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    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 480 - Making of Archaeology

    RuneScape TL;DW 480 - Making of Archaeology

    TL;DW 480 - Making of Archaeology

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:55 PM PDT



    Inquisitors staff piece:

    • Extremely rare chance while training within the fort when the pylon is active
    • Rare chance while training within the praetorium, where chance increases relative to the level of the hotspot you're excavating
    • Praetorium chance is increased if the pylon is active
    • The base drop chance of receiving a staff piece from the praetorium has been decreased from what it was prior to the hotfix

    Spear of Annihilation tip:

    • The drop chance has been decreased


    Archaeology has a whole is still being monitored.

    • Eldritch issues are being looked at.
    • A job has been put in to swap certain artefacts in Velucia's Bandos 2 & 3 collections.
      • The Goblin generals' order is intended and will remain as is.
    • Adding chronotes to your currency pouch is still being looked into.

    Intro - Deciding on a Skill

    • Skill's History: January 2018 -> March 30th, 2020.
      • Originally tasked to have it launched in summer 2019.
    • The skill was chosen through a validation process, what's best for the game: business, community, devs.
      • Before we just came up with cool ideas and got them approved.

    Validation process

    1. Asked for skill ideas with the following criteria:
      • Runescapey, interesting, fun, fit into the world
    2. Narrowed ideas down to a shortlist of 6 skills:
      • Archaeology, Sailing, Spellcrafting, Animal Training, Merchanting, Necromancy.
    3. Pitched each skill as to how they would fit into RS to get raw reactions from different people with different backgrounds.

    Deciding on the skill

    Top 5/6 skills occurred during the summer months of 2018.

    • Necromancy came out on top however it was too similar to Summoning, Prayer, and Magic.
      • We also weren't looking to make an Elite skill.
    • Narrowed it down between Archaeology and Sailing and made playable demos.
    • Archaeology was a dry word from are marketing team since it sounded like a boring skill.
      • We really fought for it by describing in a fantastical/magical sense.
      • Not digging a hole in the ground, but dig sites in hell or in the sky.

    Demos and Development

    Images are pulled from an internal group chat which is why they aren't cropped the best.

    Playable Demo

    • Demo was patched together in 2 weeks.
    • It was meant for Runefest but never made it and was used in playtests instead.
    • Moved away from making the area look like a dig site and more towards moving into something more fantastical.

    Demo Dig site - Vault of Hereditas? (Kharid-et)

    Made a short playable demo of all the aspects of a dig site in order to get feedback and showcase the idea.

    • Small selection of materials and 3 artefacts.

    • Mysteries (Lost Areas)

      • Helped introduced the concept of research, relics, and exploraiton.
      • Figure how how to get into the Vault by using an object. (Made the final cut).
      • Use simple puzzles so players know what to do next.
    • Big doors were important to us for some reason and they made it in.

    • The relic is found by solving a three column puzzle to form a pathway to reach it.

    Core Loop - Cleaning items

    • When you discover items they are dirty and you had to clean them before using them.
      • It didn't make the final design due to the excessive amount of items you'd need to clean.

    Jmod Focus

    While Ryan was putting interfaces together Rowley was designing content on dig sites (mysteries).

    Ryan's Lost Areas

    • Used random generation concepts to create lost areas and to help design dig sites
    • Bonus doors would require certain artefacts, similar to DG.
    • Map icons placeholders:
      • Fishing - normal room | Clothes - bonus room | S and E represent start and end

    Rowley's Test Squares

    • Test squares which include everything for reference: excavation, NCPs, items, etc.
      • These are only on test servers.
    • These items are dropped and you can see what they would look like if they were on the ground.
    • Spears have different states (damaged, augmented) so that's why there are numerous ones.

    Design Progress

    Collector's Noticeboard

    • Created early on in early 2019 as we knew what we wanted.
    • Interface is progressing even if things look like they are removed.
      • Testing different interface interactions or icon apperances.
      • Added different collection logs as a way of testing the system out.


    • This is for into the design and is similar to release with placeholder icons.


    • Initially you could only have 1 relic of each size (Small/Medium/Large) but it was restrictive.


