• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    RuneScape Blame Dorgesh Kaan for Covid-19

    RuneScape Blame Dorgesh Kaan for Covid-19

    Blame Dorgesh Kaan for Covid-19

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    I know it's been suggested before but, we really need this! :)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Nice 950M profit, not fake, I put a max cash offer in on day of release

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Finally Regained Max Cape - Thank You Jagex For The Amazing Content.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    *Angry spider noises*

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Could this cliff have a small agility shortcut added to it? Would save a lot of annoying hassle walking alllllll the way around just to get to this totem

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Archaeology - can we have a timer added to protection of zaros (pylon power). popular agreement in game ;)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    DXPW Dungeoneering Tips and New Team-Forming Discord

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Hi all, I know many people dislike dungeoneering, so I've gathered some tips to help people get the most out of dxpw. The first section will be quick preparation tips for before dxpw, and the second section will cover actual things to do on dxpw. Ask any questions you have in the comments and I will do my best to answer.


    The list below includes a lot of small quality of life improvements that will make your dungeoneering experience many times better. Also make sure to do a full reset and complete all your rushes before the week starts for maximum xp (rush floors 1-29 as c1 or c6 smalls).


    1. Gorajan trailblazer outfit. To get the outfit quickly, run complexity one (rush) floors over and over or do elite dungeons.
    2. Perfect juju dungeoneering potion. This potion gives a hidden skill boost and dps increase.
    3. Overloads. Take a sip before every large floor for better damage and faster completion.
    4. Dungeoneering lock melters. These help you get through annoying rooms like ghosts and barrels.
    5. Dungeoneering Wildcard/Thieving locust/Preening Ibis/Cloning Mosquito. These cards significantly increase floor experience. You can expect to pay about 50k tokens per set of solo cards. Only one experience boosting solo card can be used per floor, but team cards can be combined.
    6. Dungeoneering tasks. Finish at least the medium set. It starts you out with runes at the start. Do the elite for another gatestone to use.
    7. Deathless Relic. This requires 91 archaeology and prevents deaths from reducing xp in floors.


    1. Best shortbow and arrows as your primary weapon. Your best staff is okay if your magic level is higher than ranged. Do not use melee as it is significantly less dps in dungeoneering and do not use shieldbows such as hexhunter.
    2. Best chestplate that matches your primary combat style.
    3. Combat style switch to either magic or ranged. This helps you deal with monsters that you would splash on.
    4. Blood necklace. Provides passive healing and damage boost.
    5. Bladed dive switch (if unlocked). A melee switch to use bladed dive and barge helps you speed through rooms. It is particularly helpful to catch hunter ferrets. Use a flameburst defender as the offhand so you can use shield abilities to stall adrenaline.

    Alternative binds:

    1. Legs of your combat style
    2. Melee mainhand + shield (alternative to bladed dive switch if you haven't unlocked dive)
    3. Shadow silk hood (only use this if you are a low combat player)

    Ring Upgrades

    Enter a floor, right click your ring of kinship, select customize. If you plan to range, upgrade the sniper role and set it as primary. Upgrade the desperado role and set it as secondary. (Desperado is better as primary role if you plan to switch combat styles frequently). If you plan to mage, upgrade the blitzer role as primary and blazer secondary.


    If you can, get a group of people to DG with beforehand so you don't waste time forming teams and dealing with lag on w77. If you choose to dungeoneer on world 77 here are suggestions:

    How to find a host

    First, know the acronyms. The general format is Letter+number of people to fill + sl if a leech is in the floor. A = abandoned, O = occult, W = warped. Avoid anyone who does not use this acronym system. An example: O+3 sl = Occult floor with 3 spots to go, host has a leecher. Usually sl is a good indicator that the host knows how to dungeoneer well.

    Second, be a bit selective. Examine hosts before you go with them. A maxed host will have a better time opening the critical path, and a host with a higher dg level will know more about how to key. Both are good signs. A host sending the party off world is also not a bad way to go, as world 77 can get very laggy and you may be able to do a few floors at once.


