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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    RuneScape When RS3 falls, who will protect them from MTX?

    RuneScape When RS3 falls, who will protect them from MTX?

    When RS3 falls, who will protect them from MTX?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST

    Brassica primer examine doesn't align with its function; bonus xp for harvest or checking health? both?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:19 AM PST

    Big dino, baby dino. Loving Ranch Out of Time - Thank you to all who worked on it!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:09 AM PST

    The state of Dungeoneering

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    After seeing the upcoming massive nerf to Dungeoneering daily challenges, it made me think about how the skill is doing.

    Most people I know train it exclusively with daily challenges and Sinkholes. A daily challenge at a decent level can end up giving around 200-300k XP - this is being lowered to about 120k at 98, I believe? So we're losing about 50% of the XP.

    Another issue is that ironmen still can't group up for Dungeoneering. We can, however, group up for Shifting Tombs - which gives Dungeoneering experience - and Elite Dungeons - which gives tons of tokens. A popular method of training the skill for new irons is to just leech EDs and then use the huge surplus of tokens to just buy XP in the Dungeoneering shop, effectively letting them skip the first levels of the skill. Awhile back, Jagex added level requirements to certain quests, because they didn't want players to just go do Doric's Quest and skip to level 20 Smithing. But the token thing is still valid, I guess? I have no idea why they let EDs give the same tokens that Daemonheim did, in such huge amounts. Baffling.

    Sinkholes is another huge way to train it, because even if you come in dead last place, you still get a reward. Either a free XP lamp, or a handful of tokens. The minigame's reward system typically rewards you for screwing over another player, despite Dungeoneering's entire thing being that it's a team-based skill, in theory.

    Not too long ago, we had... some microtransactiony event, I don't remember what it was, where players could just sit in a hole and AFK it for Dungeoneering XP. I believe it was the #1 most popular event there, because people could just train the skill without having to actually do anything with it. For similar reasons, sandcastle building at the beach is very popular, but the community seems to be in agreement that Construction needs both a rework and a new way to train it.

    The reward shop is mostly outdated, with the only real consumable rewards being chaotic weapons, which have limited use considering how cheap some tier 80 weapons are to get. (Or even something like sunspear, a quest weapon.) A big problem with the empty reward shop is that once you buy all the unlockables, there's no real incentive to keep earning tokens aside from upgrading your ring, I guess?

    The skill itself is fine to train. The low levels are complete ass, but once you hit even 50ish in the skill it starts picking up. The Daemonheim diary rewards are pretty useful, along with some Invention items and the elite outfit. Inexperienced players can still pretty easily get 100-180k XP/hour, which is decent, while more experienced players can get 300k+, with some of the better players getting more than double that.

    There's also been requests for YEARS for more modified ways to train the skill inside of Daemonheim. Players have been asking for a way to race their friend through a similar dungeon, to see who's better. Players have been asking for a buff to actually "completing" the dungeon, since the primary way to train the skill now is "rushing", while actually gathering resources and killing enemies is considered a waste of time.

    Another issue is that the skill really still doesn't have any real world presence. Yes, resource dungeons are a thing, but very rarely do quests reference Daemonheim or use the skill itself. The skill itself also doesn't really... have a definition. Like, with Firemaking, the higher your level, the easier you can light fires, and with more difficult logs. With Slayer, the more you train it, the more difficult monsters you can kill, and the more you'll impress the Slayer Masters. With Dungeoneering, the skill itself has no relevance to exploring dungeons or spelunking, because most dungeons don't have any relevance to Daemonheim. The "skill" itself is just... knowledge about Daemonheim, which is a single castle near the Wilderness. Even the upcoming Archaeology will be useful all over the world, from Morytania to Al Kharid, because the skill has a proper definition. Divination is your ability to weave the energy of the gods for your own devices. But Dungeoneering is just... knowing a little bit about one specific castle. It has no real world lore implications, aside from interacting with a few Mahjarrat or Dragonkin. The resource dungeons also have no real lore to them, aside from... "here's a reward".

