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    Sunday, May 31, 2020

    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 31 May

    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 31 May

    Silly Question Sunday - 31 May

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Silly Question Sunday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can ask your RuneScape-related silly questions:

    • "Newb" questions from new players
    • Questions from returning players
    • Silly or nonsensical questions
    • Questions you feel stupid asking elsewhere

    Of course, a question thread wouldn't make much sense without answers, so please help out with any answers that you have!

    Past Silly Question Sunday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Poor cat doesn’t know she needs 40 thieving to pickpocket a guard

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    First 200m on my One Skill At A Time account

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    I probably sound like a noob here, but I don't care right now. After struggling with high level PvM for years I finally defeated Araxxi for the first time. I see so many people on here say they can't boss, but don't give up! You can do it guys! The feeling of overcoming your anxiety is worth it!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Just started playing again last night after a 8 year break. This was my very first elite clue reward

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Ore Box Ninja Fix: Take a page from Archaeology Soil Box and not interrupt mining when I click to fill the box

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    In Mining, when you click to "fill" the ore box, it interrupts your Mining action.

    In Archaeology, when you click on the Soil box to "fill" it, you can continue to mattock away at your target without interruption. You get something similar with things like filling your Gem Bag, it doesn't interrupt your activity.

    Can we have some consistency with the Ore Box so that it no longer interrupts our mining action.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee2
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    When you don't have the Fast Leaf Decay mod...

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Invasion of Daemonheim: Dungeoneering Rework Ideas

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    TIL Zgs is more spear than spear

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    After months I decided I should draw my character again

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Since we are sharing old pics us playing rs - 2004

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Finished Graverobber, here's my preset for anyone interested :)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Dismantle damaged artifacts.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    I have already handed in a ton to the museum and (over 1000) so have that achievement.

    I have handed in to all the other collectors (several times in some cases)

    I have dismantled a few for invention components (Probably over 1000 artifacts)

    And I am left with about several artifacts, that I just cannot be bothered repairing, so will likely just have to either.

    a) Leave in my bank (and these take up A LOT of bank space, when you have items from several areas) so I can repair them later.

    b) Destroy them.

    And the latter right now, feels like the best idea.

    But why can we not dismantle damaged artifacts? Even if they give 1 or 2 components, it's something.

    Or could we get an NPC who buys damaged artifacts for Chronotes for them to experiment on or something? Again, buying for less than the museum would pay for restored artifacts.

    submitted by /u/Las7imelord
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    Wilderness survey responses (survey still open).

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Link to the survey. Preferably fill it out before viewing the results below to help yourself stay unbiased.

    1 = not at all, 5 = very much.

    This thread documents the results at the time of my posting this thread, and the results will naturally change with more responses to the survey. If the survey gets a significant amount of additional responses, I'll perhaps post those updated results.

    Q1: How much do you enjoy going into the wilderness?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 43 61.4
    2 11 15.7
    3 9 12.9
    4 3 4.3
    5 4 5.7

    Q2: Are you open to the idea that the wilderness could be improved while remaining a dangerous PVP zone?

    Responses: 69

    Response # # of responses %
    1 22 31.9
    2 7 10.1
    3 16 23.2
    4 7 10.1
    5 17 24.6

    Q3: If you are not open to the idea that the wilderness could be improved while remaining a dangerous PVP zone, why is that?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 15 21.4
    2 2 2.9
    3 8 11.4
    4 6 8.6
    5 39 55.7

    Q4: How much does the possibility of skull tricking dissuade you from going into the wilderness?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 10 14.3
    2 5 7.1
    3 6 8.6
    4 9 12.9
    5 40 57.1

    Q5: How much does the risk of losing items, or lots of money, dissuade you form going into the wilderness?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 10 14.3
    2 5 7.1
    3 6 8.6
    4 9 12.9
    5 40 57.1

    Q6: If a new death system - wherein a (slightly multiplied, with heavier multiplier for skulled players) reclaim cost is paid on death and items such as cursed energy, demonic skulls, etc. are still dropped on death - was implemented, would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 14 20
    2 5 7.1
    3 15 21.4
    4 15 21.4
    5 21 30

