to train past 99 without porters, thus creating yet another huge sink of Energy.

    The Cure

    Fixing this situation requires certain care, because dramatic changes such as banning all the bots over night would create massive impact on market. Instead, more careful approach needs to be taken.

    What I think could be done to fix the issue without hurting the game? Here are few paths worth exploring:

    • Release high-effort activity (think BGH) that generates energy as SECONDARY reward. Make it give low level energies so that gathering high-tier energy is still relevant (e.g. for porters, portents).
    • Add some kind of time gated activity that rewards the player with Charges. Maybe Divination Spring was discovered on Miscellania and the workers can be now assigned to gather it, but due to it's unstable nature is this energy untradeable? We already know that miscellania rework is coming, so it would be a nice addition
    • Allow us to break down materials. Invention machine (Macerator?) that grinds up stuff and returns small amounts of energy or charges. Something like Coal could be converted into Bright Energy at 2:1 ratio, meaning that 1800 coal can be converted into 1 Divine Charge. This would create item sink for items that are over-saturated on marked while also stabilizing the price of Divine Charges
    • Add mode to Div-o-Matic which instantly sucks wisps dry. Basically something like Fishing Frenzy just for Divine Charges. You wouldn't get any energy from this, instead it would charge directly your charge pack, making it basically high-effort high-reward self-sustained method of gathering charges.

    Basically any of these would slowly drive down value of high tier energy/divine charges without any abrupt changes and without outright devaluing "gathering by hand". This would make bots less relevant and worth using. Once price of Divine Charges falls below certain threshold, it won't be sustainable to keep them bonded and hopefully they will slowly dissapear.

    submitted by /u/mporubca
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    3 years later - you can still obtain this. Just found out.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:48 AM PDT

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