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    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 01 December

    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 01 December

    Silly Question Sunday - 01 December

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:11 PM PST

    Silly Question Sunday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can ask your RuneScape-related silly questions:

    • "Newb" questions from new players
    • Questions from returning players
    • Silly or nonsensical questions
    • Questions you feel stupid asking elsewhere

    Of course, a question thread wouldn't make much sense without answers, so please help out with any answers that you have!

    Past Silly Question Sunday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Hi everyone, today i got max cape ヽ(•‿•)ノ

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:00 AM PST

    My idea for new content for F2P Slayer, in the event that Slayer cap gets raised to 20.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:59 AM PST

    "We SWEAR we've learned from previous 120s and this one will be better!!!"

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    Borrowing some of Dxp from next week

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    Making wines when I noticed how many were left...

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:11 PM PST

    Deadclicks on RS3

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:37 PM PST

    Hurt getting rid of my sandstone collection, but I'm sure it was well worth it.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:30 AM PST

    Fix deadclicks

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:59 PM PST


    submitted by /u/pinacle321
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    Volcanic trapper outfit

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PST

    To add dino teleport locations on Anachronia to volcanic trapper outfit. Maybe even have the ability to unlock it via the Anachronia hunter marks.

    submitted by /u/kkkkaur
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    Missed it by that much.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:20 AM PST

    The Eldritch Crossbow is currently visually glitched when in combat would like to know whats causing it.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:32 AM PST

    TH promo gives duplicate Skilling outfit pieces.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Time for a bug reporting overhaul?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:21 AM PST

    So anyone may have seen how the Spria challenge bug was handled, and personally I think this is time for an overhaul of the bug reporting system. Many times I have send bug reports, usually trying to write them detailed as possible, then it may take months, years, never without the said reported bug being fixed. Even for myself there's no way of knowing if the QA team acknowledges the reported bug or not.

    The Spria challenge bug exactly shows what's wrong with the bug reporting system and I will go into detail of what these problems are.

    Problem 1: Lack of feedback, tracking status, ect.

    This issue revolves around there being no feedback mechanism whatsoever in-game or on the website. What do I mean by this? Lets look at the Spria bug report, I made a detailed in-game bug report about the issue I was facing and send it. Since I was in contact with customer support I made them know I did so, so that the QA team could investigate and handle this (potential) issue. Well, the next day I did got a response back from customer support, who could identify my report and give me info about its status since that was something I also said in my email. Unfortunately this lead to the conclusion that my detailed report was not reproducible and therefor marked as "closed". Well, great, at least I know this in the early stage (1 day after I send my report in-game) rather than months or even never. Also this specific situation had me thinking, thinking about the other various bug reports I had send in the past and without any knowledge whenever or not the QA team could reproduce the bug. So far the only feedback mechanism are the patch notes, but that's kind of a problem if your reported bug was not reproducible from the start, then it will never ever reach the patch notes.

    Problem 2: Adding clarity/context or updating with extra clarity/context

    This issue revolves around being unable to add clarity to your bug report. What I mean by this is adding extra context to the issue in the form of images, urls or video's, ect. Lets take a look at the Spria bug report, after I was told that my detailed bug report was closed, I was recommend to "submit another report and include as much detail as possible". The problem with this was that first off, my detailed report was pretty... detailed, maybe could have had a couple changes there and there, but that's were it exactly stops. Also from my initial bug post (without video proof) I saw 2 comments indicating that they also had send many bug reports about this issue. This let me instead of making another report, to make video proof instead. Problem here, how do I send that in-game? I can't copy & paste and cba to type over the url, and so I replied back to customer support again, this time with the reddit post url which also contained the video proof. So in conclusion I came into this situation were I slowly but surely added more clarity in the form of another report, video link and Reddit post.

