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    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    RuneScape I finally made it, lads

    RuneScape I finally made it, lads

    I finally made it, lads

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Broken Quest Promises - An Update

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    A few months ago, I made this thread which discussed the lack of quests despite promises made at RuneFest. Since then it has been confirmed that a quest is in development (most likely Desperate Measures) but also that City of Senntisten and Azzanadra Quest have been cancelled.

    Whilst RS3 seems to be reluctant to produce quests, OSRS seems to be doing the opposite - with fantastic quests like A Taste of Hope, Dragon Slayer II and Song of the Elves. As well as this, the recent OSRS survey had a lot of questions regarding quests and potential quest lines. They're also about to release Sins of the Father, which seems like it'll be quite an event in terms of the quest itself and the many rewards included in Darkmeyer. Whilst OSRS does receive these fantastic quests, we have had various comments regarding the state of RS3 quests which couldn't be further apart. That RS3 quests can't have steep requirements, boss fights, big rewards, new assets, etc.

    One of the main reasons cited for lack of quests is the 'cost' to make them. This is absolutely fair and makes sense, I imagine RS3 content takes much longer to create. However, let's take a look back at previous years in regards to the amount of quests and other major updates that year.

    Year No. of Quests Notable Quests Major Content Released
    2010 11 Nomad's Requiem, entire Void Knight Series, Love Story, Do No Evil, Fairy Tale 3 Dungeoneering
    2011 9+ Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Branches of Darkmeyer, One Piercing Note, A Clockwork Syringe, Prisoner of Glouphrie, Fremmy Sagas Nex, Clan Citadels
    2012 15+ The Firemaker's Curse, Ozan Double Bill, Ariane Double Bill, The Elder Kiln, Carnillean Rising, Some Like It Cold, Fremmy Sagas Evolution of Combat, Queen Black Dragon, RuneSpan, Troll Warzone, Player Owned Ports, TzHaar Rework & Elder Kiln
    2013 6 The World Wakes, Missing Presumed Death, Birthright of the Dwarves, The Death of Chivalry, Demon Slayer (rework), Bringing Home the Bacon Divination, World Event 1, World Event 2, Kalphite King, Rise of the Six
    2014 7 Plague's End, One of a Kind, Fate of the Gods, Broken Home, The Mighty Fall Prifddinas, Araxxor, EoC improvements, Player Owned Ports 2
    2015 7 The Lord of Vampyrium, Call of the Ancestors, The Light Within, Beneath Cursed Tides, Dimension of Disaster, Dishonour Among Thieves Mazcab, Raids, World Event 3, Player Owned Ports 3, Elite Slayer Mobs
    2016 7+ 11 Arc Tales, Nomad's Elegy, River of Blood, Gower Quest, Children of Mah, Sliske's Endgame, Kindred Spirits Invention, God Wars 2, Telos, The Arc
    2017 6 4 Menaphos Quests, Back to the Freezer, Evil Dave's Big Day Out Nex AoD, Menaphos, 120 Slayer, Invention Batch 2, The Lost Grove
    2018 4 The Needle Skips, Violet is Blue, You Are It, Pieces of Hate Solak, Elite Dungeon 1, Elite Dungeon 2, Player Owned Farm, Deep Sea Fishing
    2019 3 Chef's Assistant, Desperate Times, Curse of the Black Stone Elite Dungeon 3, Anachronia, 120 Farming & Herblore
    2020 1 Once Upon a Slime Archaeology

    Not only have quests reduced significantly in frequency but in quality. 'Recent' quests such as Chef's Assistant, Once Upon a Slime, and the Menaphos quests were very much below the standard. Whereas quests like Curse of the Black Stone were given no development time whatsoever and was instead made in Mod Raven's free time. This is obviously not right. Whilst it may have been Mod Raven's own choice to do this, poll after poll have shown that players want quests - therefore Jagex should be comitting to them. For example, here are the results from last years RuneFest. This being the same RuneFest that we were told players would be receiving 6 quests a year and then stating a few months later that would definitely not be the case. This is also on top of every single RuneFest since 2016 where we have been told that we would be receiving storyline progression and quest updates.

    It is extremely unfortunate that the main narrative has essentially not progressed since 2016. Especially given the amount of quests in 2016 despite big updates such as Invention, Arc and God Wars 2 - or the fact that in 2010 Jagex were able to do an entire Void Knight quest series in a year. This is worth pointing out because it has often been said that high-value quests take away from other content updates. For example, 2012 had a lot of quests. Not just were they quests, but great quests. Rather cinematic, graphically beautiful, lengthy, big rewards, boss fights, etc. For example, the Elder Kiln / The Brink of Extinction, Ariane Double Bill or Ozan Double Bill - these are areas that still look as good today. At the same time as this, Jagex were working on an entire Taverly/Burthorpe rework, Evolution of Combat, RuneSpan, Player Owned Ports. Quite frankly, they did more than we should ever expect. This same argument can be made for most of the early 2010 years. 2016, for example, had 7 quests and 11 Arc Tales whilst working on and releasing the Arc, Invention, God Wars 2 and Telos. Again, many of these quests were graphically beautiful, very rewarding, lengthy, etc.