    Q7: Would you like the proposed death system more if your reclaim fee was cheaper the closer you get to the wilderness ditch - encouraging escaping from a situation you figure you'll die in anyway?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 14 20
    2 2 2.9
    3 14 20
    4 19 27.1
    5 21 30

    Q8: Would you like the proposed death system more if your reclaim fee was limited to an absolute maximum of 5M for unskulled players? (Does not limit your gear, just limits how much you'd have to pay)

    Response # # of responses %
    1 16 23.2
    2 6 8.7
    3 18 26.1
    4 7 10.1
    5 22 31.9

    Q9: For the purposes of this question and all future questions - assume that skull tricking was removed from the game and reclaim costs replaced gear loss. If you dealt an additional 20% damage to players who attacked you, would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 24 34.3
    2 4 5.7
    3 21 30
    4 5 7.1
    5 16 22.9

    Q10: For the purposes of this question and all future questions - assume that skull tricking was removed from the game and reclaim costs replaced gear loss. If you received -20% damage from players who attacked you, would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 24 34.4
    2 4 5.7
    3 16 22.9
    4 9 12.9
    5 17 24.3

    Q11: If you could ally with another player, and that player could attack players who have attacked you without getting skulled - dealing damage reduced to 20% in single combat areas and 50% in multi combat areas - would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 28 40.6
    2 8 11.6
    3 19 27.5
    4 8 11.6
    5 6 8.7

    Q12: If you could only be attacked by a maximum of 2 other players at once in mutli zones, would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 19 27.1
    2 3 4.3
    3 19 27.1
    4 8 11.4
    5 21 30

    Q13: If gears beyond T80 were tightened towards T80 (still more effective than T80, but by a smaller margin), would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 28 40
    2 6 8.6
    3 21 30
    4 5 7.1
    5 10 14.3

    Q14: If further changes were made to the combat system in the wilderness to make skill gaps less oppressive, such as reducing stun lengths, would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 18 25.7
    2 4 5.7
    3 18 25.7
    4 15 21.4
    5 15 21.4

    Q15: If skilling items (wearable items, inventory items, resources, familiars, etc.) were all consolidated into 1-2 inventory spaces - giving you more space to wear gear, carry food, etc. would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 19 27.5
    2 9 13
    3 16 23.2
    4 9 13
    5 16 23.2

    Q16: If unskulled players received 40% adrenaline and had their cooldowns reset upon being attacked, would you prefer this to the current situation?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 23 33.3
    2 3 4.3
    3 21 30.4
    4 10 14.5
    5 12 17.4

    Q17: How much do you support banning skull trickers?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 7 10
    2 4 5.7
    3 2 2.9
    4 6 8.6
    5 51 72.9

    Q18: How much do you support banning lurers?

    Response # # of responses %
    1 7 10
    2 1 1.4
    3 3 4.3
    4 3 4.3
    5 56 80

    There was also a section near the top of the survey (the actual third question), that gave participants a chance to write in an answer to the question:

    If you are not open to the idea that the wilderness could be improved while remaining a dangerous PVP zone, why is that?

    Pvp is not the same just use duel arena, is mostly used for scamming people (especially new players who may not return after being lured)

    cos I don't like being forced going to wildy for non pvp content that interests me

    It's a huge waste of space and I hate pvp.

    Because as long as there's a way to pk players in it, every other activities aren't worth doing because of the risk of dying.

    it being pvp makes me not willing to risk anything whilst doing activities in the wild. It's simply NOT worth the time and effort.

    PvP as a game mechanic is simply dead in RS3, not just in the WIldy, but across minigames (And don't count Duel Arena, that's a whole other issue)

    There's no new content that could make risking an unwitting death to a pker worth it.

    people are self-absorbed. if they go there they're either there for xp/gp or to grief others in the hopes of wealth or sadistic glee. neither party are there for the risk/reward dynamic and thus the idea behind the area is irrelevant.

    Only if the drop everything on death mechanic gets changed

    Believe wildy should be removed

    PVP is dead in RS3

    PvP is dead. Only scammers and griefers and interested in "pvp".