    Problem 3: Character limit

    This is has to do with that the character limit for specifying reproduction steps is way to low. Both the main body and reproductions steps of a report have a maximum character limit of 500. IMO this is too low. Again lets look at the Spria bug report, there's a reason I put a table there. The total word count of this table is 891 characters without the first column included. This sucks, cause if I am were limited to 500 characters, I need to essentially throw away important info. So "submit another report and include as much detail as possible" is therefor technically impossible. It is also the exact reason I said in my Spria Reddit post this between braces:

    (I worded it in a similar manner via in-game, yet their QA team couldn't reproduce the bug)

    All cause on Reddit I did had more freedom and the space necessary to explain the situation more clearly than usually. Not only in this instance, but with various bug reports I had issues too where I am near the character limit and cannot express the reproduction steps fully without cutting down sentences and being vague. When wording my reproduction steps, I do nummer them in-game and most often I reach the character limit after step number 6, 7, or 8, depending on the length of other previous steps. For the main body of my report I do not often reach the 500 character limit, so it's no problem. I treat that section more as a summary of the report and include only critical information there if necessary.

    Problem 4: Bugged reporting interface

    Idk what to say about this one. This bug still exist and I think the linked Reddit post is self explanatory tbh. It's really hard to work with this interface, let alone editing your report (especially when hitting the character limit).


    From all these listed problems I usually encounter when sending bug reports, I recommend Jagex to do the following:

    • Allow to track your send report/ticket status either in-game or via the RuneScape website itself. Many other companies, even games too are also letting their customers track their reports/tickets via their website. Examples of statuses could be: Issue confirmed, not reproducible, closed/solved.
    • Up the character limit for reports/tickets. A character limit of 500 is very low, and complex bugs that take many specific steps to complete in order can't be detailed described in the current form. Make this limit like 1K to 2K or something like that.
    • Ability to add attachments to a report/ticket. E.g. images, urls or video's, ect. This could easily be achieved if such thing could be done on the website itself as you can copy & paste those urls. Some companies even have to ability to upload images in the report/ticket itself without the use of an image hosting site, not necessary but still.
    • Ability to update a report/ticket as long it isn't marked as "closed/solved". Just like I did via mail, every time I added more context in the form of screenshots, a report and a video and Reddit post.
    • Fix the reporting interface. It's really annoying to work with it. Either that or move everything to be done on the RuneScape website, aside from reporting players, which can still be done in-game.

    I do not say that my customer support was handled poorly. The communication with customer support and QA was amazing and glad that this could be achieved via email. The problem lies with that if I would want advanced reporting, I got no other option than to contact customer support and wait for email replies.

    These kind of problems do show a major flaw with rule #7 of this subreddit. There's no way of knowing how your bug report is doing whereas on Reddit you might get a Jmod reply, there's is a low character limit, whereas on Reddit it's not and where I do have more freedom to express the situation as detailed as possible.

    submitted by /u/ExtremeHunt
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    Thought DXP ended 02/12/19?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:04 AM PST

    Reminder that there is still demand for the PvM Hub

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:18 PM PST

    Let's make sure that Jagex doesn't forget about the PvM hub that was planned in game jam!

    submitted by /u/Daddy_Pain
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    BGH Egg Luck Enhancer

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:29 PM PST

    There's tons of complaints about the dino egg drop rates, which I've come to agree with after doing BGH for 2 hours and 3 Dino slayer tasks without luck. I'm not an Ironman but I could imagine how struggling it would be to have to grind so long. I suggest adding a means of increasing the egg drop rate that makes sense in the context of dinos.

    Idea 1: Fertility Potions:

    -Comes in Rex, Quad, Apoterra, and Varansaur variants

    -Each require adding 2 different Primal Fruit to an Arbuck(unf) potion and creates 3 doses. At a high enough Herblore level it creates 4 doses instead.

    In a BGH instance, you can use the potion on the Bait Pad as long as the potion is the correct type (Rex Fertility Potion only works on Rex BGH Bait Pads). Doing so consumes 1 dose and produces a scent that attracts egg carrying dinos, doubling the chance of finding an egg on a successful hunt. The scent wears off when that dino goes back into hiding.