    This, of course, also brings up content beyond quests. For example, we recently found out the Orthen Dig Site is not yet being worked on. Surely there is more in production than a quest (which has been delayed multiple times and is long overdue) and the Elder God Wars Dungeon?


    Something that gets brought up a lot is the fact that narrative has been spread further afield than just quests, at least Jagex are attempting to do so (with Elite Dungeons, Archaeology, etc). This is an absolutely great thing. However, many players feel that an Elite Dungeon, lore in a book, Archaeology mystery, etc. does not compare to a quest. That's a great shame because I and every other lore player really wish that it did - but there is something missing. That doesn't mean that ED's couldn't be made more 'quest-like' or mysteries made longer. However, at that point you have essentially made a quest.

    As well as that, an important disclaimer is that the Jmods on the lore council take next to no blame for this. They don't decide what the updates are to be. I'm sure if they had their way we'd have nothing but quests.

    I also absolutely understand that not everyone likes quests - that's totally fair. Not everyone likes PvM, particular skills, PvP, etc. All I ask is that people consider that there's a fairly substantial amount of players that feel betrayed by the higher ups of Jagex in regards to quest content - especially after so many broken promises.

    submitted by /u/Gaga_Lady
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    my achievement.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    So Arch came out 2 months ago, BTS gone, 8 weeks of patch weaks, whats going on?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Menaphos caused a massive content drought, but we still got dribbles of content like hydrix dragons and other small tidbits

    After this we had 8 weeks of patch weeks, then a video apologising and stating how the "expansions model" wasn't working.


    The expansions model was no content for 3 months and then a huge priff/menaphos 'scaled' amount of work released with a ton of shit to do, not always a large scale city, but the idea of that much work.

    It go scrapped, and since then we have still had minimal to bugger all content aside from a constant stream of MTX as always, and an actual content update every 3 months, small medium and in the case of arch, Large.


    At this time, we are at 8 patch weaks, with the claim of pushing "ninja updates" as actual content and people have become complacent with that, Ninja fixes and updates have always been a thing alongside updates and patch weaks, and are now being slated as if they're actual content updates.


    Invention released and a month later we got a quest, a month after we got gwd2 and then another quest the month after, both large scale quests (nomads elegy and river of blood) + another quest the month after that too..


    Divination was released in 2013 at the end of august. A month prior we had the release of Rs3 as we know it. the month after its release we got the daemonheim task set, and still barely a month and a bit after we got a quest, (birthright of the dwarves) a grandmaster quest. then that same month (october) we got Sirenic armour and another quest (novice) and the month after that we got Barrows rise of the six followed by the announcement of the next skill (Inventor - buildable t90 2h weaponary, soul weapons, level up to X tier) obviously very deviated from what we got but still, a teaser into what was to come.


    and then if we go back further it just becomes more of a muddy mess of the slew of content and updates we once received before and after vs what we get now.

    Currently we are at the content drought stage and have been for a few years, we get a ;mega; update, followed by 8-12 weeks of patch weaks, or hidden mtx events covering as 'content', For all the money Jagex is making, for the team size that I believe is no less in size compareable to the 2012 team.

    Osrs has a lot less devs and still somehow constantly pushes constant decent updates of sorts.


    Have we moved back to the expansions that so miserably failed? Where are any of the jmods answering what or why there has been such huge content droughts, why BTS was scrapped (but tbh 2 months now of bts saying "patch week and ninja fixes" really isnt going to motivate anyone to want to play!)

    How did we stray from constant quality content, to the dribbles we get now and everyone acts very complacent with it, They say mobile takes up resources, but mobile is technically avaliable on android already.

    So why are so many resources being put into channels that just arn't benefiting the game, Mobile could have been a big thing if it released with OSRS, or if it wasn't made avalaible to any phone owner with an android operating system, it has not much going for it now aside from IOS and I feel unlike osrs, rs3 will be a flop on launch


    Couple that with the predatory mtx that will then become the new norm, things start to look very grim.

    So if a Jmod reads this, where are all those "we love the community we arnt hiding, we are being more transparent, community feedback is what drives us"

    People have been asking this for a long time now, Mod warden was getting more involved, then poof all gone.

    How about that big "a look at the year ahead" its fucking May, the year is half over, but let me guess, its all the new lies being saved to sell the runefest tickets, especially being a virtual runefest no doubt this year given the Covid-19 situation..