    TL;DR I don't really have any idea how the skill could be "fixed", because essentially it isn't really broken. But a large portion of the playerbase hates training it, preferring to use minigames and daily challenges. A large portion of the community ran out of rewards to buy at like 90 Dungeoneering, with a whopping 90m more XP to go. The skill has no real world applications. It has very little plot or lore relevance, outside of maybe 5 characters.

    • Add more quests or Archaeology tie-ins with Dungeoneering to give it more of an overworld presence. Give us that floor 61 finale we were teased with in 2013/14. Add some lore to the resource dungeons, like why Bilrach or the Dragonkin would have a dungeon full of polypore creatures.

    • Add more consumable rewards to the shop. The few we got from the elite dungeons shops are irrelevant to many players, or extremely expensive to someone who trains the intended way instead of "token farming". On top of this, add more rewards in general, similar to the skilling scrolls that add passive buffs to your character. Add more utility items like the nature staff and tome of frost, however niche, to give players the option of experimenting with tokens and rewards.

    • Add new ways to train it without ruining existing methods. Allow the "speedrunning" community to continue existing, while buffing the experience for players who fully explore a dungeon and kill/skill like was originally intended.

    submitted by /u/I_Kinda_Fail
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    Remote Farm -> Farming Timers

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:09 AM PST

    With the release of 120 Farming, one of the things I was SHOCKED to see was we didn't get any farming timers. Remember this 2015 suggestion that couldn't work because of the game engine? Why after all these years of requests haven't we gotten farming timers?

    Look at OSRS. They have a LIVE growth stage-by-stage farming timer with no Livid farm requirements.

    Honestly, I think it's about time RS3 gets farming timers. Surely it's too hard to code but we finally got placeholders after all these years. This would be another one of the great farming-related QoLs.

    submitted by /u/Tonix_RS
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    Ever since I died 4 days after maxing on my HCIM due to a game crash, Telos has been one of my biggest goals...

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Runescape with sound is awesome

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:38 AM PST

    I always used to play runescape with other music playing and game sound off, but lately I've been playing listening to the game audio instead, and it is amazing. It really makes the game come alive with the music and sound effects everytime you do something.

    submitted by /u/pineappleteams
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    The forgotten skill

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    POH stand

    As i achieved level 99 in construction, i thought it would be a good idea to organise my POH, as it was built only for the efficiency of prayer / construction training. After doing the research of utility tools and trying to build a logical layout, only one thing came to my mind - POH is the most outdated content in the whole game.

    At this stage in the game we have teleports to almost every freaking tile, but the portal chamber in POH is only offereing 7 teleports, of which 6 are from the normal spellbook which is ridiculous. Look at how amazingly OSRS dealed with this

    What also amazed me is that the top noch head one can place on a stand in a skill room is Kalphite Queen.. What is this, 2005? There are so many bosses in the game, the hunt for heads would be something i would personally be looking forward to. Also, why the heck can i build a RuneFest stand if it is dedicated to 2017 rune fest and i can't even complete the tasks anymore??

    So i'm not even sure if it's worth having POH for anything else than armour stand and costume room.

    I believe POH has huge potential for huge content but i haven't even heard any plans to rework it.

    submitted by /u/spopobich
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    Why RS3

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:07 PM PST

    Before I begin this post I would like to clarify, I am a RS3 and a OSRS playeR, I enjoy both games and have no intention for this to sound rude or like I am hating on RS3.

    I hear people scream how RS3 sucks, and to not even touch it since it wouldn't be worth the time and it won't be fun, I'm curious, why have you decided to stick with the game? Why stick with the game when people are constantly yelling how the game is bad. What makes you want to keep coming back to the game and not switching to Old-school or going to a completely different game?

    Again not meant to be rude or like I am saying the game is bad I enjoy it, I'm just personally curious.

    submitted by /u/guidingbongo
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    Hello old friend, I have returned.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    Runescape not working linux pop os (get sound no picture)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:53 PM PST

    Can we get barbarian assault helms added to thaler shop

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:54 AM PST

    We've already got torso and penance legs gloves boots etc and I think the hats should be added for consistency as it's so hard to get people to actually play this mini game

    submitted by /u/charlottieexo
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    Dungeoneering Suggestion - Unlock Party Difficulty Settings

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:47 PM PST

    I've been seeing a lot of discussion recently about Dungeoneering, with regards to the Daily Challenges and specifically about Ironmen.