    Always finish ALL your floors before resetting. If you don't, your xp will be destroyed. To reset, click on your ring and form a party. Double check that every single floor you can do is checked off, and that you can't unlock any higher floors. If both criteria are met, click the reset button. Then do all your floors again.

    I suggest buying rush floors 1-11 from the dungeoneering shop and doing 12-29 as c1 or c6 smalls. Do floors 30+ as large. If you're below level 69 it will be helpful to your highest 10 floors as mediums and larges (mediums for floors under 30, large for floors 30+).

    How to dungeoneer decently

    Dungeoneering is hard. There are lots of puzzles, confusing room orders, and tons of communication required. Relax, you'll do fine once you get used to it. As a fill, there are three things you need to remember:

    1. Go the opposite direction that the host goes if there are two path options. If they go north and there's a skill door west, go west.
    2. Continue your path as far as you can, gate any key doors you run into with the personal gatestone spell, especially if you're alone.
    3. Use the group gatestone teleport to join the host again once you hit a dead end or are completely blocked by keys.


    Dungeoneers use a lot of acronyms to help speed up floors. I've outlined the most important ones below:

    1. Mgt + location or name = move group teleport to that spot. If someone tells you to mgt, drop a personal gatestone and teleport to the group gatestone. Pick up the group gatestone and teleport to your personal gatestone. Drop the group gatestone and continue doing the floor
    2. B/bgt = buying group teleport. If you are carrying the group gatestone, drop it so someone else can pick it up.
    3. S/sgt = sold group teleport. This indicates someone has dropped the group gatestone to be moved
    4. (key color and shape) g = specific key door gated. People use this to communicate where they have dropped their personal gates. If the door is blue crescent, they would say bcr g (b = blue, cr = crescent).
    5. (key color and shape) k = specific key will be picked up soon. This is used to people know that a certain key has been recieved.
    6. Gt + room = use the group gatestone teleport to do this room. This is often used for levers, emotes, or portals. If one of these rooms is called you should drop a personal gatestone at your spot and teleport to the group gatestone.
    7. A = abandoned (floors 30-35), O = occult (floors 36-47), W = warp (floors 48-56), HW = high warp (57-60).
    8. Tyff = thank you for floor. This is a nice thing to say once you finish a dungeon with your teammates!

    Team forming discord

    DGHub is a new friends chat and discord community created by the old admins of Keyers FC and Dg Service. The discord includes self-assignable team-forming channels that anyone can use to setup teams without being logged in. There are also voice chat options if you want to communicate more clearly with your group members. Currently there are over 1k members and the community is constantly growing. The discord also contains leeching channels, but these are entirely opt-in and can be ignored. Join: http://discord.gg/FfPxUhN

    Leeching services

    If you really, really hate dungeoneering there are paid and free leeching services, but I would encourage everyone to try on their own first. "DGHub" as listed above is the new friends chat to buy everything dungeoneering and elite dungeoneering related. "Dg Service" also sells floors under new leadership with identical large floor prices. "Free Leech" is the free friends chat, but it will be hard to find hosts on dxpw as most of them will be selling floors or getting xp. It also has strict rules that you need to follow.

    Best of luck everyone, I hope your DXPW goes wonderfully!

    submitted by /u/RsQp
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    Totally worth the wait

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    They let anyone in prif these days o_O

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Loot from 92 to 99 Mining

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:49 AM PDT


    Decided to get 99 mining whilst studying for finals and earn some extra cash for DXP. Took about a week with 2 days off when I had exams. Mined at spot in Tirannwn for proximity to lodestone.