    • Arch journal background placeholder.
    • 6 Dig sites = 5 current ones + 1 Dragonkin one.
    • Languages - Concept where you gain language xp/progress as you do research.
      • Upon reaching a certain level you could unlock certain things and read books/
      • Removed this concept as it basically put a barrier to those who enjoy lore.


    • Original Design - 3 Different benches to restore an Artefact - Prepare, Assembly, Finish.
      • Didn't do this as it was unecessary.



    • NPC placeholders are useful for checking map-heights, etc.
    • Discussed level design later on:
      • Where will players move the camera to, where will their eyes be drawn to?
      • What looks like paths and locations they can/can't go to. (Frustrating if it looks like they can but can't).
    • It's hard to visualize what the end product will be.

    Archaeology Guild

    • Original Dig site before the graphical rework.
    • The throne room entrance was changed as it caused confusion with people being led to it during the tutroial.

    Kharid-et - Initial layout was larger and had shortcuts which were removed as they felt unnecessary.

    Infernal Source - Infernal Source internal part was to look like an eye of Dagon from above.

    Everlight - Originally was going to be known as Farlight

    Stormguard citadel

    • Workshop was temporarily in the NE part of area until it could be put on another level.
    • It was supposed to be a wide open area where if you flew far enough out you'd find it.
    • Lava surfing animaiton was used for flying until we got proper animations.
    • Flying area map heights are important since you can't see them.
      • If they are too high/camera is low you'd click on them when you weren't' flying screwing up your movement.


    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    XP drop from turning in just over 4k pylon batteries

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Inquis staff and spear drop rate nerf, the worst way possible.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    The spear and staff pieces were already pretty rare but now they made them rarer. the problem with this is this punishes normal accounts who train the skill and makes it so people with alt farms still benefit. even worse so is that you can get duplicate staff pieces which screws irons.

    The nerf should have been a level requirement such as 107 to get staff pieces or some quest like the one for curses. please rethink this change and make it so normal accounts don't get punished for the dumb mistake that was making level 3s with 12 arch able to get it.

    *check comments for my proper suggestions*

    submitted by /u/jz_wiz
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    Jagex, the Inqusitor's staff and Spear tip drop nerf is meant to be to reduce alts flooding supply while rewarding mains with attentive gameplay. A simple change would be to only roll when your focus hits 100%. That way, people can't afk at 0 focus on 10 accounts and watch TV for free.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    QOL suggestion: Make the sticky fingers relic work for the desert phoenix

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    I was curious and tried to apply the sticky fingers archaeology relic for gathering phoenix feathers today, but it didn't work. I know "grabbing feathers" may not be exactly the same as pickpocketing, but it effectively works the same (you get thieving exp) and it would be a great quality of life improvement that would not be overpowered.

    submitted by /u/Zonicspeed
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    Great, now where's our fix for alts taking up material caches?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    The staff fix is a shitty solution that hurts legitimate players to solve a problem caused by alts parking themselves when the pylon goes off.

    For once, can Jagex fix the cause, not just the symptom? If people want to play on an iron and normal account simultaneously, that's perfectly fine, but it's absurd that someone can use a mule account to gather materials or energy for extra money while doing something else.

    Besides, all this nerf does is increase the number of accounts that people with alt farms need to run. Given the AFK nature of excavating, I'd imagine it's not too much more difficult to double/triple your alts if you're using 2-3. So in the end, this just screws over normal players. Then again, more alts = more members.

    submitted by /u/AssassinAragorn
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    OSRS player here that just started player RS3 yesterday, and wow.....

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT


    I created an ironman because I'd heard RS3 Ironman was actually pretty fun, and I have to say I'm blown away so far. I put the game in legacy mode and it feels like I am playing RS2 in the 2009-2011 era. I havn't played RS3 since OSRS was released, and I had very low expectations coming into it. It has been so addicting and enjoyable so far. Iron man on RS3 is some of the most fun I've had on Runescape in ages. The graphics are great. The cities, trees, water; it's all so beautiful.