    PvP in RS3 is terrible and nobody except lurers and a handful of Cursed Energy raggers actually use it

    Fuck you runy

    Jagex have tried a number of times, even to the point of acknowledging that their previous attempts were a waste of developer time due to a lack of player engagement. The PvP community has almost died out, and with the slow but steady stream of skull tricks over the years, it seems evident that Jagex cannot realistically fix them all. As long as it remains a PvP area, it will remain a cesspool of skulltrickers, lurers, and griefers. Furthermore, gear prices have increased dramatically over the years, even considering inflation, so very few people are willing to use anything better than throwaway gear, resulting in PK'ers neither risking nor gaining anything of real value.

    Skull tricking and luring should be gone once and for all.

    It's simply impossible to do because of how poorly EoC is balanced

    Unless skull tricking is removed fully, I don't believe the wilderness can be improved in any meaningful way.

    Would require content similar to Warbands, leading to increase GP/XP per HR powercreep. Warbands is absurd XP/HR and even that isn't enough to breathe more than the faintest spark of life into the wilderness. If it DOESN'T powercreep like Warbands does then it is 100% dead-on-arrival content.


    I don't want to PvP because I don't want to lose any items or be camped.

    PVP as it is currently is primarily skillers getting hunted by pkers which is more of a cat and mouse game than a PVP competition. Only real exception is teams at warbands.

    Dangerous PvP has no place in the game outside of clan wars. Jagex will never take the time to remove and fix all the bugs and tricks that exist in the wilderness, and even if they fixed all the known issues they have a track record of letting other bugs pile up until they can do them in large bunches again.

    I dislike pvp

    I think wilderness has content but the state of pvp in it now makes it unpractical to even try using these contents (very unbalanced) I don't think there's enough interest, there's no way to 'learn' how to PvP, balancing is off due to EoC. I think the wilderness should have a PvP world dedicated to it, but should otherwise become a safe area.

    Remove PVP

    submitted by /u/HashTagDeeperino
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    Noob here.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    How do you guys not get burned out? Been grinding my way to Priff and its daunting thinking about how much further I have to go.

    submitted by /u/CyanideAsassin
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    Which bakriminel bolts are best for pure dps? Is it still ruby (e)?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I raise that guy's Rax loot from a week ago

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Ninjas, can we have some QoL changes to the Empyrean Citadel, since its Archaeology resource caches get caveats compared to other sites?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    The Empyrean Citadel is a post-quest location and has some strange quirks that mean we can't take full advantage of it when it comes to harvesting all that nice Armadylean yellow, Quintessence and Aetherium alloy.

    Here are the main things I'd like to see changed for the better:

    • The citadel should no longer be a summoning-free area. We'd like to use a beast of burden to increase our time without banking.
    • Allow Portable deposit boxes to be deployed in the citadel. For whatever reason, we can't deploy a deposit box here if we want to camp there for an hour.
    • Players should be able to skip the Invitation Box's teleport dialogue box. It really should be a one-click teleport like the Ectovial post-quest, since there are no hostiles in the citadel.
    • Invitation Box could also be made into a pocket-slot item. Hey, an extra free inventory slot always help.
    submitted by /u/VoidAdept
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    Over 15 years have passed, my only account. My first Level 90!!! ima sit and let it flash at me for a while :DDDDDDDDD

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    What should I do as a F2P level 20 mage?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Started playing Runescape 3 days ago and have been doing some basic quests and earning money. I bought Imphide armour and felt like doing dungeons or smth. But I don't know anything about dungeons or where they are so im asking for someones help.

    submitted by /u/KeepRage
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    Archaeology pet at level 42 on world 42, what does it mean?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Wanting to play again but I have some questions.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    So I used to play back in the day on old school runescape (just maybe a couple hours a week, nothing big) and I've probably put in about 70 hours on the new RuneScape 3 about a year ago.

    Well this time, I'm wanting to do a complete walkthrough of the game and see how many skills I can max out so I'm just wondering, where should I start and if there's anywhere I can go to find a complete guide of the best things to do to be productive, efficient and use all the tips and tricks to my advantage.


    submitted by /u/Ayeewade34
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    The real reason I’m out here excavating

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Finally got 120 arch and ended up with 72 tetras to open - This was definitely the highlight! Hyped to even roll on the table

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    No guide legends quest

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

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