    Some stats

    • Pet at 8.6mil exp

    • 1060 igneous geodes

    • 21 metamorphic geodes

    • 3 hard clue scrolls

    • 3 elite clue scrolls

    • 1 uncharted island map

    • 1 mimic kill token

    • Largest number of failed attempts to pass sticks in a row was 7

    submitted by /u/Skip8380
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    Why do people refuse to do quests?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    I'm not even talking "why do people not like quests", I've long since accepted that one. What I don't get is people who complain about content being locked behind quests, which are one-time obstacles that never need to be redone after completion on an account, and then instead of at least just playing through the quest and complaining about how much quests suck, complain about the quests being an obstacle to content at all.

    Seriously, what's the deal? What's the point? The wiki has detailed and quick guides for every single quest in the game. Youtube has a minimum of three videos on every single quest that doesn't literally drag you around by the hand from point to point. Just get it over with and then complain. Why throw a tantrum about being locked out of content and then refuse to even humor the idea of unlocking it?

    submitted by /u/zaerosz
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    Increase Archaeology materials GE buy limits to 5,000.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Weekly reminder that Ruthless is still not working at Tarakeet.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    There are a lot of us that bought this perk just for him. Please fix this bug!

    submitted by /u/gdubrocks
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    With the anticipated influx of players learning high level PvM after DXP, I've compiled a masterlist of high quality PvM Discords

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    I know that after every DXP weekend there are always hundreds (likely more this time around due to Covid) of players who have just gotten their overloads, combat 99s, and more who are looking to break into endgame encounters. Unfortunately there are very few official sources so here are my favorite player-run groups!

    One quick note: Please use proper etiquette when using Discord for PvM! The biggest rule of thumb is to read the pinned messages in a channel before typing in it, as there is usually critical information there (for example, if an application is needed or how to get the roles you want). It is also hugely helpful to set your Discord nickname to match your RSN as it makes it significantly easier when inviting people to teams (some servers also require this for participation.)

    The MVP: PvM Encyclopedia

    Invite link: https://discord.gg/6djqFVN

    PvME started as a passion project and blossomed into one of the largest RS Discords due to its commitment to making information readily available to all players regardless of their in-game connections. The creator's intent was to prevent misinformation that frequently occurred due to clans and poorly maintained guides. Today it is the centralized information hub for all combat knowledge.

    I have nothing but respect for u/mo_rs (Mo#0002) and what he has done for the PvM community.

    Angel of Death: 7-10 Man

    Invite link: https://discord.gg/2rd8Vqe

    This server is hands-down the friendliest environment to learn Nex AoD in and the only place I can recommend to learners in confidence. The staff here has taken painstaking care in fostering a positive community around a boss that has historically been brutal to get involved in at a high level.

    ED Teams

    Invite link: https://discord.gg/ft854wq

    Elite Dungeons are some of the most beginner-friendly bosses. The ED Teams Discord server is incredibly welcoming and you can find or host your own teams for ED1 token farming, full runs of all dungeons, or ED3 mob farming. Depending on the activity you want to participate in the requirements here are considerably lower in comparison to most of the end-game PvM servers and mid leveled players are welcome to join!

    Raids: Boss School

    Invite link: https://discord.gg/88ru2vd

    I'm biased here. This server is like family to me. The server teaches primarily Raids but also has infrequent lessons for Vorago and Solak. I've been ranked for ages and am in love with the community here.

    Rise of the Six: Teaching RotS

    Invite link: https://discord.gg/HsZCRMg

    This is one of the less-active boss encounters but there are plenty of people devoted to RotS. Most of them love when new people get involved so please come and give them a try! I've made two good friends from this server and they're people I still pvm with in spite of me retiring from this boss.

    Solak FC

    Invite link: https://discord.gg/stdyvsa

    Solak has been historically difficult to get into as a beginner unless you have another beginner to practice with. While this is still generally true Solak FC has made significant efforts to make it easier for people to form teams as beginners. They also boast several discussion channels for

    Vorago: Rago PvM

    Invite link: https://invite.gg/ragofc

    Alternative link if the primary isn't working for you: https://discord.gg/Q8xpnYp

    Under the new owner, /u/Landonx_rs, Rago PvM has become one of the top picks for Vorago. He's spent the last year building an excellent Discord server for people of all experience levels to enjoy both Normal and Hard Mode Vorago.