    I know OSRS players are pretty negative towards this community, but the game isn't that bad at all!

    submitted by /u/GimePizzaOrGimeDeath
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    My first hours in runescape

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Can we get a refresh on the Rare Token Store?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Jagex, could we break down damaged artifacts into materials so they're not useless after a certain point?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    As an iron especially, I go through the sets, but have many leftover artifacts that are useless; I also don't want to waste materials restoring most of them. Instead of destroying a bunch of artifacts, it'd be cool if they had some use, like breaking them down for materials you'd find from the same excavation spots.

    submitted by /u/CptBrian
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    Merchers win, Ironmen lose

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Jagex: Put Resource Caches in Resource Dungeons

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    One of the most important parts of Dungeoneering is the perks and rewards unlocked through the skill (and the rewards store). Most of the other skills can benefit from Dungeoneering in one form or another, but so far the only interaction with Archaeology is with the creation of the Abyssal Gatestone, which just uses Arch to benefit RC. In short, there's not too much interaction happening between the two skills. But there can and should be!

    Resource dungeons have long rewarded players with exclusive skilling spots, giving reduced competition over limited resources. Back before the M&S Rework, the Dwarven Mine and Mining Guild dungeons were the place to go if you were mining popular ores (looking at you, coal, also runite). Putting material caches in them would be more in line with the idea of having those dungeons be properly rewarding, and would benefit regular players and BTWs alike.


    • Caches unburdened by skilling pures

    • More caches = fewer complaints about limited resources

    • More opportunities to bring players to dead areas

    • More resources in market = lower prices = more accessible economy

    • Impact on material prices will be less than if more caches were added to existing places, because not everyone will have access to those caches


    • Altscapers will be mad

    • Sellers (myself included) will complain if the prices drop

    Here are some ideas for placement:

    • Third age iron: Mining guild dungeon

    • White oak: Daemonheim woodcutting peninsula (bonus- both the material and the area are f2p)

    • Cadmium red/Chaotic brimstone: Taverley hellhound dungeon

    And so on...

    submitted by /u/Devonmartino
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    Regarding the Eldritch issues at Nex

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Had us in the first half not gonna lie

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    PSA: Speak to Acting Guildmaster Reiniger after completing a qualification (Associate, Professor etc) to claim up to 14 of each Archaeology boost item for FREE

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    I had no idea this was a thing until I was idly going through the chat options just now.

    At Guildmaster I was able to claim 14 of each item (monocle, tea etc), which is 7 hours of boosts with the Master outfit. That's equivalent to over 58000 chronotes, and will make a significant difference to your training.

    submitted by /u/T-Rexauce
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    All I needed was the bowl. Now I'm stuck with 12 extra artifacts.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    So when are the easter eggs littering the trees going to be cleaned up?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    The wilderness: A fun experience working as intended.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    It all started when a few clan mates and I decided we needed some divine energy. We gathered at cursed energy, and after hopping worlds a few times we stumbled across the holy grail of ironman energy-gathering. The banker Edmond was directly in the middle of all the cursed wisps.

    Upon finding Edmond, we immediately started heralding the good news to irons high and low. We guested in clan chats, and posted in discords "W35 cursed energy event. The banker is being held."

    Very quickly we amassed a gathering of around 50 irons in the wilderness. The group of irons was very diverse, ranging from level 3 skillers to 1st-page archaeology racers and everyone inbetween. The only thing we had in common is that we were all irons, and we were all gathering cursed energy.

    During the early stages of the event, the wildernesses rewards were plentiful and its predators were scarce. Many of us were trying out the new divination relic and were obtaining rates of up to 20k cursed energy/hr. For the first 3 hours of the event, we only saw a couple of pkers. Upon seeing us, the pkers either left immediately or learned what it felt like to be piled by a dozen Tier ~75 weapons at once. Large amounts of energy were gathered during this time period, with very little risk because the banker was being held nearby for convenient depositing.

    At this cursed energy event there was one particular iron of note, Gecu. He was the first ironman to 120 archaeology, and one of the two irons in a good position to reach 200m archaeology first (the other Iron's name is Kibbium). Unfortunately, Gecu's position as first on the highscores did not serve him well during this event. He was pked twice by a few lucky AGS specs from an ironman AGSer. At first the AGSer's actions were confusing; why would he pk a fellow ironman? The AGSer only had a 2 word explanation for his actions: For Kibbium!