    And then itll be more promises and lies about what content is being made or sorry, "what we want to make" but then only dropping 5-6 actual content drops a year.

    Rinse, Repeat, Rinse, Runefest, Rinse, BUY PREMIER MEMBERS BIG UPDATE SOON, Rinse Runfest Repeat.


    tl;dr were the fuck is all this content that the membership price got jacked up high to "cover" along with record MTX profits, and so far 2 actual pieces of content this year.

    Yeah you're reading that right, we have only had 2 actual content updates this year

    Slime Quest and Arch.

    And we start June in a few days, so at this rate we will have 4 content updates for the entire year.

    submitted by /u/Nolifedemon
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    Can this 119 spot at the Forge be changed so its not clipping the furnace?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    (most) Runescape bosses google-translated back and forth through random languages

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    I don't want to BGH anymore. Help

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Less than 2 months after release, Archaeology has taken over RC in 200M player count.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    According to RS Wiki, Runecrafting currently has 1344 players with 200M exp. Archaeology in less than 2 months since release obtained 1415! Runecrafting meanwhile has been out for 16+ years!

    submitted by /u/Tonix_RS
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    Why Barbarian Assault is the Most OP Training Method in Runescape

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Barbarian Assault is a great minigame to earn bonus experience in Agility, Firemaking and Mining.

    Friends Chat: BA Teams

    Bonus Exp Rates for 99 in the following skills for hard mode waves 1-9

    Agility: ~925k p/h

    Firemaking: ~2.4m p/h

    Mining: ~1.3m p/h

    Bonus Exp Rates for 99 in the following skills for hard mode waves 7-9

    Agility: ~1.4m p/h

    Firemaking: ~3.7m p/h

    Mining: ~2m p/h

    Thanks to Megaduck for the above breakdown. These XP rates are insane and right now the BA Teams FC and discord are as active as ever. It's not just these skills that are most efficient though. Thanks to Vic the Trader, a little fun at BA can benefit any number of skills. The following analysis was posted on the Efficiency Experts clan Discord.

    "80m fishing xp = ~211 hour, ~250m gp (normally)

    1 vic = 20m gp (bond); get 1700 credits (400agil/500mine/800fm)

    Need 640 extractors for 80m fish xp (23000 vic credits)

    Need 17m agil/26m mining/97.5m fm = 58.5 hours of BA (15 min per 1-9)

    From this you get 234 wave 10 tickets worth ~112m gp

    You save 110m gp from not need skillchompas, ~10m from less urns, ~30m from less scrimshaws80m fishing xp w/ extractors = ~104h, ~267m gp

    In total, you save ~48 hours of fishing at an additional cost of 17m gp, and get to spend 60 hours having fun at BA instead of Arc."

    That's just one example where the BXP for Trader Vic or Portable Trader is so OP. I've personally loaded up on dwarven chainaxes because I hate woodcutting, slayer dummies for DXP, and even huge prismatic stars in some cases.

    It's not that BA is a well-kept secret, but it seems like many people don't realize how efficient the game is (not to mention fun). However, a look at the weekly, monthly, and yearly XP leaderboards for RS3 show BA players making up about half of the listings (crystalmathlabs). The BA Teams FC and Discord has also become incredibly learner friendly, so if you're looking for a chance to hop into this game, now is the time!

    submitted by /u/BozRS
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    Petition: Archeologists get thrown into the Imcando Forge on the 200th time they say either 'Oh wow Wonderful!' or 'That belongs in a museum!'

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Seriously, we get it, you need to get out more. Just be quiet and let me excavate in peace. I only have the sound on to hear when I dig up a new artifact.

    submitted by /u/RednocNivert
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    Add Platinum Tokens With Grand Exchange Ninja Strike

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    With all partyhats costing nearly 10b+, and dyes, hero items, and other rares being well out of the GE, I think it's time that Runescape 3 gets a proper currency to trade with on the STREET for items worth over max cash.

    Spirit shards work fine if you are familiar with them, but there are countless newer players that obtain a blood dye, dont understand how to trade it, and either think spirit shards are worth 24 gp (due to their ge market value), or just give up and dump it on the GE for max cash.

    It's counter intuitive that we have to trade with an item sold in bulk from a pet shop, and i think allowing a currency exchange through the Grand Exchange or Banker like in OSRS will be a much better way to trade going forward.

    submitted by /u/soulsplits
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    Finally after so many deaths got my telos 100% enrage

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Wushanko Isles Wishlist: Expansion Past the Arc

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I find arc to be one of the best updates RS has ever seen. This area has AMAZING music and graphics.

    There are Miniquests, Castaways, and a lot of Discoveries to find. Not to mention there are some really nice AFK skilling methods with great XP yields. Everything is intertwined together to make Chimes, which makes every activity feel worthwhile.