    Vorago: Honorable Mention

    Invite link: https://discord.gg/Xr6mpyT

    Rockman is the other community Vorago Discord that I can recommend with confidence to beginners.

    So there we have it. This is my top list of PvM Discords for people hoping to break in. Reddit isn't the best combat resource since it's tough to store information and it's easy for something outdated to gain traction. Hopefully I've been able to point several people in the right direction and I'll meet some of you after DXP :)

    submitted by /u/Xweetok_RS
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    'Player Model Rework' Subject: Be Realistic.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    As a disclaimer, I don't disagree with those of you that want this rework. But I'm asking that people begin asking for something more realistic. Please hear me out.

    So many people over the last few months have been complaining and campaigning for updated player models, as if it would be a very simple update of just the player model. This wouldn't be the case.

    Updating the player model means updating/tweaking just about every wearable item in-game and every animation to ensure it works visually (no clipping, size-issues, or visibility issues).

    Most of you disagree with this notion, saying that updating the visuals of a modern game should be a top priority and that "It's a lot of work" isn't an excuse, but it legitimately is. Updating a working/unbroken part of the game rather than working on new content or releasing QoL updates disrupts the pipeline and triggers the community's "There's no updates this week!" programmed response.

    ^ This happens a lot, and is bridged by new Treasure Hunter promos to give the illusion of a new update that week.

    What I'm suggesting is that Jagex instead updates something much smaller-scale and doable: the Character Heads.

    Most of what concerns players (aside from the female knees) is the bland faces that fail in comparison to the newer NPCs being released these days. Example: https://i.redd.it/leemytuxsax41.png

    Updating the player model heads, and adding in features for facial customization would allow for players to feel more unique with their immersion, while not adding a mountain of work for the entire development team at Jagex.

    It's not impossible to rework the player models, of course, but please limit your expectations. This is a much larger task than you think to rework the entire player model scheme.

    EDIT: A great starting point would even just be the higher-detail dialogue chatheads used in-game already.

    submitted by /u/ZoxinTV
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    Are the training dummy's xp rate worth it for dxp?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Compared to something like ed3 trash run, are combat dummies worth it for dxp?

    Also what about elite skilling dummies like agility, hunter or slayer, compared to conventional xp methods I can do at dxp?

    submitted by /u/KripperinoArcherino
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    Apply Roof Removal to SGC Ruins

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    The ruined buildings in the Stormguard Citadel obstruct the camera when entered, as such, I would like to see the "Remove Roof" settings applied to the upper-half of these structures so players can excavate inside them without having to angle their cameras around just to see. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Orcrist90
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    100 hours of Corpse Spiders with lvl20 Scav4

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Love when Rax is nice to me =]

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    Any news on slayer introspection with 120 slayer cape?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    It's been posted before, just wanted to see if there is any update of fixing slayer introspection with the 120 slayer cape perk as it currently does not work.

    submitted by /u/GylleneBarn
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    T99 prayers VS Ancient Invention T92 weapons

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Hey y'all!

    I've been making a lot of money recently and I'm wondering where to start spending it. I'm mostly into mid tier PVM (Elite dungeons, early raids, GWD2, Rax, etc), looking at getting into high level (Telos, solo elite dungeons, AOD if I'm feeling special) and I've been wondering what the consensus is regarding a better purchase after the release of ancient invention.

    Since they were released, it was largely understood that getting a T99 prayer was superior to a T92 weapon (when compared to T95 prayers and T90 weapons).

    Now that Ancient invention has come out and insane perks like aftershock 4, precise 6 and equilibrium 4 are available, I'm wondering as to now whether it's a better purchase to grab a really well augmented T92 weapon over a T99 prayer, or if the Praesul Codex remains superior.