    I personally really enjoy Dungeoneering as a skill. I love the challenge of beign able to rush and key a floor, and also enjoy just being able to take it easy and farm the resources, kill the mobs and get some XP on the side. However, having recently been enjoying my ironman, I have been kind of dismayed at how much this skill sucks when you need to try and get 120 solo.

    Much of the discussion has been around the difference in XP rates between partying up, and going solo, as well as the difficulty in finding groups to 5 man with. I believe that this is a fundamental issue with the skill, and will take a greater mind than me to fix, however, there is one thing i have thought of that could make a difference that everyone could be happy with.

    At the present moment in time, the way that the skill works with groups is that having more people in the group allows you to select a higher group difficulty level. It is this level that determines the XP at the end of the floor.

    I would like to see this difficulty level unlocked from the number of people that are in the party. Therefore, if you are comfortable with it, you could take on a difficulty level 5 dungeon solo, and recieve the XP from as though you were in a 5 man group. This would fix a number of the main issues that people seem to have around inability to find groups at your skill levels, and levelling to 120 as ironman.

    It is worth mentioning that this would make the dungeoneering party simulator obsolete. My suggestion for this is maybe that the difficulty be unlocked only when you have a simulator with you.

    I know that this idea isnt perfect, but i do feel like it has merit, and is worth discussion.

    Would love to hear what people have to say about this, positive and negative.

    submitted by /u/Methos25
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    Hello old friend, I have returned.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:15 AM PST

    Rs3 nxt not working with OpenGl. Works only with DirectX

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:19 AM PST

    I just logged in yesterday and the nxt didn't start with OpenGl aka the "normal mode". It only started when I used the "compability mode" aka the DirectX.

    Both are supported in my pc system. -I tried deleting cache -Updating drivers

    Nothing works, please help. :(

    submitted by /u/MightiestCat
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    The number one thing that’d make me want to play more would be new players

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:15 PM PST

    Seeing new players discovering the game brings me more joy than pretty much anything when it comes to RS3.

    Honestly, if Jagex put more resources into getting more players and you could see an influx of a newer generation of players I'd be so motivated to play more often.

    Loved nothing more than hanging around in F2P helping them out, and I still love the rare occurrence of helping new members with things. Even just seeing lower levels running around random areas makes me feel such awesome waves of nostalgia.

    submitted by /u/Abcdefgrs
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    When you finally unlock Priff, Thanks DXP(e)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:12 PM PST

    If you're finding NXT refuses to load all of a sudden, read here:

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    Seeing a number of reports lately regarding NXT refusing to load via OpenGL. It will only run in compatibility mode, or displays an immediate error that stops the client from loading properly.

    Simply put, the problem seems to relate to the newer Intel drivers on the Windows OS. A load of them are having issues loading the NXT client. So far, reports have only been from those running 6th generation Intel processors and above. My laptop with an 8th Gen CPU also has the same problem.

    To resolve this problem, you need to uninstall the current driver and replace it with an older driver.

    Driver "" works on both of the Intel systems I have. After installing that driver, NXT loads up fine. You can get it from here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28646/Intel-Graphics-Windows-10-DCH-Drivers

    So if you've suddenly found yourself unable to load NXT at all in the past several days and you're running Windows 10 with an Intel iGPU from 6th gen and up, it is likely you are affected by this problem.

    EDIT: based on a poster on this thread, it looks as if this may have been an issue for a lot longer than previously thought. Surprising there's not been any mention of this anywhere. I'd say this is a pretty significant issue as most people are told to update their drivers and in this case, updating them causes NXT to cease functioning.

    submitted by /u/SingularityRS
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    The State of Ironman Mode

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    Solo Content in Groups

    • Solo Bosses and Elite Dungeons
    • Shifting Tombs
    • Now they want group DG.

    Like why do so many Ironman players want to continuously ruin the integrity of the mode? It seems awfully pathetic to me. At what point did Jagex start catering to these cry-babies who literally had to agree to this option when signing up?