    Gecu's misfortune (combined with an inability to eat food, pray, or surge when attacked) caused him to retire from the event a bit early. Unfortunately for the rest of our group, warbands had just started. And with warbands, came a significant increase in pking activity.

    The pking activity increased gradually. Sporadic pkers increased from a few per hour, to 1 every few minutes. These pkers were dealt with efficiently. 20 or so irons had cheap weapons that could be used to pile pkers. A few had teleblock, and the rangers were efficient in using their binds. Altogether it was a very successful strategy for repelling a lone pker.

    The real trouble started when the pkers gained coordination and started gathering at the wilderness lodestone to attack all at once. Luckily, someone was able to warn us of the impending wave of pkers, so irons were able to bank much of their energy gathering gear and replace it with food and potions and combat familiars. 20 ironman who were inexperienced with pvp clashed against 10 pkers. People on both sides died, but the superior numbers of the ironmen won the fight. Everyone was excited at the victory and optimistic by their ability to repulse the pkers. We had won!

    Unfortunately, after that heated clash, most pvp gear was banked and everyone resumed their normal energy gathering. This meant that in the following clash a few minutes later the pkers won.

    The wilderness volcano was a graveyard filled with dozens of bones of former cursed energy gatherers. The ironmen force was defeated. From that point onwards things shifted from energy gathering, to a for-fun pvp event. The next hour was filled with battles back and forth between the ironmen and the pkers, with each side winning a fair amount.

    Overall the cursed energy event was a blast from start to finish.

    TLDR; Lots of ironmen gathered at cursed energy. They gathered energy quicky, and were well rewarded. Pkers came, the rewarding energy flow was halted, and it was replaced with an impromptu pking war with perhaps a dozen people on each side. Many people had fun. This is the wilderness working as intended.

    submitted by /u/BigArchive
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    The Expansion that never was

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    #RSHotfix: The drop rates of the Inquisitor Staff pieces and the Spear of Annihilation tip have been reduced.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Oh, how relevant

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    An open secret from a 15 year veteran of Runescape.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Many players get turned off or burnt out from grinding during Runescape. There's a trick to keep some of the spice alive during the long hours of chopping ivy, harvesting wisps or making fires. Talk. One of the most common complaints I see about Runescape is it isn't a social MMO. This is not the case at all. If you go to an area where a lot of people are skilling, and you just start talking about whatever 4/5 times you will find that social element you're looking for. It's also worthwhile to join a clan where people are chatty, maybe pass up that nice maxed out citadel for the smaller friendlier community that's more active. It's not hard I promise! Some of my favorites, while fishing, "does something smell fishy to you guys?" boom conversation started. The magical social element is just a pun away!

    submitted by /u/Cross33
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    Suggestion for Inquisitor/spear tip drop

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Make it so you only roll for it when you reach 100% focus, so people can't just run alt/bot farms to get the pieces escavating 1 spot. Can also potentially make it so you can only get the staff piece at the 107 spot and pylon just increases the drop chance at that specific spot, although when alts reach that level the only thing this does is make it so new accounts can't farm the staff pieces along with the non afk requirement.

    Just feel like focus should be made more important to the skill as well.

    edit : stream just confirmed that the drop rate is rare af outside the 107-114-118 spots. once you are in the 107 + spots, they scale depending on the spot. so the 114 spot has a better rate for pieces than the 107 spot, and the 118 has the best rates for pieces. they are all increased by the pylon for staff piece chance. So pretty good would like the focus change though but we'll c.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    Interestingly enough, hill giants haven't gotten a graphical rework in quite a long time.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Now that Staff/Spear pieces are hotfixed, when will we see 3-item excavation RNG get fixed?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    On excavations that yield 2 possible items, you are likely to receive the other item. However for 3 possibility hotspots, item #3 does not receive this. This means you end up with 20/20/10 instead of 16/17/16.

    submitted by /u/joey9671
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