    Special thanks to everyone who's made the ancient invention spreadsheets, y'all are lifesavers.

    Thanks, everyone!

    submitted by /u/Alendite
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    Turbogarbage Archaeology Analysis: Warforge!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    This is part two of a series on the five core archeology dig sites in Runescape, kind of an exercise in tangential learning. Part 1 Covers the Infernal Source. But talking of Infernal, holy crap I wanted to burn something when researching this.

    Warforge! bugged me because unlike the other digsites, it doesn't have a single clear cultural inspiration. You have Slavic language with words like "Nosorog" (literally "rhinoceros" in Serbo-Croation) and the fact that "kyzaj" is the word "jazyk"(the Czech word for "language") backwards and I thought there might be something there but why are there freaking rhinos with bony horns rhinoceroses have keratinous horns Jagex what the FU--


    So, Warforge is what made me realize that I'm looking at Archeology from a slightly askew angle. Each of the areas is connected not only to a culture, but to a classical element-- this is hinted at in the soils you take from each site. In this case, Warforge! is connected with the element of Earth, as it produces Earthen clay. Since a lot of it takes inspiration from Jagex's own unique goblin mythology, so I'm not sure there's much cultural analysis I can do. So, with that in mind, I'm going to try to answer the question: How does Warforge represent the element of Earth?

    Ground-Breaking Research

    The system of four elements is in a lot of traditions, but given what's going on in other digsites, I think Jagex intended it to be primarily looked at from an Alchemical perspective. In alchemy, there are four major components to each element: dry, wet, cold, and hot. Earth is primarily dry, secondarily cold. So, where do we see this? Warforge certainly has an earthy color palette, with lots of greens, browns, and greys, but those are just general Bandosian colors. It's completely underground, but so are the Source and the Kharid-Et.

    So, let's look at it from a more modern interpretation for a second. Modern popular culture has associated people that work with earth in any capacity as being… well, down-to-earth. Plain in speech and clothing, blunt, hard-working, maybe not the most intelligent type, and typically either strong, durable, or both.

    In Runescape, elemental motifs aren't given this kind of weight when it comes to characters, because the closest thing we have to actual elemental wizards are the followers of Magilus Mortifier-- I'm not even sure the word 'pyromancer' or anything like it is ever spoken in RS3.

    Getting away from this game we all know and… tolerate for a moment, consider Pokemon: most rock-type Pokemon are characterized as both strong and durable, with the Pokedex describing Gigalith as being able to obliterate mountains and Tyranitar apparently being completely impervious to damage. Trainer classes that use rock-type Pokemon include people who are working-class or spend a lot of time in the wilderness-- office workers, miners, hikers, backpackers, archeologists (known as "ruin maniacs"). Rock-type gyms, when they're present, are always the the first or second gym encountered in a region, and the gym leaders are often unpretentious people-- Roxanne, Brock, Roark and Grant are all very blunt people in the games, and hold mundane jobs-- a student, a museum worker, a miner, and a rock climber. Olivia, a kahuna in Sun and Moon, maintains that she's just an average person despite holding such a position of authority. And if Brock's portrayal in the anime is anything to go by, his head is full of rocks, hormones, and little else.

    Even if we take magic murder monsters and the ten-year-olds that train them out of the equation and go to a more grounded setting (Ba-dum-tish) you see this with farmers and gardeners in a lot of media-- the Martins in Lassie are the quintessential American family with a kid that just happens to keep getting stuck down wells for no bloody reason, while Bonnie MacFarlane from Red Dead Redemption just wants to live a quiet life on her ranch with a nice man, but is still willing to put a bullet in the brain of any rustler that so much as looks side-long at one of her horses.

    Goblins (and Bandosian followers in general) in Runescape have similar associations with the Earth element-- goblins and ogres are both found in muddy or rocky areas, are simple folk and not the sharpest tools in the shed (barring the Dorgeshuun) and are typically either very strong or very durable, both qualities valued by Bandos.