    The Varansaur variant doubles egg chance as long as its in your inventory and you're killing Varansaurs, but a dose is consumed roughly every 20 kills. Killing Brutish Dinos with a Quad Fertility potion has the same effect.

    Idea 2: Arbuck Incense sticks

    Pretty simple, you can create Arbuck Incense sticks with Magic Logs and Infernal Ashes (based on Herblore level for Arbuck). Grants +10% chance of Dino eggs per potency level.

    Due to being far simpler and cheaper compared to Fertility potions, it shouldn't grant as much of a chance increase.

    submitted by /u/KoneheadLarry
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    The boost from the Idols on Anachronia think that it came from Karamja

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:42 AM PST

    My colleague after I warn him about his posture at work "it's fine haha" me: Okay stand up then.. him:

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:10 PM PST

    Ranch Out of Time criticism

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:56 PM PST

    This place feels so barren, lack of detail and it's just a circle with bunch of NPC's, i wish it felt more alive.

    It has a lovely music track, but outside of that there isn't much to say because quite frankly there is nothing, it's a large body of land.

    This feels like it was scrambled together for a beta test to test functionalities of ROOT, not the final product :(

    submitted by /u/Hab_
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    Anyone else feel like 120 herblore is barren similiar to how 120 slayer still is?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:36 PM PST

    Aside from cooking potion, super cooking potion, and harvest potion everything else requires 'primal extract'. Giving me flashbacks to them releasing sophanem slayer dungeon and calling it '120'. I'm sorry, but unless more is planned for 120 herblore I'd call this more unfinished business they've added. We still need more task sets for slayer could add a few new herbs/seeds to some new slayer monsters.

    Why not add a slayer dungeon on tarrddiad where we slay some flora/fauna native to that planet? how about a zanaris expansion where we can slay flora/fauna native to the moon? Introduce some new herbs/seeds discovered on the moon and tarrddiad. I've discussed this with my clan and guest clan and they all agree 120 herblore feels like slayer 120 2.0.

    submitted by /u/Meow_BTW
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    99 Mining Bug with SkillCape Purchase.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    Please stop making new UI's giant unsizeable trash. (yak track) and now the new Advent Calendar.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:20 PM PST

    And by unsizeable I mean not able to resize them.

    submitted by /u/Meow_BTW
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    Guesstimate of ROOT egg drop rates- data from quite a few players on disc.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:12 PM PST

    [Suggestion] Currently at Shauny's drop party, and people keep spamming the chest with junk. Any way we can modernize this chest to limit items of no value? Ex. Only able to add items that are 5k+? Also, stack singular items so that it doesn't clog the chest.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Wrong Max/Expert perk set on back slot

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:41 AM PST

    Wrong Max/Expert perk set on back slot

    While clueing, I noticed my Globetrotter backpack (shown) not showing my Max cape perks (also shown). Here are the facts:

    1. I have Invention, Defence, and MQC on my Max Cape.
    2. I have Slayer & DG on my Support cape.
    3. I load my current clueing setup from a bank preset.
    4. Equipping the Support cape reproduces the problem.
    5. Unequipping the backpack, or equipping the support cape, and re-equipping the backpack, does not clear the problem. Lobbying and re-logging does.
    6. Attempting to activate one of the Support perks in the menu does not succeed, so that's correct.
    7. Equipping the Max Cape changes perks correctly.
    8. However, after equipping the Max Cape, equipping the Support Cape again doesn't change the right-click options. However, selecting the first perk in the list activates the first perk on the Support Cape (so only the right-click menu is wrong).
    9. Equipping an Expert cape with no perks (e.g. my Gatherer cape with Mining and Fishing) shows the first perk from the last equipped perk'd cape in the right-click menu. However selecting this perk from the right-click menu while equipped activates the Boost option. It appears this is another example of the right-click menu needing an update.



    submitted by /u/gutblender
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