    The entire point of the mode is to be self-sufficient. Not to allow players to be carried through by other players. Jagex starting allowing groups because certain individuals wanted to be with friends. So instead of just telling them to drop their ironman status and make it a regular account so they can play with friends Jagex catered to them.

    XP Handout Events

    Despite Non-cosmetics rewards being polled THREE times and only passing ONCE, Jagex has decided to allow Ironman accounts to gain XP in these events. When I last confronted Jagex about this, I was told they forgot the 1st poll even existed which is why they based their decision on the 2nd poll.

    While Ironman is meant to be self-sufficient, many have stated they should be allowed only because you can do it as an individual. I would agree however there are several other reasons why they shouldn't be allowed access.


    I'm asking for the complete removal of the following:

    • Ironman groups from Solo content (content that is intended for an individual to be able to complete).
      • This includes but is not limited to: Shifting Tombs, Elite Dungeons, GWD1, GWD2
      • Bosses labeled as group by Reaper Assignments: KK, Nex, AOD, ROTS, etc, may remain.
    • Non-cosmetic rewards including XP from Temporary Events.

    While I'm sure some individuals would be salty about these changes as they are used to being catered to, I believe this would be for the betterment of the mode for both now (despite exploits in the past) and Group Ironman when it comes out.

    Regarding statements that say, "it doesn't affect you, why do you care":

    The Ironman challenge existed before Jagex made it an official mode. In order to acknowledge those who could accomplish these feats they made an official mode, with a public hiscores, with public status and public accomplishments. The entire point of the mode was to get value to a player's accomplishments. This means if someone uses an exploit it devalues the integrity and reason the mode was created.

    On top of that, Group Ironman is surely going to come out at some point. And I'd hate to see the horrific state of this mode flow into the competitive nature of this new mode when it gets released.

    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    they don't call it mighty for nothing

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:09 PM PST

    Couple of Combat QoL Suggestions

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:22 PM PST

    • If I click on something to attack it, that thing should immediately be considered my "target". There should be no situation where I click on something, use an ability, and then get told "You don't have a target". (This isn't a dead click issue, this is a targeting issue, for example: clicking to attack something fairly far away, or you need to run around a wall to get to it, then using an ability).

    • Give Ranged and Magic channelled abilities the same treatment you gave Melee abilities like 2 weeks after EoC's release. If I am out of range to use a Ranged / Magic ability, don't tell me "your target is too far away", run me towards the target, then use the ability.

    Most likely to be a controversial game integrity suggestion

    Currently we have bosses with a restriction on being able to teleport away. This is fine, this is good. This is a risk VS reward thing. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this is circumvented by players abusing the ability to log out / lobby from the fights. So what is even the point of the teleport restriction?

    • Preferred option: In teleport restricted boss arenas, restrict the ability to log out / lobby.


    • Change the teleport restriction to only be applied while you are in Combat. Removing the need to abuse lobbying.

    Just imagine how many Onyxes would have been removed from the game without the ability to abuse lobbying for safety from PvM encounters that aren't meant to be safe.

    submitted by /u/DuelystZohan
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    thought id share this , just maxed after 11 years of playing <3

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:55 PM PST

    How to have shared quests?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:46 PM PST

    I'm playing runescape with my girlfriend for the first time. We finally managed to form a group but our quests still don't synch? Is there a way to have shared quests?

    submitted by /u/SaeKasa
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    New Post Series Idea

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    Hello All,

    I was thinking of starting a series of posts called Devil's Advocate, where I try to argue against popular opinion in RS3. Essentially, I would post something which is counter to the popular opinion, and we would have a (respectful) discussion in the comments. Things could get heated at times, but I could see the benefit in doing this, since it gets us discussing it and looking at it critically.

    Do you folks think this is a good idea? Do you think it could help with understanding how and why the devs made something the way they did? If you want to see it, what topics would you like to see me post about?

    Thanks all,


    Side note: I have been a participant in several engineering thesis defenses, so I have some experience with looking at something I generally agree with and trying to tear it apart. I wouldn't say I am the greatest, though - nowhere NEAR.

    submitted by /u/Chronotides
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