    But the thing is, the element of Earth is also plentiful. And if you're a Bandosian, that's just a fancier way of saying 'expendable'.

    Did they have the Mining and Smithing Rework in the Third Age?

    This brings us to the theme of metal that's seen throughout archeology. Each digsite has a unique metal that comes from it, with two universal metals-- third age iron and goldrune-- being found across all sites. But in Warforge, there is little, if any, third-age iron-- you can't even find it while screening Earthen clay, which is unique among the soils.

    Now, Bronze is the weakest metal in Runescape, but in real life, it's an entirely different matter. Bronze wasn't inferior to iron because of the quality or strength of weapons, it was inferior because it was hard to make. Copper and tin rocks are found next to each other all the time in Runescape, but in real life, tin deposits can be thousands of miles away from the nearest vein of copper, and the metal is rare in comparison, so it had to be traded across the ancient world. If you cut off access to tin or copper, you could starve entire empires of new weaponry. Making weapons with iron-- a much more abundant metal that didn't need to be made into an alloy to function-- just made more sense.

    In Runescape, however, bronze is objectively weaker than any other weapon or armor stat-wise, and Bandos-- a god who sees his subjects as pawns or toys to be used and discarded-- thought to give them the worst weapons imaginable just to see the carnage. Hence, Thalmund found a way to make bronze as strong as steel-- one of his mystery journals mentions he does this by adding peat to this and… I honestly don't know how that works, I'm not a chemist or a metallurgist, I'm an English major. If someone knows, put it down in the comments? I'd be interested to know if this is a legitimate metallurgical thing.

    Talking of Thalmund…

    [Insert jokes about dwarves and goblins being an underground scene here]

    In Runescape, dwarves and cave goblins have a lot in common-- both of them live in large, underground cities largely made out of some kind of black stone and have advanced technology compared to the surface dwellers, are short, and work well in the dark. But what about goblin races outside of the Dorgeshuun? Keldagrim's Black Guard hunts down goblins that make up the raiding parties that appear in-game, so there's some antagonism there. But maybe the dwarves are just concerned about the goblins pushing in on their turf?

    So, Dwarves are obviously a race that have long been associated with the underground, mining, and smithing-- Tolkein took several names from Lord of the Rings from a list of dwarven names found in the Poetic and Prose Eddas, the most complete collections of Norse mythology we know of. The thing is, as originally written, they're characterized as a lot more malicious than in more modern interpretations, closer to the freaking Red Axe than anything else-- to start with, you have Fafnir, a dwarf who was given a ransom payment by the Norse Gods in the form of a large amount of gold and the magic ring Andvaranaut. He was so overcome by greed he became a dragon to guard it, before being slain by the hero Sigurd. Then you have Fjalar and Galar, who killed the night-omniscient man Kvasir in order to make the mead of poetry, a drink which would make anyone who imbibed it into a poet or skald. There are other far more unsavory things that dwarves are involved in, but I'll spare you the details. And no, they are never mentioned as being short in the Eddas.

    As for the goblins… well, there are a lot of creatures considered to be goblins. Redcaps, hobgoblins, gnomes, imps, brownies, even dwarves have been considered as a type of goblin. There's one in particular I want to draw attention to: the kobold.

    While Dungeons and Dragons portrays kobolds as lizard-like creatures who have some unclear ties to dragons and several very… enthusiastic fans, kobolds in the original folklore are invisible beings that can take a humanoid shape and are found in homes, in ships, and in mines. If you want to know what a house kobold looks like, Hinzelmann in American Gods is one. As for Kobolds that live in mines, they're said to be small, ugly, and hunch-backed-- sound familiar?