    It has a closed economy, so it feels ironman like for us mainscapers. Elite Dungeons were added and a wealth of lore was expanded upon. Even after you get Salty and have finished everything, you can skill go complete contracts, plant berries, or continue farming charms.

    Tavia's Hero Rod was a great addition too, and it is my favorite fishing rod to date. I really never thought that I would be packing up my crystal rod away.

    My wish is to see more areas added. Looking at the Archipelago map, there are still 7 areas that could be added: Skull, Hook, Scythe, Bowl, Pincers, Loop, and Shield. Not each area needs to be as large or expansive as the Arc, maybe one new collection to add to our journals instead of 4 for example.

    Each area could bring in new skills to afk train, and new player owned islands to flag. The existing skills could also be present. As we venture past the comfort of the arc, you find yourself at the skull where you can train Crafting and Herblore.

    Adding onto the existing rewards, the next item on my wish list would be a seed satchel. This satchel would hold ALL seeds, including the ones used to grow berries at Tuai Leit. It would be nice for the farming plots to treat it as if it were our inventory, and we could use seeds directly from it.

    The next item on my wish list is a produce bin. I would love to save bank space by adding all of my grown berries and produce yields from farming patches around RS to one location.

    I make tabs for everything in my bank, and I wish I had space for a farming tab. A seed satchel and a produce bin would allow me to have enough space for going on farm runs.

    Another wish I have is to incorporate ports into this more. The resource/currency exchange rate is NEVER worth doing because of the amount of time it takes to make chimes. Feel free to look at your data on how many people are buying ports resources. I think you will find that this area is extremely underwhelming.

    Every new island could have a skill or two added to it, and more ways to produce chimes accordingly. Even archaeology could be incorporated! Owning more than one island would be fantastic, and there could be some where resources reset weekly, and some reset monthly with higher chime yields.

    More upgrade tiers can be added to rewards like reduced cost on supplies and amount of supplies needed to travel, and more items like the mizuyari spear can be introduced to the market too.

    Perhaps we could see a reward unlock: Auto deploy traps for hunting tortles, or "wild mushroom expert" teachings that prevent us from getting pricked when collecting wild mushrooms.

    Last on my wish list is to have a method of "finding" specific types of islands. Paying X amount of chimes to land on that 3 wobbegong island etc.


    Expand Wushanko Isles with more rewards please :)

    submitted by /u/R_a_x_i
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    Let Vuln Bombs Work From Inventory

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Did the mods say anything about the aura thread that got a billion upvotes? About not having timers run while lobbied?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Solution: Add a "pause" right click to auras. Lobby/Log automatically pauses them. Allow us to reset with vis, or remove the limit of marks of war that can be obtained per hr.

    Any time I pvm/skill with an aura, I feel like I am REQUIRED to sweat the entire time to make good use of it. I understand that I don't have to, but I feel like I need to. I'm sure I'm not alone in this boat.

    Any time I pvm/skill without an aura, I feel like I am doing something wrong or wasting my time. Again, I am aware that I don't "need" that dps aura to go do X boss, but I feel discouraged when I don't have it running while in an instance.

    I figured marks of war/totems would allow us to have a constant uptime but this is still not the case.

    Honestly we just need to be able to reset them with vis. Twice the cost of extending per reset or something.

    The method of acquiring auras is horrible too - it's almost like it was designed not to make sense or be practical.

    The ONLY reason I've bought premier membs over the past few years is specifically for loyalty points. (And recently they gave us some bank spaces)

    Add loyalty points to minigame rewards at least, there are multitudes of ways to show that you are "loyal" to the game outside of just flat out buying membership. I don't know - maybe PLAYING the game is a way to show loyalty?

    submitted by /u/R_a_x_i
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    Solo Beastmaster Durzag with no food, using Melee

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Spec weapons.jpg

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Today was not a productive day

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    So this just happened... Curious what other people's highest are?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Fuzzy search for upcoming GE update?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Is fuzzy search something you are looking into? Would make it easier to search for items that have longer names or have symbols in name, for example:

    Elder rune platebody -> elder body

    Slayer's staff -> slayer staff

    submitted by /u/GuskiS
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    IOS mobile is indeed beautiful

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Rare Item Store

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    u/runescape Please restock items in the rare item store... its been dead content for quite a while.. just give us something to spend the rare item tokens on or its waste of a TH spin get them out... i really want the silver hawk in there...

    submitted by /u/AmericanSgt
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    iOS Beta feedback: Is there any reason the skills tab icons must be so small and leave so much negative space? It looks like there should be A LOT more, most other interfaces have enlarged icons to fill spacing properly

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Why does this client crash happen every time I lobby? It's been happening for weeks and forces me to restart client every time

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:18 AM PDT

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