    All of the Dorgeshuun (barring Zanik's two newest models) are portrayed as having hunched backs, and none of them are exactly easy to look at. Kobolds were said to live in the rock itself, were skilled miners and craftsmen, and tricksters-- miners would blame toxic ores that came up in smelting on the presence of kobolds in the mine, leading to said toxic element becoming known as cobalt. The Dorgeshuun have pretty much all of these components as well, though thankfully, the only poison they've tried to inflict is Zanik's first graphical update-- though it's still better than whatever the hell this abomination is!

    Back Down to Earth

    There's one more thing that I left out in the first section-- the classical elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are each tied to one of the four humors-- blood (sanguine) yellow bile (choleric) black bile (melancholic) and phlegm (phlegmatic). Earth is associated with Black Bile, and is the melancholic element.

    Characters who are melancholic are often introverted and intelligent, but can also be more cynical, depressive, perfectionist, obsessive, no-nonsense and pragmatic. They often have biting sarcasm, to the point where I'd say the World Guardian is a melancholic hero, given how sharp their tongue is in most quests. This is distinct from the aforementioned thematic connections associated with the element in that a character who works with earth doesn't necessarily have to be melancholic-- you can have a sanguine gardener or a phlegmatic earthbender, for instance.

    There are two major stories found in Warforge-- first is that of Thalmund the Imcando Dwarf. Thalmund was imprisoned, tortured, and forced to work in the Warforge, making weapons for Bandos's forces. In time, he developed a weird form of Stockholm syndrome where he started to care about the well-being of his captors, if only because he was appalled by the quality of weapons Bandos was having him produce. He became resigned to his work, thinking that he would never leave, but his final note implies he may have blasted himself out of the Warforge at some point, perhaps escaping with some goblins as well.

    Thalmund fits the archetype of a melancholic character in that he's smart enough to make an entire Imcando forge and figure out a way to make bronze stronger by adding peat to it, and rational enough to know that giving into the Bandosian's demands is the best way to keep on living. However, he's also clearly longing for Killi and isn't completely happy with his circumstances here, even if he grows used to them, making pie ovens and a distillery. He can make the best of a bad situation, even growing to love his new goblin family, though whether that's out of desperation for company or genuine affection is for Jagex to know.

    On the other side, we have the Dorgeshuun Zealheart, first Chosen Commander and Zanik's ancestor. Zealheart knew first-hand of the murderous intentions of Bandos, with Zealheart having to modify traditional goblin games into bloodsports for the sake of training and entertainment. Despite being congratulated, accepted and named by Bandos himself, she does not want this to be the status quo, and hopes her children can escape some day.

    In contrast to her highly sanguine descendent, Zealheart's melancholic temperament shows through in her cleverness that would flourish among the Dorgeshuun, and her willingness to not act. In a lot of stories, a character like her would rise up to rebel against a monstrous leader like Bandos, but Zealheart knows that doing that would get her entire tribe smote from on high. She's resigned to her position, but at least is trying to make it so her fellow goblins don't have to suffer as much.

    To Conclude

    So the rest of this series is going to be interesting. I'm definitely going to do an addendum on the Infernal Source at some point, where I explore its thematic relation to elemental fire and the choleric humor. There aren't too many cultural influences to comment on here, but Stormguard and Everlight are going to have a hecking lot of them. And despite there only being four classical elements, there are five dig sites, possibly soon to be six-- what do we make of that?

    If you've made it down this far, thank you. Upvote or downvote as you wish, but I appreciate you getting here. Thanks to Mod Orion for giving an encouraging word on the Infernal Source post.

    submitted by /u/ih8pkmn
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    Untradeble rares on active accounts

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I'm very curious to know if there is a way to track how many untradeble rares are still around from 2004 onwards. Like the xmas hats and scarves from 2005 The monkey cape from march madness in 2015 (i think?) The only information on these items aside from owning them in game is a brief wiki article on how they were obtained. Id like to know how rare these are to see

    submitted by /u/GambitsCasino
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    Elder rune 2h vs Godsword?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    What are your guys thoughts on this? Which is better and why?

    submitted by /u/Rightwingman69
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